Posted inDu UAE

Du 100GB for 90 Days — Best 100GB Data Package for Du Users

Du 100GB for 90 Days

What are you look­ing for Du 100GB for 90 days? Du is offer­ing free 100GB for 90 days to all pre­paid cus­tomers. This offer pro­vides 100GB of data for pre­paid cus­tomers who have not installed the Du UAE app or cre­at­ed an account. Cus­tomers can get this inter­net data and can enjoy it by using social media apps, play­ing games, and videos and brows­ing the inter­net. If you want to get du mega data offer 100GB, fol­low our guide.

How to get Du 100GB data for 90 Days?

Pack­ageDu 100GB Data
Valid­i­ty90 Days
Acti­va­tionDial *0500#
Valid forSome Spe­cial Users

Pre­paid cus­tomers can get 100GB of data for 90 days by dialling *0500#. This plan is usable with­in 3 months after acti­va­tion after this cus­tomers can­not get it in future. Those cus­tomers who already get this pack­age, can­not sub­scribe to this again on the same num­ber.

  • Dial *0500# and fol­low the instruc­tions
  • Down­load and Install the Du UAE app and reg­is­ter your account
  • Cus­tomers will get 100GB only once in life

There are some more plans which Du users can acti­vate and get 100GB of data for a month. A sim­i­lar plan called the “1000 DU Plan” pro­vides 100GB data, 1000 call­ing min­utes and a gold­en num­ber for free for a month. This plan is valid for post­paid users which have more great fea­tures.

  • Free roam­ing in GCC coun­tries
  • Unlim­it­ed Du calls
  • 1000 Flexi min­utes
  • Unlim­it­ed SMS to all net­works
  • Free access to du WiFi hotspots

To sub­scribe to the 1000 DU Plan, vis­it a DU store or sign up online. You must pro­vide a valid Emi­rates ID and a cred­it or deb­it card. Du is offer­ing 12AED to AED500 plans to its all-new and excit­ing pre­paid or post­paid cus­tomers. You can see more details of Du data pack­ages by going to and open­ing the Du menu. Keep in mind that Du 100GB data for 3 months is valid for some impor­tant users.

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