Posted inDu UAE

du International SMS Offer and Packages

du International SMS Offer

du offers sev­er­al offers which include free SMS and call­ing plans. These min­utes and SMS can be used to use inter­na­tion­al­ly. Du Pre­paid cus­tomers always have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to send SMS like Pay As You Go _ at a fixed inter­na­tion­al SMS rate of AED 0.60 per SMS.

This is the default plan that works on all DU SIMs. If you want to send SMS from UAE to anoth­er coun­try, you can avail of the ser­vice by sub­scrib­ing to week­ly and month­ly plans of DU. DU’s month­ly inter­na­tion­al SMS pack­age offers 200 inter­na­tion­al SMS at AED 50 the acti­va­tion USSD code is *135*1*1#.

du International SMS Packages / Offer

du International SMS offer

DU Inter­na­tion­al SMS pack­ages help you stay con­nect­ed with friends and fam­i­ly around the world. Whether you want to send a quick mes­sage or engage in a long con­ver­sa­tion, DU has a pack­age that meets your needs. DU offers sev­er­al options for Inter­na­tion­al SMS You can choose any of the SMS pack­ages offered by DU Pre­paid.

Pay As You Go International SMS

Pack­age NameDetailsPrice (AED)
Pay As You Go Inter­na­tion­al SMSSend inter­na­tion­al SMS at a flat rateAED 0.60 /SMS

Using “Pay As You Go” inter­na­tion­al SMS flat rate of AED 0.60 set when a cus­tomer buys a new pre­paid SIM card line. When you send an inter­na­tion­al SMS it costs AED 0.60 per Text mes­sage whether you send one or to hun­dred mes­sages. If you do not need too much SMS, you can send it with­out acti­vat­ing the plan which costs you a small amount.

du Monthly International SMS Bundle

Month­ly Inter­na­tion­al SMS Bun­dle200 inter­na­tion­al SMS
PriceAED 50
Acti­va­tionDial *135#1#1#
Deac­ti­va­tionDial *135#2#1#

Dial *135#1#1# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate the du month­ly inter­na­tion­al SMS bun­dle. It costs AED 50 and pro­vides 200 SMS to send all world.

du Weekly International SMS Bundle

Week­ly Inter­na­tion­al SMS Bun­dle100 inter­na­tion­al SMS
PriceAED 20
Valid for7 days
Acti­va­tionDial *135#1#2#
Deac­ti­va­tionDial *135#2#2#

Dial *135#1#2# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate the du month­ly inter­na­tion­al SMS bun­dle. It costs AED 50 and pro­vides 100 SMS to send all world valid for 7 days.

du cus­tomers can call du’s cus­tomer ser­vice at 155 (with­in UAE) or +971 55 5678155 (from out­side UAE) to know more infor­ma­tion, acti­va­tion and deac­ti­va­tion of this bun­dle. These pack­ages are designed for mes­sag­ing to inter­na­tion­al num­bers only but if you need local SMS to send with­in UAE, you can use the Local SMS pack­ages instead.

Supported Countries:

Gen­er­al­ly, du has offered many plans and deals to call or SMS in some major des­ti­na­tions which have 100+ coun­tries. You can send SMS in these coun­tries too:

  1. India
  2. Pak­istan
  3. Philip­pines
  4. Bangladesh
  5. Egypt
  6. Sau­di Ara­bia
  7. Unit­ed King­dom
  8. Unit­ed States
  9. Cana­da
  10. Aus­tralia

You can call du helpline 155 and ask a cus­tomer rep­re­sen­ta­tive to pro­vide you with the list of all sup­port­ed coun­tries using these SMS plans.

Final Words __ du International SMS Offer for Sending SMS Abroad

We know that you need to send wish­es mes­sages to your loved ones for Eid, birth­day, wed­ding or oth­er occa­sions. This is a very old tra­di­tion and young boys, and girls around the world have been doing it and will con­tin­ue to do it.

On such occa­sions, SMS plans are very much need­ed which are com­plet­ed by du in UAE. If you are fac­ing a prob­lem in acti­vat­ing or can­celling the pack­ages then install the Du app on your mobile and log in to solve your prob­lem. You can find more infor­ma­tion on our web­site and fil­ter the plans accord­ing to your bud­get by set­ting your price.


Can I send local SMS with­in the UAE using these inter­na­tion­al SMS pack­ages?

No, Inter­na­tion­al SMS pack­ages are valid for send­ing mes­sages abroad. You will need to acti­vate Local SMS plans for send­ing Texts with­in the UAE. If you will send the SMS local­ly, you will be charged a stan­dard rate of AED 0.18 per SMS.

How can I deac­ti­vate an inter­na­tion­al SMS pack­age?

Fol­low the instruc­tions to deac­ti­vate inter­na­tion­al SMS pack­ages.

- Month­ly Inter­na­tion­al SMS Offer: Dial *135#2#1#.
- Week­ly Inter­na­tion­al SMS Offer: Dial *135#2#2#.

Can I Send an SMS with­out a Pack­age?

Yes, you can send SMS to Local and inter­na­tion­al num­bers. You will be charged a stan­dard rate for send­ing SMS.

- Inter­na­tion­al: AED 0.60 per SMS
- Local SMS: AED 0.18 per SMS

What should I do if I face issues with my SMS pack­age?

If you encounter any issues with your SMS pack­age, you can con­tact DU cus­tomer ser­vice at 155 and use the app or vis­it the web­site for assis­tance.

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