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Du Monthly Data Package 50 AED 28GB Package Details

Du-Monthly-Data-Package-50-AED-28GB dubaisims

Du has intro­duced the Du Month­ly Data Pack­age 50 AED 28GB for 1 month. This offer is avail­able for all pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers who wish to get an unlim­it­ed data plan for 28 days. This is one of the cheap­est inter­net plans that pro­vides 28GB of data for one month, and cus­tomers can use it to browse all web­sites, social net­works, and YouTube.

This pack­age is valid for all pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers on the Du UAE app. You can get du month­ly data pack­age of 50 aed 1GB per day with­out any has­sle by dial­ing *135*5#. This ser­vice is valid for all pre­paid cus­tomers not for post­paid. You can use this pack­age for call­ing on social apps, YouTube, Snapchat, Face­book, Web­sites, and any app.

Du Monthly Data Package 50 AED 28GB

Du Month­ly Data Pack­age 28GB Data
PriceAED 50
Acti­va­tionDial *135*5#
Valid forPre­paid Users

The Du Month­ly Data Pack­age 50 AED 28GB offers a fan­tas­tic option for peo­ple who want a depend­able and bud­get-friend­ly data plan with lots of data. Here are the com­plete details:

  • Pack­age: DU 28GB month­ly data pack­age 50 AED
  • Price: AED 50
  • Valid­i­ty: Month­ly
  • Acti­va­tion: Dial *135*5#
  • Deac­ti­va­tion: Dial *135*5# > Fol­low Instruc­tions

It is a pack­age that ful­fills all your needs, be they inter­net-relat­ed or not. With 28 GB of data, you can eas­i­ly vis­it any web­site, watch TV chan­nels, do live stream­ing, and engage in gam­ing and social activ­i­ties. This offer from Du is used a lot because it is cheap­er and gives more data.

With this pack­age, users can also use What­sApp, Botim, IMO, Face­book, Insta­gram, and all mobile apps. If you can­cel this pack­age pre­ma­ture­ly, you can reac­ti­vate it by fol­low­ing the instruc­tions below. All you have to do is recharge and dial *135*5#. You can acti­vate this pack­age by fol­low­ing the details received on the screen.


  • 28GB of data
  • For just AED 50
  • No data over­age charges
  • Valid for 30 days
  • Easy to acti­vate and man­age

This pack­age will auto-renew each month if the user has enough bal­ance in the SIM. To remove auto-renew­al, you can use the Du app or dial *135#. Du Month­ly Data Pack­age 50 AED 28GB is the best choice for work­ers, stu­dents, and fam­i­lies. You can also sub­scribe to DU inter­net pack­ages using the DU UAE app or by call­ing the helpline. This pack­age is per­fect for mod­er­ate-to-heavy data users.

5 thoughts on “Du Monthly Data Package 50 AED 28GB Package Details

  1. just now i acti­vate the 28GB du data in 50 der­hams the ser­vice the said data very bad expe­ri­ence nice in explaina­tion in web site but in real­i­ty very poor ser­vice of Du.

  2. I have been try­ing to call your team. Tht I have 1 gb data for 28 day. But it has stopped work­ing since last Fri­day. Please assist. I am try­ing to reach your cus­tomer num­ber no one is pick­ing up. I need urgent assis­tance or else please reim­burse my mon­ey back

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