Posted inDu UAE

Du International Call Offers — Call from UAE to Other Countries

Du UAE International Voice Call Offers

Du is the best and most bud­get-friend­ly net­work in the UAE that offers very low-cost inter­na­tion­al call offers. Using the Du inter­na­tion­al call offers, cus­tomers can stay con­nect­ed with their friends and fam­i­lies who live abroad.

Many peo­ple come to the UAE for work and busi­ness and also want to stay con­nect­ed with their loved ones. While using the Du SIM card, peo­ple can call from the UAE to Pak­istan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Egypt, Afghanistan, and more coun­tries.

There are many inter­na­tion­al call pack­ages and offers for pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers, start­ing at AED 49 and $39 USD. Some of the pack­ages offer one-time charges; after this, cus­tomers can call a select­ed coun­try num­ber with an AED 1.05 call set­up fee only.

Du International Call Offers

Du inter­na­tion­al call­ing offers are sup­port­ed for India, Pak­istan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Because many peo­ple come here for work, they need to con­nect with their friends and fam­i­lies using social or direct tele­com net­works.

Pak­istan500 MinsAED 49
1000 MinsAED 79
2000 MinsAED 99
India500 MinsAED 49
1000 MinsAED 79
2000 MinsAED 99
Afghanistan500 MinsAED 49
1000 MinsAED 79
2000 MinsAED 99
Bangladesh750 MinsAED 49
1500 MinsAED 79
2000 MinsAED 99
Nepal500 MinsAED 49
1000 MinsAED 79
2000 MinsAED 99
Egypt500 MinsAED 49
1000 MinsAED 79
2000 MinsAED 99

Du International Call Offers for Pakistan

Pak­ista­nis can call Pak­istan using Du to Pak­istan voice plans which start from AED 49. Cus­tomers can get 500 min­utes for call­ing to Pak­istani net­works Jazz, Zong, and Ufone. For AED 79 per 28 days, cus­tomers can get 1000 min­utes, and for AED 99, they can get 2000 min­utes per 28 days.

You can­not call Telenor num­bers using these pack­ages.

Peo­ple go to Dubai from Pak­istan and need to talk to their fam­i­lies. Dur­ing hol­i­days, on the occa­sion of Eid and Inde­pen­dence Day, they cel­e­brate with their loved ones by mak­ing calls to Pak­istan on their mobile phones. Mean­while, they need to sub­scribe to the pack­age.

Eli­gi­ble Net­works: Jazz, Zong, and Ufone

Call to Pak­istanPriceValid­i­ty
500 Min­utesAED 4928 Days
1000 Min­utesAED 7928 Days
2000 Min­utesAED 9928 Days

How to Subscribe to these offers?

Cus­tomers can sub­scribe to the Du to Pak­istan call offer by dialling *135#. These pack­ages can also be sub­scribed to by using the Du UAE app.

Du International Call Offers for India

Users can call India using Du to Indi­a’s voice plans for AED 49 per 28 days. Cus­tomers will get 500 min­utes for call­ing only Indi­an net­works Air­tel, BSNL, and Jio.

For AED 79 per 28 days, cus­tomers can get 1000 min­utes, and for AED 99, they can get 2000 min­utes per 28 days.

Eli­gi­ble Net­works: Air­tel, BSNL, and Jio

Call to IndiaPriceValid­i­ty
500 Min­utesAED 4928 Days
1000 Min­utesAED 7928 Days
2000 Min­utesAED 9928 Days

How to Subscribe to these offers?

Cus­tomers can sub­scribe to the Du to India call offer by dialling *135#. These pack­ages can also be sub­scribed to by using the Du UAE app.

Du International Call Offers for Nepal

I think like from oth­er coun­tries, Nepalies are also com­ing to UAE for work. Du net­work cov­er­age is amaz­ing so, most­ly peo­ple are using this one. Cus­tomers can get 500 min­utes by call­ing only Nepali net­works, N Cells, Smart Cell, and Nepal Tele­com.

For AED 79 per 28 days, cus­tomers can get 1000 min­utes, and for AED 99, they can get 2000 min­utes per 28 days.

You have to acti­vate this pack­age on your SIM, by dialling *135# or using the DU UAE app. Start talk­ing with your friends, fam­i­ly and loved ones in Nepal.

Eli­gi­ble Net­works: N cells, Smart Cell, and Nepal Tele­com

Call to NepalPriceValid­i­ty
500 Min­utesAED 4928 Days
1000 Min­utesAED 7928 Days
2000 Min­utesAED 9928 Days

How to Subscribe to these offers?

Cus­tomers can sub­scribe to the Du to Nepal call offer by dialling *135#. These pack­ages can also be sub­scribed to by using the Du UAE app.

Du to Egypt Call Packages

Come to UAE for work or vis­it in UAE? Now, you can enjoy the best call­ing plans from Du to Egypt. Cus­tomers will get 500 min­utes for call­ing only Egypt net­works, Voda­fone, Orange, Eti­salat, and WE.

