Posted inSIM Guide

How to Check How Many SIMs Registered on My Emirates ID

How to Check How Many SIMs Registered on My Emirates ID

In these Dig­i­tal days, Secu­ri­ty is most impor­tant for all who use Dig­i­tal ser­vices. You must know about SIM Card check­ing meth­ods if you live in the UAE and have an Emi­rates ID. You must know which Sims and con­nec­tions are run­ning under your name so that you can avoid any kind of fraud or cheat­ing. In this post, we will explain: How to Check How Many SIMs are Reg­is­tered on My Emi­rates ID of Eti­salat, DU and Vir­gin.

By fol­low­ing the giv­en method, you can eas­i­ly check the details of reg­is­tered pre­paid, post­paid, fixed-line, and broad­band ser­vices in your name with any tele­com oper­a­tor. You will get the reg­is­tered SIM num­ber on your Emi­rates ID for free.

How to Find Mobile Numbers Registered with your Emirates ID using Hesbati

With the help of Hes­bati, you can check the SIM card infor­ma­tion, num­ber, etc. on your Emi­rates ID absolute­ly free. There is no need to pay a fee. You just have to fol­low this method, after which you will be able to know your Eti­salat, DU, and any com­pa­ny records.

Accord­ing to the TDRA, every UAE ID hold­er can use this ser­vice and also find out about the tele­com con­nec­tions that have been acti­vat­ed with­out his con­sent or knowl­edge. You can use this guide to check the reg­is­tered num­bers on your Emi­rates ID.

1. Open the TDRA website

Open the TDRA web­site from your desk­top or mobile. Login to your Account by click­ing on

If you have not had an account, you can cre­ate one by click­ing on Sign in with UAE Pass > under Login Form and Cre­ate an Account. You can cre­ate a new account using your Emi­rates ID and a valid mobile num­ber (Reg­is­tered on your own Emi­rates ID).

2. Open Our Initiatives section

Scroll down the page and look for the “Our Ini­tia­tives” sec­tion Now, click on the Read More link or vis­it this link as shown in the screen­shot.

Check numbers in UAE

3. Review the Active numbers

By vis­it­ing the Hesabati sec­tion, the list of all reg­is­tered mobile num­bers for all net­works (Eti­salat, DU, and Vir­gin) will appear in your account dash­board. You can also see the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion on all active num­bers:

  • Mobile num­ber
  • Account Type (Pre­paid or Post­paid)
  • Mobile Num­ber Sub­scrip­tion plan and expi­ra­tion date

If there is a sus­pi­cious or known num­ber active, it means an unau­tho­rized SIM is under your name. You can report all extra and unknown num­bers by click­ing on the com­plain but­ton under the mobile num­ber. After doing this, you will receive a ref­er­ence num­ber for your com­plaint through SMS. You can see the progress of this com­plaint by open­ing the Hesabati.

How to Register a Complaint of an Unknown Mobile Number Registered on Emirates ID

You can reg­is­ter a com­plaint by call­ing the TDRA cen­ter or online using Hesabati. Here are more ways that you can use it:

  • Call the TDRA call cen­ter at 800–12 to file a com­plaint.
  • Eti­salat: 800–101
  • DU: 800–155
  • Vir­gin: Use the Vir­gin app to block any unknown num­ber reg­is­tered on your Emi­rates ID.

In case of any wrong­do­ing, you can call your com­pa­ny’s helpline. Keep track of all reg­is­tered SIM num­bers on your Emi­rates ID to avoid fraud. If you don’t know the reg­is­tered num­ber on your Emi­rates ID, you can read our guide on how to change your mobile num­ber in Emi­rates ID.

Is there any Code to Check if my SIM card is registered under my name

Tele­com com­pa­nies noti­fy their cus­tomers through a mes­sage when a new num­ber is reg­is­tered. You can find infor­ma­tion about any net­work’s SIM in the com­pa­ny’s app. Like DU, Eti­salat, or Vir­gin, they all have apps, and you can access all account infor­ma­tion by log­ging into them. You can also call your net­work helpline to block unknown and inac­tive SIMs in a few sec­onds.

  • Eti­salat: 101
  • DU: 155
  • Vir­gin Mobile: 150

The Com­pa­ny does not pro­vide you with any codes or oth­er meth­ods that you can use to dis­able or block a SIM card in the UAE. It is an offence if you use a SIM in some­one else’s name or give a SIM reg­is­tered in your name to some­one else to use. Doing so can cause you a lot of dam­age and trou­ble. Final­ly, you can eas­i­ly check how many SIM cards are reg­is­tered under my Emi­rates ID.

Hi, I am Saleem Baloch and living in the UAE. After moving to Dubai, I got a lot of experience with telecom and travel here after which I started this blog. I personally tested eSims, physical prepaid and postpaid SIMs in UAE and share my knowledge with people.

One thought on “How to Check How Many SIMs Registered on My Emirates ID

  1. I have used this method but it is not show­ing the SIM Card which I was using. When i check the SIM own­er, it was changed so, it was not appear­ing.

    I used the SIM check method from this web­site and also own­er details meth­ods from here. I love Dubaisims because it help me a lot and give me reg­u­lar update.

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