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How to buy iPhone 15 Pro Max on Installment in UAE

How to buy iPhone 15 Pro Max on Installment in UAE

Get­ting an iPhone 15 Pro Max in install­ments is very easy in UAE. If you have an Emi­rates ID, you can eas­i­ly get expen­sive mobile phones in install­ments. But, for respon­si­ble shop­ping, it is impor­tant to con­sid­er the price of the phone, month­ly instal­ments and inter­est rates (if applic­a­ble). Choose the best plan accord­ing to your needs and bud­get and enjoy the new iPhone 15 Pro Max!

How to Buy iPhone 15 Pro Max on Installment in UAE

Mobile phones can be pur­chased from var­i­ous tele­com com­pa­nies, iPhone stores and online retail­ers. Its cost inter­est and pro­ce­dure are dif­fer­ent which we will explain ful­ly.

Let’s see how you can get the iPhone 15 Pro Max in install­ments:


You can buy the iPhone 15 Pro Max from the Du online store or by vis­it­ing the Du store. They are offer­ing mobile phones in install­ments of 12 months and 24 months dura­tion. If you buy a mobile phone in instal­ments from du, you will have to buy a post­paid con­nec­tion with this.

Here are the plans by du:

24 MonthsAED 195AED 232AED 267
12 MonthsAED 390AED 464AED 534
TotalAED 4,680AED 5,568AED 6,408
5% VAT exclud­ed

You can order mobile phones online by pay­ing only the first-month instal­ment with 5% VAT using your deb­it or cred­it card. To do this you will need some doc­u­ments.


  • Your Emi­rates ID
  • Fill out the form with your details and address
  • Deb­it card Auto-pay­ment by enter­ing cred­it card details

Once you have com­plet­ed these doc­u­ments, you can order a new phone online by fol­low­ing the instruc­tions:

  1. Open the du web­site page (You can copy and paste into your brows­er).
  2. Select the Mod­el by ROM
  3. Now, select the instal­ment dura­tion of 12 or 24 months
  4. Select the phone colour
  5. Choice your mobile num­ber or select a post­paid plan from the list
  6. Click on the Add to Cart but­ton and con­firm the order by enter­ing your details.
Du iphone 15 pro max on installment plan

Enter your com­plete details, your Emi­rates ID num­ber, Full Name, Date of birth and expiry date. Once you have filled out the com­plete form, on the next screen, enter your deb­it card details issued by any Emi­rates Bank.

Buying iphone 15 pro max in UAE on instalment from du

After com­plet­ing these steps, you will receive an iPhone 15 Pro Max at your pro­vid­ed address with­in 24 to 48 hours with zero deliv­ery charges. Once you have placed the order, you can­not change it but you have an option to can­cel the order and return the device.


Eti­salat UAE is the Emi­rate’s No. 1 mobile phone or tele­com net­work and it also offers Install­ment plans for buy­ing prod­ucts and mobile phones in UAE. If you have a valid Emi­rates ID you can eas­i­ly buy iPhone 15 Pro Max Online from Eti­salat online web­site and go to the store.

Eti­salat has 12, 18 and 24-month instal­ment plans that cus­tomers can select accord­ing to his/her needs. Here are the lat­est instal­ment plans by Eti­salat for iPhone 15 Pro Max in install­ments. The one-time pay­ment cost of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is AED 4,649.

24 MonthsAED 215AED 254AED 293
18 MonthsAED 284AED 335AED 387
12 MonthsAED 420AED 496AED 573
One TimeAED 4,649AED 5,499AED 6,349
5% VAT Includ­ed


  • Emi­rates ID
  • Emi­rates Cred­it Card
  • A UAE Phone Num­ber

After com­plet­ing these require­ments, you can fol­low the oth­er steps and can buy an iPhone online from the Eti­salat web­site or by vis­it­ing the store.

  1. Open the Eti­salat Web­site link from your phone or Desk­top
  2. Choose your mod­el by stor­age and colour
  3. Accept the Terms by click­ing on the Accept but­ton

4. Accept the Autho­rize AECB/MOHRE check. When you buy a phone in instal­ments you will get per­mis­sion to get the finan­cial records from Al Eti­had Cred­it Bureau. From MOHRE, it will get salary details from the Min­istry of Human Resources and get the score and accord­ing to this, you will be able to buy an iPhone 15 Pro Max in instal­ments once you cleared.

5. Now, you have to ver­i­fy and check the eli­gi­bil­i­ty to buy a phone in instal­ment by enter­ing your Emi­rates ID and Phone num­ber.

6. Add to Cart Items, Now you will be redi­rect­ed to the Check­out sys­tem. Enter your cred­it card details which should match your Emi­rates ID.

7. First instal­ment will be deduct­ed from your card and you will receive the phone at your pro­vid­ed address.

You can also buy the iPhone 15 Pro Max from the iPhone offi­cial store or istyle. Be aware of the con­tract length asso­ci­at­ed with the install­ment plan. Ear­ly ter­mi­na­tion might incur addi­tion­al fees.

Since Du and Eti­salat are major play­ers in tele­com, it is rec­om­mend­ed to com­pare their iPhone 15 Pro Max bun­dle plans. That way, you can see which phone offers the best com­bi­na­tion of price, month­ly install­ments, mobile data allowance, and con­tract length that suits your needs and bud­get. You can also explore options with online retail­ers like Ama­zon UAE to see if they offer com­pet­i­tive install­ment plans.

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