Posted inSIM Guide

How to Activate Conference Call in Du? A Complete Guide

How to Activate Conference Call in Du? A Complete Guide

Group call­ing is not for every­one as it requires per­mis­sion from the net­work lat­er. If you want to make a con­fer­ence call on DU then read our com­plete guide it will be very help­ful for you. DU is anoth­er major net­work used in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, known for offer­ing low-cost pack­ages. In this arti­cle, we will learn how to acti­vate Con­fer­ence Call in Du.

Mil­lions of peo­ple are enjoy­ing its ser­vices. Its call ser­vices are wide­ly used because it is a cheap net­work for calls. When you acti­vate the local call pack­age, you get unlim­it­ed call min­utes that can be made in groups as well. Mak­ing a con­fer­ence call is not that dif­fi­cult, you just have to fol­low some steps after which you can eas­i­ly acti­vate it and add as many num­bers as you want.

How to Activate Conference Call in Du?

  1. First, you need to call your net­work’s helpline at 155
  2. Request them that you want to make a con­fer­ence call and that they turn on the ser­vice
  3. A cus­tomer rep­re­sen­ta­tive will imme­di­ate­ly process your request and acti­vate the con­fer­ence call ser­vice on your num­ber.

How to Add a Number in Conference Call in Du?

How to Add a Number in Conference Call in Du?

Now you should feel free to make a con­fer­ence call, which I will also tell you how to do.

  1. First, call a friend or fam­i­ly mem­ber.
  2. After the call is attend­ed, ask him to wait and tell him that you are join­ing a con­fer­ence call.
  3. Now put the call on hold by click­ing on the Hold Call but­ton
  4. Now you have to dial anoth­er num­ber and wait for their call to be answered.
  5. After the call is missed, you will see a merge but­ton on the screen, tap on it.
  6. Now your con­fer­ence call is ON and you can now talk to both of them.
  7. If you need to add more num­bers then you can fol­low the same step again.

You can also add some­one to a con­fer­ence call with­out press­ing the “Send” but­ton. To do this, sim­ply dial their phone num­ber and then tap on the “Hold” but­ton. After that, you can tap on the “Add a Call” but­ton and dial the phone num­ber of the per­son you want to add. When the oth­er per­son answers, tap the “Merge Calls” but­ton.

This ser­vice is avail­able to all DU cus­tomers whether post­paid or pre­paid. You may incur charges as per your pack­age for mak­ing con­fer­ence calls.

To enable the conference call feature from the app:

enable the du conference call feature
  1. Log in to your Du account. You can do this using the web part or the DU app.
  2. Click on the “My Ser­vices” tab.
  3. Under “Call­ing,” click “Con­fer­ence Call­ing.”
  4. Click on the “Acti­vate Con­fer­ence Call­ing” but­ton.

If your ser­vice is already active, it will show you in My Active Ser­vices. You can also turn this ser­vice on or off through the app.

Benefits of having a conference call with Du Sim:

  1. It allows you to talk to two or more peo­ple at the same time, cre­at­ing a gold­en oppor­tu­ni­ty to chat with fam­i­ly or friends.
  2. It’s a great way to keep in touch with fam­i­ly and friends as you can talk as if you were sit­ting across from each oth­er.
  3. It can also be used for work, such as hold­ing meet­ings or con­fer­ences.

Final Words

Con­fer­ence call with du SIM is a use­ful ser­vice that allows you to talk to two or more peo­ple at the same time. How­ev­er, before using the fea­ture you should know about its fees so that you don’t have to wor­ry about it lat­er. Let us know in the com­ments whether this guide of ours solved your prob­lem or not. has always been pro­vid­ing infor­ma­tion relat­ed to tele­com and we are try­ing to pro­vide you with all kinds of facil­i­ties and com­plete your queries. If you want to know more about the ser­vices of DU, vis­it the DU sec­tion, and read DU Inter­net Pack­ages to learn more about inter­net plans and new offers.

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