For AED 79 per 28 days, cus­tomers can get 1000 min­utes, and for AED 99, they can get 2000 min­utes per 28 days. Du has launched the best low-cost call offers for Egypt net­works that are giv­en below.

Eli­gi­ble Net­works: Voda­fone, Orange, Eti­salat, and WE

Call to EgyptPriceValid­i­ty
500 Min­utesAED 4928 Days
1000 Min­utesAED 7928 Days
2000 Min­utesAED 9928 Days

How to Subscribe to these offers?

Cus­tomers can sub­scribe to the Du to Egypt call offer by dialling *135#. These pack­ages can also be sub­scribed to by using the Du UAE app.

Du to Afghanistan Call Packages

Users can call Afghanistan using Du to Afghanistan voice plans for AED 49 per 28 days. Cus­tomers will get 500 min­utes for call­ing only Afghanistan net­works, Eti­salat, Roshan, and MTN.

For AED 79 per 28 days, cus­tomers can get 1000 min­utes, and for AED 99, they can get 2000 min­utes per 28 days.

Eli­gi­ble Net­works: Eti­salat, Roshan, and MTN

Call to AfghanistanPriceValid­i­ty
500 Min­utesAED 4928 Days
1000 Min­utesAED 7928 Days
2000 Min­utesAED 9928 Days

How to Subscribe to these offers?

Cus­tomers can sub­scribe to the Du to Afghanistan call offer by dialling *135#. These pack­ages can also be sub­scribed to by using the Du UAE app.

Du to Bangladesh Call Packages

Call Bangladesh using Du to Bangladesh voice plans start­ing price from AED 49 per 28 days. Cus­tomers will get 750 min­utes for call­ing only Bangladeshi net­works: Teletalk, Banglalink, Robi, and Grameen­phone.

For AED 79 per 28 days, cus­tomers can get 1500 min­utes, and for AED 99, they can get 2000 min­utes per 28 days.

Eli­gi­ble Net­works: Teletalk, Banglalink, Robi and Grameen­phone

Call to BangladeshPriceValid­i­ty
750 Min­utesAED 4928 Days
1500 Min­utesAED 7928 Days
2000 Min­utesAED 9928 Days

How to Subscribe to these offers?

Cus­tomers can sub­scribe to the Du to Bangladesh call offer by dialling *135#. These pack­ages can also be sub­scribed to by using the Du UAE app.

Du’s Cheap International Call Packages

There are many oth­er inter­na­tion­al call pack­ages that users can sub­scribe to accord­ing to their needs. 2 fils per minute call­ing plans and 7 fils per minute call­ing plans are most­ly famous.

Peo­ple search for these pack­ages because they need them and want to know about their details and sub­scrip­tion meth­ods.

Dial *135*30# to acti­vate the 2 fils call­ing plan. For more infor­ma­tion about this pack­age, you can read our guide.

Du Inter­na­tion­al Call Offer 2 fils per Minute

With call set­up charges of AED 1.05, users are eli­gi­ble to call unlim­it­ed­ly at a rate of 38 fils per minute.

You will be charged a time fee per call of AED 1.05 and then 38 fils per minute to Pak­istan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, and the Philip­pines.

With 10 fils per minute, cus­tomers can stay con­nect­ed with their friends and fam­i­ly who live in Bangladesh, Chi­na, India, and Pak­istan. After a time set­up fee of AED 1.05, you have to pay 10 fils per minute.

To sub­scribe to this offer, dial *135*005#. For more infor­ma­tion and acti­va­tion or deac­ti­va­tion, you can call 155 or use the Du UAE app.

Du Standard International Rates

If cus­tomers call to oth­er coun­tries with­out Du Inter­na­tion­al Call Offer then they have to pay stan­dard call­ing rates. Here default inter­na­tion­al call­ing rates for Du:

  • Unit­ed States: $0.15 per minute
  • Unit­ed King­dom: $0.20 per minute
  • India: $0.12 per minute
  • Cana­da: $0.18 per minute
  • Aus­tralia: $0.25 per minute

Please note that these rates are sub­ject to change and may vary depend­ing on the spe­cif­ic call­ing plan you have with Du. It is always advis­able to check with Du for the most accu­rate and up-to-date rates before mak­ing any inter­na­tion­al calls.

How to Check Du UAE’s remaining call package?

To check your remain­ing call pack­age on Du UAE, you can fol­low these steps:

  1. Dial *135# from your Du mobile num­ber.
  2. Wait for a few sec­onds for a menu to appear on your screen.
  3. Select the option that allows you to check your remain­ing call pack­age.
  4. You will receive a noti­fi­ca­tion with the details of your remain­ing call min­utes, includ­ing any addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion or restric­tions.

Alter­na­tive­ly, you can also use the offi­cial Du mobile app or web to check your remain­ing call pack­ages.

Sim­ply open the app, log in to your account, and nav­i­gate to the sec­tion that dis­plays your remain­ing call min­utes.

Please note that these instruc­tions may vary slight­ly depend­ing on the spe­cif­ic Du mobile plan you have sub­scribed to.

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