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Etisalat Offers FREE Website to Business Owners If they Buy a Business Plan

Etisalat Offers FREE Website to Business Owners If they Buy a Business Plan

Eti­salat UAE is the best telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion net­work that offers pre­paid, post­paid, Home WIFI fixed land­line or broad­band con­nec­tions.

The com­pa­ny has not only pro­vid­ed all these facil­i­ties but also offers the facil­i­ty of busi­ness web­sites to the users. If you need any kind of web­site for your busi­ness, Eti­salat also pro­vides that ser­vice. If you decide to build a web­site for your busi­ness, can help you rank on Google.

Cus­tomers who pur­chase busi­ness plans can now cre­ate web­sites for their busi­ness­es for free. This ser­vice is avail­able to all cus­tomers who avail of 12-month com­mit­ment or 36-month com­mit­ment plans which include fixed call min­utes, and unlim­it­ed inter­net.

If you use these ser­vices, you are enti­tled to one free web­site. For more infor­ma­tion, you can vis­it Eti­salat’s busi­ness page and read their futures there.

Etisalat free website plan

With this fea­ture, you can get a Free web­site builder with 1000+ ready­made tem­plates which you can make a user-friend­ly web­site using a drop and drag sys­tem.

As you can see in the screen­shot which is tak­en from the Eti­salat busi­ness plans web page that shows that you can get an eStore web­site builder for free. It is free until you use the Eti­salat ser­vices and plans for your busi­ness.

To get the free web­site plan, acti­vate any of the giv­en plans by call­ing Eti­salat helpline 101 or vis­it­ing any near­est Eti­salat cen­tre.

1 User Pack: 200MBPS connection

Price: AED 1,095 exclud­ing 5% VAT

  • 1x 7500 Fixed-to-Fixed line min­utes
  • 1x Antivirus license
  • 1x user voice line
  • 1x MS Teams License
  • Fire­wall
  • Cloud PABX
  • 1x Man­aged Device
  • eStore Web­site Builder
  • Domain Name
  • 1x Land­line Device

2 User Pack: 300MBPS connection

Price: AED 1,245 exclud­ing 5% VAT

  • 2x 7500 Fixed-to-Fixed line min­utes
  • 2x user voice lines
  • 2x Antivirus license
  • 2x MS Teams License
  • Fire­wall
  • Cloud PABX
  • 2x Man­aged Device
  • eStore Web­site Builder
  • Domain Name
  • 1x Land­line Device

4 User Pack: 400MBPS connection

Price: AED 1,475 exclud­ing 5% VAT

  • 4x 7500 Fixed-to-Fixed line min­utes
  • 4x user voice lines
  • 4x Antivirus license
  • 4x MS Teams License
  • Fire­wall
  • Cloud PABX
  • 2x Man­aged Device
  • eStore Web­site Builder
  • Domain Name
  • 1x Land­line Device

6 User Pack: 550MBPS connection

Price: AED 1,875 exclud­ing 5% VAT

  • 6x 7500 Fixed-to-Fixed line min­utes
  • 6x user voice lines
  • 6x Antivirus license
  • 6x MS Teams License
  • Fire­wall
  • Cloud PABX
  • 2x Man­aged Device
  • eStore Web­site Builder
  • Domain Name
  • 1x Land­line Device

8 User Pack: 750MBPS connection

Price: AED 2,475 exclud­ing 5% VAT

  • 8x 7500 Fixed-to-Fixed line min­utes
  • 8x user voice lines
  • 8x Antivirus license
  • 8x MS Teams License
  • Fire­wall
  • Cloud PABX
  • 2x Man­aged Device
  • eStore Web­site Builder
  • Domain Name
  • 1x Land­line Device

10 User Pack: 1000MBPS connection

Price: AED 3,375 exclud­ing 5% VAT

  • 10x 7500 Fixed-to-Fixed line min­utes
  • 10x user voice lines
  • 10x Antivirus license
  • 10x MS Teams License
  • Fire­wall
  • Cloud PABX
  • 2x Man­aged Device
  • eStore Web­site Builder
  • Domain Name
  • 1x Land­line Device

How to Get This Offer Now!

This offer is now avail­able for all busi­ness­es and organ­i­sa­tions. Pro­vid­ed Flexi min­utes are usable for call­ing in UAE and abroad for lim­it­ed coun­tries. New con­nec­tion charges of AED 200 are applic­a­ble for instal­la­tion and cabling.

As long as you con­tin­ue to use any of the offers pro­vid­ed by Eti­salat, Eti­salat will con­tin­ue to give you the web­site for free. After the offer ends, the free web­site will stop being giv­en to you, but you can pur­chase their host­ing and domain plans to keep the web­site active.

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