Posted inDu UAE / International Calls

Du International Call Offer 10 fils

Du International Call Offer 10 fils

If you are a Du user and look­ing for inter­na­tion­al call­ing plans to call your friends, fam­i­ly, and loved ones, then here is an amaz­ing offer. With the Du Inter­na­tion­al Call Offer 10 fils per minute, cus­tomers can call India, Pak­istan, Bangladesh, and oth­er coun­tries at the low­est cost.

Those who come from Bangladesh, Chi­na, India, and Pak­istan can now acti­vate this offer and make calls to select coun­tries at 10 fils per minute. This incred­i­ble rate allows you to have long con­ver­sa­tions with your loved ones with­out hav­ing to wor­ry about high costs. Users can acti­vate this pack­age and call any coun­try at the low­est rates.

Pack­ageInter­na­tion­al Call Offer
Calls10 fils per minute
Call Set­up ChargesAED 1.05
Total Cost1 minute = AED 1.15
2 min­utes = AED 1.25
3 min­utes = AED 1.35
4 min­utes = AED 1.45
5 min­utes = AED 1.55
6 min­utes = AED 1.65
7 min­utes = AED 1.75
8 min­utes = AED 1.85
9 min­utes = AED 1.95
10 min­utes = AED 2.05

We have explained the per-minute call­ing price from Du to Bangladesh, Chi­na, India, and Pak­istan. Let’s learn how to acti­vate this offer and where we can use it. If you have a vis­i­tor SIM, you can also acti­vate this offer.

If you need SMS plans read du Inter­na­tion­al SMS offers.

Du International Call Offer 10 fils Subscribe

To sub­scribe to the Du Inter­na­tion­al Call Offer 10 fils, dial *135*005#> and reply with “1”. After acti­va­tion of this pack­age they can call any net­work in the select­ed coun­try. You can also use the Du UAE app and log in to your account for bun­dle acti­va­tion.

Du UAE impos­es a call set­up fee of AED 1.05 for each call made to oth­er coun­tries’ net­works.


To unsub­scribe from this pack­age, dial *135*005#> and reply with “0”. The pack­age will be removed from your SIM card, and you can­not call at low rates to oth­er coun­tries.

The price of these pack­ages may change from time to time. You can acti­vate it by call­ing Du’s helpline or check­ing the new price of this pack­age from the app.

If you notice any changes in its price, you can inform us. Du 7 fils per minute, 2 fils per minute, and 5 fils per minute inter­na­tion­al call­ing plans are already giv­en on our web­site. You can stay con­nect­ed with your friends and fam­i­ly by using them.

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