Posted inSIM Guide

How to Activate Du Call Me service when have low credit

How to Activate Du Call Me service

Du has launched this facil­i­ty for all pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers who have low cred­it and want to receive a call back from his/her friends, rel­a­tives, and loved ones. Most­ly, we have no balance/credit to call any­one and in this sit­u­a­tion, you have to use some free meth­ods like free missed call ser­vice and oth­er val­ue-added ser­vices. Most peo­ple use the call back ser­vice and when they call any­one who is reg­is­tered in their call me back ser­vice, they receive a missed call.

In this guide, we are going to pro­vide you with full details of how to acti­vate the Du call me back ser­vice while hav­ing low cred­it. The ser­vice has no charges which means you can use it any­time when you have no cred­it. Let’s come to the top­ic and check the call me back code.

How to Activate Du Call Me service?

How to Activate Du Call Me service?

This ser­vice is avail­able for all pre­paid cus­tomers which is free of charge. To acti­vate the ser­vice use the instruc­tions:

  • Go to mes­sages and write a new mes­sage
  • Write SMS ‘1’ and send it to 2506.
  • Call me ser­vice will be acti­vat­ed in a few sec­onds and you will receive a con­fir­ma­tion SMS.

Now, you can send free missed calls when you call any num­ber. Just dial the num­ber of your friend and fam­i­ly mem­ber, The sys­tem will tell you that you have no bal­ance to call but your friend will receive a missed call imme­di­ate­ly.

How to Deactivate/Cancel Du Call Me Service?

How to deactivate Du Call Me service?

To do this;

  • Go to the mes­sages and write a new one
  • Write SMS ‘D’ and send it to 2506
  • This ser­vice will be can­celed and now, you can­not send missed calls to any­one.

I will rec­om­mend always keep­ing this ser­vice ON because when you have no cred­its, it can help you to get some­one’s help. In many sit­u­a­tions we need such types of ser­vices, like when we have no bal­ance, we can­not talk and send SMS to any­one. So, using this ser­vice we can send the messed call to any­one and they will make a call back.

  1. You can check the sta­tus of this ser­vice is ON or OFF by fol­low­ing this guide:
  2. Go to the mes­sages and write a new
  3. Write SMS ‘HELP’ to 2506
  4. You will receive dif­fer­ent types of com­mands in SMS like ser­vice acti­va­tion, deac­ti­va­tion, check sta­tus, etc.
  5. Reply with the Check sta­tus com­mand and you will receive an SMS of ser­vice sta­tus.

If face any dif­fi­cul­ty you can call the Du helpline 800 155 or use the Du app can check all active ser­vices. We already have added hun­dreds of offers on the plan find­er, check the lat­est updates of Du ser­vices and enjoy it.

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