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How Long Does 1GB of Data Last on WhatsApp

How Long Does 1GB of Data Last on WhatsApp

What­sApp is being used a lot in the world with­out which it isn’t easy to sur­vive. The inter­net pack­ages of each mobile phone net­work are dif­fer­ent the inter­net rates in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates are more expen­sive than in India, and sim­i­lar­ly, the inter­net rates are expen­sive in Sau­di Ara­bia and oth­er coun­tries. Audio, video calls, doc­u­ments and busi­ness can be eas­i­ly done on What­sApp.

Apart from all this, its great advan­tage is that we can stay in touch with our loved ones any­time from any­where in the world. Due to expen­sive inter­net pack­ages peo­ple use only What­sApp pack­ages which most­ly 1 GB What­sApp pack­age is used. But do you know how long 1 GB of inter­net can be used on What­sApp? If not, will dis­cuss it in this post.

1GB of data can be used on What­sApp for one month but it has dif­fer­ent fac­tors. If you use What­sApp only for chat and emo­jis, you may end up using 1GB of data for a very long time. Because Mes­sages does­n’t use much data, you can use it for more than a month.

If you make calls on What­sApp, a 5‑minute audio call con­sumes around 15 to 25 MB of data. On a 5 min­utes video call of stan­dard qual­i­ty, you use 80–150 MB. 1GB of data on What­sApp can be exhaust­ed even in a day for calls, so try to make calls on Wi-Fi while you can send and receive mes­sages etc. on data.

Send­ing and receiv­ing pho­tos and videos along with mes­sages on What­sApp can drain your 1GB of data with­in a few hours. Sup­pose the size of a video is 60 MB then the num­ber of such videos you send or receive will con­sume your data accord­ing­ly.

How Long Does 1GB of Data Last on WhatsApp

The exact amount of time 1GB of data lasts on What­sApp depends on sev­er­al fac­tors, like your usage habits and what kinds of activ­i­ties you do with­in the app. How­ev­er, I can give you some gen­er­al esti­mates:

Text Messages:

If you pri­mar­i­ly use What­sApp for text mes­sag­ing and send­ing emo­jis, 1GB can eas­i­ly last you months. It can prob­a­bly last up to a year depend­ing on your fre­quen­cy of use. Text mes­sages use very lit­tle data, so send­ing and receiv­ing them won’t drain your allowance quick­ly.

  • A text mes­sage on What­sApp typ­i­cal­ly uses around 0.3 kilo­bytes (KB) so, you can use this for text mes­sages for a long time who­ev­er for 3 months.

Audio Calls:

Audio calls use dif­fer­ent data for dif­fer­ent rea­sons. It also depends on your inter­net and how fast inter­net you have. Mak­ing a What­sApp audio call for an hour con­tin­u­ous­ly can con­sume 300 MB of data on your mobile phone. If you have 1GB of data then you can make a call for 3 to 4 hours after which your data will be exhaust­ed.

You can see the esti­mat­ed data usage below.

  • 5 min­utes: 15–25 MB
  • 30 min­utes: 75–150 MB
  • 1 hour: 150–300 MB

Video Calls:

Video calls con­sume a lot of data, which also depends on the video qual­i­ty of your call. A stan­dard video call can con­sume 960‑1800 MB in just one hour while a full high-def­i­n­i­tion video call of 5 min­utes can con­sume 500 MB of data.

Video call (stan­dard qual­i­ty):

  • 5 min­utes: 80–150 MB
  • 30 min­utes: 480–900 MB
  • 1 hour: 960‑1800 MB

Video call (high def­i­n­i­tion):

  • 5 min­utes: 350–500 MB
  • 30 min­utes: 2.1–3.0 GB
  • 1 hour: 4.2–6.0 GB

Documents, Pictures and Videos:

The more doc­u­ments, pho­tos and videos you send and receive, the soon­er you’ll use up your 1GB. High­er-res­o­lu­tion pic­tures and videos con­sume much more data com­pared to low­er-qual­i­ty options. Pho­tos can range from a few hun­dred KB to sev­er­al MB, while videos can be tens or even hun­dreds of MB in size.

  • Pho­tos:
    • 1,000 low-res­o­lu­tion pho­tos: around 200–300 MB
    • 100 high-res­o­lu­tion pho­tos: 1–2 GB
  • Videos:
    • 10 short (5‑minute) low-res­o­lu­tion videos: around 200–300 MB
    • 5 longer (15-minute) high-res­o­lu­tion videos: 1–2 GB

Remem­ber, these are just esti­mates, and your actu­al data usage may vary depend­ing on the fac­tors men­tioned above.

Tips to maximize your 1GB data

Here are some tips to max­i­mize your 1GB data:

  • Com­press media before send­ing and receiv­ing.
  • Don’t make High-Qual­i­ty Video and Audio calls on data (Make only on Wi-Fi)
  • Dis­able auto-down­load of media in groups and chats you don’t use fre­quent­ly.
  • Down­load large files over Wi-Fi.
  • Mon­i­tor your data usage with­in What­sApp to under­stand your pat­terns and adjust your habits accord­ing­ly.

Final­ly, you can use the 1GB data for as long as you want. If you fol­low the tips, you can use more than 1 GB of data for a month. Always down­load doc­u­ments, pho­tos and videos over Wi-Fi oth­er­wise your data may run out in a few hours. I hope you have under­stood about What­sApp usage and data usage.

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