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Top International Call Packages for Eid in UAE (Under AED 50)

Top International Call Packages for Eid in UAE (Under AED 50)

Eid-ul-Azha is almost here and it is a gift from Allah to Mus­lims. Peo­ple per­form prayers and fasts dur­ing Ramadan and then they cel­e­brate Eid as a gift. Peo­ple who have gone to work in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates or Dubai can­not cel­e­brate Eid with them­selves. This Eid, we will tell you about some pack­ages you can acti­vate to keep in touch with your loved ones on Eid-ul-Azha. We will show you the list of the top low-price inter­na­tion­al call pack­ages on Eid ul Alzah 2024.

All these pack­ages will be for both SIM users be it Eti­salat or Du. You have to choose your SIM and acti­vate inter­na­tion­al call pack­ages from among them accord­ing to your bud­get and require­ments. All these pack­ages will be cheap which you can acti­vate eas­i­ly.

Top 10 Low Price International Call Packages on Eid ul Azha 2024

First of all, we will pro­vide you with the list of Eti­salat and then Du. Because both cus­tomers are await­ing an Eid offer from their car­ri­ers, we have decid­ed to pro­vide you with it here. We will tell you about the cheap pack­ages, so they may be of short­er dura­tion and the min­utes may be less than the expen­sive pack­ages.

Etisalat Eid Offer 2024 — Low Price International Offers

One of the best and most pop­u­lar inter­na­tion­al call pack­ages is the Dai­ly Inter­na­tion­al call plan. This plan pro­vides dai­ly 30 min­utes for Pak­istan, India, Egypt, Afghanistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. If you want to make calls to these coun­tries, you can avail of this offer and get the pack­age for 24 hours. The price of the pack­age is only AED 5.

We know the price exclud­ing VAT (net price) is 5 AED but you have to keep at least AED 5.26 AED includ­ing tax­es to acti­vate the offer. To acti­vate this offer sim­ply dial *101*50# and fol­low the instruc­tions. Here are some more offers which you can acti­vate accord­ing to your need.

Etisalat International Call Packages Under AED 50

Int’l Min­utesPricesValid­i­ty
30 Min­utesAED 5.2624 Hours
200 Min­utesAED 26.327 Days
30 Min­utes Dai­lyAED 30.0728 Days
500 Min­utes49.13 AED28 Days
All the prices include 5% VAT.

How to activate these offers?

Cus­tomers can acti­vate these offers by dialling *101*50# and fol­low­ing the instruc­tions. If you have the Eti­salat app then you can acti­vate the pack­age by going to the pack­ages sec­tion > Calls > Inter­na­tion­al.

I have added all the best and Eti­salat bud­get-friend­ly inter­na­tion­al call pack­ages under AED 50. There are more inter­na­tion­al call plans avail­able for dif­fer­ent coun­tries which you can read in the Eti­salat inter­na­tion­al calls pack­age arti­cle.

You can all to any net­work in these coun­tries Pak­istan, India, Egypt, Afghanistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. If you need a very low-cost plan then I rec­om­mend you acti­vate the 30-minute pack­age and when it ends, you can get its sub­scrip­tion again the next day.

Du Eid Offer 2024 — Best Low Price International Calling Plans

Du is also offer­ing the best call­ing plans to its pre­paid cus­tomers Under AED 50. All pack­ages are avail­able on DU app and you can call Pak­istan, India, Afghanistan, Nepal, and Egypt. It is the most pop­u­lar net­work due to its cheap pack­ages which are wide­ly used by peo­ple.

If you have a Du SIM card, you can take advan­tage of its afford­able offers this Eid and stay in touch with your loved ones. Here I will show you the cheap Du inter­na­tion­al offers that you can acti­vate and stay in touch with your loved ones. These offers are with­in 50 dirhams but if you want more offers, you can read our Du Inter­na­tion­al Call Plan arti­cle.

Also read: Best Unlim­it­ed Inter­net Pack­ages

Du International Call Packages Under AED 50

Int’l CallsPriceValid­i­ty
250 Min­utes + Unlim­it­ed BotimAED 494 Weeks
750 Min­utes for IndiaAED 494 Weeks
250 Min­utes Indone­sia (Oore­doo) + Unlim­it­ed BotimAED 494 Weeks
250 Min­utes (Pak­istan) + Unlim­it­ed BotimAED 494 Weeks
750 Min­utes for Pak­istanAED 494 Weeks
250 Min­utes (Nepal) + Unlim­it­ed BotimAED 494 Weeks
750 Min­utes (Nepal)AED 494 Weeks
750 Min­utes (Egypt)AED 494 Weeks
250 Min­utes (Afghanistan) + Unlim­it­ed BotimAED 494 Weeks
750 Min­utes (Afghanistan)AED 494 Weeks
750 Min­utes (Bangladesh)AED 494 Weeks
500 Min­utes (Sudan)AED 494 Weeks
  • To acti­vate the pack­age dial *135*9# and fol­low the instruc­tions.

500 International Minutes

PriceAED 49, VAT 5% Exclud­ed
Min­utes500 Int’l Min­utes
Sup­port­ed Coun­triesIndia, Pak­istan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Nepal, and Bangladesh
Valid­i­ty28 Days

Du is offer­ing 500 min­utes month­ly plan which costs AED 49 exclud­ing 5% VAT. It seems that Du has lim­it­ed inter­na­tion­al call­ing plans like it has­n’t a dai­ly call­ing plan like Eti­salat. You can acti­vate its month­ly inter­na­tion­al call­ing which is giv­en below.

To acti­vate this pack­age, dial *135# and fol­low the instruc­tions.

30 Flexi Minutes | Monthly Plan

Du offers 30 Flexi min­utes for its pre­paid cus­tomers on year­ly and month­ly con­tracts. These Flexi min­utes are usable for call­ing from DU to local and inter­na­tion­al num­bers. Includ­ing this, cus­tomers will also get 2GB of data and unlim­it­ed calls to 1 Du num­ber.

Local CallsUnlim­it­ed 1 Du num­ber
Int’l Calls30 min­utes
PriceAED 49 Exclud­ed 5% VAT

This pack­age is the best but if you need only min­utes for inter­na­tion­al call­ing it is cost­ly in com­par­i­son to the Eti­salat plan. But, If we look into its 2 extra fea­tures, unlim­it­ed 1 num­ber call and 2GB data this is the best.

You can decide which is the best plan accord­ing to your needs and bud­get. If you need data too, you can use this plan because at this price Du 2GB flexi plan can fit you. You can acti­vate this by dialling *135# and fol­low­ing the instruc­tions.

Final Eid Offer:

On Eid, if you need long­time call­ing plans, Du and Eti­salat both offer the same plans. You can select any plan accord­ing to how many min­utes you need and which coun­try pack­age you need. We already added the Ramadan offer which you may already be using. Enjoy the Eid offer and talk to your friends and fam­i­ly abroad.

Hi, I am Saleem Baloch and living in the UAE. After moving to Dubai, I got a lot of experience with telecom and travel here after which I started this blog. I personally tested eSims, physical prepaid and postpaid SIMs in UAE and share my knowledge with people.

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