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Etisalat Missed Call Alert — Phone is OFF, Busy or Unreach be Informed

Missed Call alert Etisalat service

Some­times, we miss calls from our loved ones and work­mates when our phones are busy, unreach­able or pow­ered off. Those peo­ple who are using Eti­salat SIM cards can enjoy the free facil­i­ty of Missed call alerts. Now, when your mobile is OFF, Busy and Unreach­able and some­one calls you, you will receive a noti­fi­ca­tion through SMS when you Turn ON your phone.

This ser­vice is FREE but you have to sub­scribe to it to get the Missed call noti­fi­ca­tions. Eti­salat has a ser­vice called “Missed Call Noti­fi­ca­tion” which acti­va­tion meth­ods are below:

For Busy*67*134##67#
Unreach­able or Switched OFF*62*134##62#

Any pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomer can acti­vate and use this ser­vice for free. You have to acti­vate it accord­ing to your need by dialling *67*135# for busy and *62*134# if your phone is OFF or unreach­able.

Why it is important to activate this service?

If you are a busi­ness­man, field work­er, house­wife or do any type of work then you must acti­vate this ser­vice. This will let you know about the missed call so that you can call back.

I use this ser­vice because it is com­plete­ly free. Sec­ond­ly, if a per­son or fam­i­ly mem­bers call you in an emer­gency and the phone is idle, switched off or unable to receive the call for some rea­son. When the phone is turned on again, you will get a noti­fi­ca­tion through a mes­sage. This will make it eas­i­er to find out if you call back.

Miss call ser­vice can also be can­celled eas­i­ly with the codes I have giv­en above. Using this method you can learn how to see missed calls when the phone is OFF. If you want to know more about Eti­salat ser­vices, you can find it at

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