Posted inSIM Guide

How to Block Promotional SMS in UAE — Etisalat, Du, Virgin

How to Block Promotional SMS in UAE - Etisalat, Du and Virgin

Block­ing Pro­mo­tion­al SMS has become very impor­tant today as com­pa­nies always inform indi­vid­u­als through SMS about their pro­mo­tions and prod­ucts. There is bulk SMS soft­ware avail­able in the mar­ket which con­tains num­bers of mil­lions of peo­ple and is spe­cial­ly tar­get­ed for mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es. In this post, we will pro­vide com­plete infor­ma­tion on how to block Pro­mo­tion­al SMS in UAE for all car­ri­ers Eti­salat, Du & Vir­gin Mobile.

You can block such types of SMS using the Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions and Dig­i­tal Gov­ern­ment Reg­u­la­to­ry Author­i­ty (TDRA) guide. All cus­tomers by Eti­salat, DU and Vir­gin can block adver­tise­ment mes­sages using the giv­en method.

How to Block Promotional SMS

  • Go to Mes­sages > Type “Ball” and send it to 7726
  • All the adver­tise­ment mes­sages will be blocked, start­ing from “AD-” for exam­ple “AD-SHOP”.

If you don’t want to block all ads, you also have the option to block spe­cif­ic ads which you can use like this.

  • Type “B Adver­tis­er Shop Name/Number” (Exam­ple: B AD-SHOP) or (B 123) and send it to 7726.

You can also send an SMS Helpto 7726 and get the list of codes, which will help you to block, and unblock mar­ket­ing SMS.

How to unblock all promotional SMS?

Users can unblock the blocked adver­tise­ments SMS if they want by fol­low­ing the method below.

  • Go to the mes­sages, Write “UALL” and send it to 7726.

Get the list of all blocked senders

You can get the list of all blocked senders by send­ing an SMS “GET” to 7726.

Block Promotional SMSs from a Specific Segment/Category

From the giv­en list, you can block adver­tise­ments in any seg­ment. To block any seg­ment which is giv­en below send “B <seg­ment name>” to 7726 (Exam­ple: Send “B Bank­ing” to 7726).

  • Bank­ing
  • Retail
  • Tourism
  • Edu­ca­tion
  • Health
  • Real-Estate
  • Char­i­ty

Unblock Promotional SMSs from a Specific Segment/Category

You can Unblock adver­tise­ments in any seg­ment. To unblock any seg­ment send “U <seg­ment name>” to 7726 (Exam­ple: Send “U Bank­ing” to 7726).

How to block marketing calls

The Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates gov­ern­ment has intro­duced a sys­tem for peo­ple to block mar­ket­ing calls called the Do Not Call Reg­istry (DNCR). You can block spam calls by using this ser­vice. To avoid the prob­lem of receiv­ing tele­mar­ket­ing and pro­mo­tion­al calls, you can reg­is­ter your num­ber in DNCR.

All the indi­vid­u­als who live in UAE can report and block spam call­ing by vis­it­ing and fill­ing out the form. Here is a quick guide which you fol­low to block spam call­ing and mar­ket­ing calls to any Eti­salat, Du and Vir­gin Mobile num­ber.

  • Block mar­ket­ing calls, Type and Send ‘DNCR’ to 1012.
  • To unblock mar­ket­ing calls, Send SMS ‘UDNCR’ to 1012.
  • Check the num­ber sta­tus, and Send an SMS “Check IDNCR” to 1012.

Block Calls or SMS on Etisalat:

Eti­salat users can send “DNC” to 1451 and can block all pro­mo­tion­al SMS and calls. When you have signed up for this ser­vice, you will receive an SMS;

Thank you for reg­is­ter­ing for Etisalat’s – ‘Do – not – call’ list­ing ser­vice. You will not be receiv­ing any fur­ther pro­mo­tion­al calls from Eti­salat from next month onwards.

Vis­it the Eti­salat web­site > and add your num­ber to process the Block/Unblock Pro­mo­tion­al SMS.

Block Calls or SMS on Etisalat:

Block Calls and SMS on Du UAE

Du cus­tomers can block spam­my calls, mar­ket­ing SMS and calls by using the fol­low­ing method.

  • Go to the Mes­sages and Send “blank SMS” to 5293.
  • Fol­low the instruc­tions to block, unblock and get the infor­ma­tion on the DNC ser­vice.

Final Words:

The giv­en method of block­ing pro­mo­tion­al SMS in the UAE is use­ful for all tele­com car­ri­ers. We added the all infor­ma­tion after check­ing it on our Eti­salat and DU SIMs. To avoid spam and fraud calls we already pub­lished a post How to Know Caller Name and ID in UAE.

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