Posted inDu UAE

Du Local Call Packages – Daily, Weekly, Monthly

Du Local Call Packages

You may have to pay a lot of mon­ey to make a call to any net­work, but if you use the call pack­age, you get the call rate per minute at a very low rate. DU offers a lot of local call pack­ages for its cus­tomers. If you live in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, you will need the Du local call pack­ages because you won’t have to spend a lot of mon­ey to talk to your friends, rel­a­tives, and loved ones.

In this post, we will pro­vide you with infor­ma­tion about all the call pack­ages pro­vid­ed by DU, includ­ing their prices, the min­utes giv­en in them, and where you can use these min­utes. If you are going abroad and you have this plan active, you can use its local call min­utes abroad and at home.

Du Local Call Packages

There are dif­fer­ent Du local and fixed call pack­ages for pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers that help you talk at the low­est rates. Du users are eli­gi­ble to get Flexi min­utes, which are usable to call with­in the UAE and oth­er coun­tries.

Unlim­it­ed Calls to 1 Num­berAED 2528 DaysDial 155
Unlim­it­ed Calls to 1 Num­ber + Chat1AED 4528 DaysDial *135#
5 Local Min­utesAED 128 DaysDial *135*4#
3 On-Net Min­utesAED 228 DaysDial *135*4# 
3 On-Net Min­utesAED 828 DaysDial *135*4# 
Unlim­it­ed Voice & Video Calls2AED 5528 DaysDial *135*35#
  1. Chat: Unlim­it­ed chat using What­sApp, Viber, Line, and WeChat – Charges AED 20 ↩︎
  2. Video Calls: BOTIM, C’Me, HIU Mes­sen­ger, VOICO ↩︎

Du Flexi Calling Packages

DU offers flexi min­utes to its cus­tomers which allows users to make free calls to any net­work and to any coun­try. It has more than 25 mil­lion sub­scribers due to its cheap pack­ages, a large num­ber of whom use flexi min­utes pack­ages.

We have pro­vid­ed you with a list of all the pack­ages here, so you can select a good pack­age for you. If you have some­one liv­ing in the UAE as well as some­one abroad that you talk to, you can use a Flexi Call plan. We have care­ful­ly list­ed the prices and list of all these pack­ages which are updat­ed from time to time.

Flexi Min­utesInter­netPriceValid­i­ty
100 Mins3GB10530 Days
200 Mins5GB15530 Days
300 Mins7GB20530 Days
400 Mins10GB25530 Days
500 Mins12GB30530 Days

There are many DU pack­ages that give you 100 min­utes to 500 min­utes. All these pack­ages allow you to make calls to any net­work at no extra charge. If you want to install a call pack­age for a spe­cif­ic coun­try, you can read our DU Inter­na­tion­al Call Pack­age 10 fils.

Du 30 Flexi Minutes Package:

  • Calls: 30 Flexi min­utes
  • Price: 10 AED
  • Valid­i­ty: 28 Days

This is an spe­cial offer offered by Du to its pre­paid cus­tomers. DU pre­paid cus­tomers can get 30 flexi min­utes for call­ing local and inter­na­tion­al for 28 days in only 10 AED includ­ing 5% VAT. Cus­tomers who want to get a call pack­age in the range of 10 dirhams can acti­vate this pack­age. If you want a cheap inter­na­tion­al call pack­age by Du, this is amaz­ing and very low cost plan.

Du 60 Flexi Minutes Package:

  • Calls: 60 Flexi min­utes
  • Price: 20 AED
  • Valid­i­ty: 28 Days

This is an spe­cial offer offered by Du to its pre­paid cus­tomers. DU pre­paid cus­tomers can get 60 flexi min­utes for call­ing local and inter­na­tion­al for 28 days in only 20 AED includ­ing 5% VAT. Cus­tomers who want to get a call pack­age in the range of 20 dirhams can acti­vate this pack­age.

Du 90 Flexi Minutes Package:

  • Calls: 90 Flexi min­utes
  • Price: 30 AED
  • Valid­i­ty: 28 Days

This is an spe­cial offer offered by Du to its pre­paid cus­tomers. DU pre­paid cus­tomers can get 90 flexi min­utes for call­ing local and inter­na­tion­al for 28 days in only 30 AED includ­ing 5% VAT. Cus­tomers who want to get a call pack­age in the range of 30 dirhams can acti­vate this pack­age.

Du 120 Flexi Minutes Package:

  • Calls: 120 Flexi min­utes
  • Price: 40 AED
  • Valid­i­ty: 28 Days

This is an spe­cial offer offered by Du to its pre­paid cus­tomers. DU pre­paid cus­tomers can get 120 flexi min­utes for call­ing local and inter­na­tion­al for 28 days in only 40 AED includ­ing 5% VAT. Cus­tomers who want to get a call pack­age in the range of 40 dirhams can acti­vate this pack­age.

These are the wide­ly used pack­ages because you can call abroad and with­in the UAE on all net­works. To sub­scribe to any pack­age dial *135*4# and fol­low the instruc­tions or use the DU UAE app.

DU Unlimited Local Call Packages

Du have ver­i­ty of dif­fer­ent pre­paid and post­paid call­ing plans that comes with unlim­it­ed calls. Here are the all pop­u­lar call­ing pack­ages:

Prepaid Easy 25:

DU pre­paid cus­tomers can get unlim­it­ed calls to one Du num­ber, 500MB of data and 25 flexi min­utes for AED 25. Users can acti­vate this plan by dialling *135# or call­ing cus­tomer ser­vice at 155.


  • 25 Flexi min­utes
  • Unlim­it­ed calls to 1 Du num­ber
  • 500MB Data
  • AED 25 / month

Prepaid Easy 45:

  • 25 Flexi min­utes
  • Unlim­it­ed calls to 1 Du num­ber
  • Unlim­it­ed Chat­pass
  • 1GB Data
  • AED 45 / month

Postpaid Freedom Plan:

  • Unlim­it­ed SMS
  • Unlim­it­ed Local calls
  • Unlim­it­ed Data
  • AED 250 / month

Postpaid Platinum Plan

  • Unlim­it­ed SMS
  • Unlim­it­ed Local calls
  • Unlim­it­ed Data
  • Pre­mi­um Ben­e­fits
  • AED 500 / month

In addi­tion to these plans, a vari­ety of add-ons are offered by du, which can be used to obtain unlim­it­ed local calls. For instance, unlim­it­ed local calls can be added to any du plan for AED 25 per month. Cus­tomers can now get social chat pack­age by dialling the *135*1502#.

By acti­vat­ing the favourite num­ber plan, Du users can make free unlim­it­ed calls to only favourite num­ber. This can also be changed by going into the Du UAE app. For more infor­ma­tion, pack­age acti­va­tion and know more about Du cus­tomers can call 155 and use the DU UAE app.

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