Posted inDu UAE

FREE 50 GB Data In DU — How to Get it ?

FREE 50 GB Data In DU

You might have been get­ting FREE 50 GB Data In Du on the occa­sion of UAE Inde­pen­dence Day. All pre­paid users availed the full ben­e­fits of this offer but after 2021 the lim­it has been dras­ti­cal­ly reduced and now 5GB data is avail­able in 2022 and 2023. You will nev­er need a du inter­net pack­age any­more once this offer is acti­vat­ed for at least 3 days.

DU pro­vides users with 50 GB data for 7 days which was 5 GB last year. This data is pro­vid­ed once a year only on UAE Inde­pen­dence Day. If you try to acti­vate this offer dur­ing the remain­ing days, you will be unsuc­cess­ful.

How to Avail FREE 50 GB DATA IN DU

DU offers this offer to its post­paid and pre­paid cus­tomers every Decem­ber and it is also like­ly that DU will offer 50GB data or 55GB in Decem­ber 2024. If you want to get DU Unlim­it­ed Inter­net, keep an eye on DU news every Decem­ber. As soon as it is announced, you need to acti­vate it imme­di­ate­ly.

There are var­i­ous pro­ce­dures to get the pack­age that you can fol­low and also check whether you are eli­gi­ble for it or not.

  • Dial *055# from your phone
  • Go for spe­cial dis­counts or data plans
  • If you have the Inde­pen­dence Day Offer Show on the list, you can acti­vate it.
  • Try to enter the pack­ages sec­tion or DU app on 2 Decem­ber so that you don’t miss this offer.

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