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Best Unlimited Internet Packages in UAE on Eid 2024

Best Unlimited Internet Packages in UAE

Eid ul Fitr 2024 is com­ing soon in UAE and we know you are excit­ed to know about dis­counts from your car­ri­ers. In UAE, many employ­ees and work­ers need inter­net plans at dis­count­ed prices to talk with their friends fam­i­lies and loved ones abroad. If you are look­ing for the best cheap and bud­get-friend­ly inter­net and video call­ing plans, here I have added the lat­est deals for you. After research­ing all car­ri­ers Eti­salat and DU, I came here with the best unlim­it­ed inter­net pack­ages in UAE that you can sub­scribe to on the Eid ul Fitr 2024 offer.

What is Eid ul Fitr 2024 Offer by Etisalat & DU?

We know that you are look­ing for the Eti­salat Eid offer and Du Eid offers on Eid 2024. So, here we are show­ing you the all prices and pack­age details includ­ing sub­scrib­ing USSD codes.

Du Low Price Internet Offers for Eid

You can sub­scribe to Du hourly plans which pro­vide unlim­it­ed inter­net data at a lit­tle cost. Hourly inter­net pack­age costs AED 3 and 2 Hour inter­net plan costs AED 5. Both plans have unlim­it­ed data and can be used for watch­ing videos, stream­ing, Gam­ing and social brows­ing.

Unlim­it­ed (3Mbps)*222#AED 31 Hour
Unlim­it­ed (3Mbps)*222#AED 52 Hours
30MB+2 Local Mins*135#AED 3.1524 Hours
60MB*135*6#AED 2.11 DAY
100MB*135*6#AED 3.151 DAY
120MB (Social)*135*5#AED 3.151 DAY
150MB*135*6#AED 3.01 DAY
200MB (Social)*135*5#AED 4.01 DAY
300MB (Social)*135*5#AED 4.01 DAY

I added this list because these plans come under AED 10. If you need more unlim­it­ed pack­ages and plans I am pro­vid­ing you the list of these pack­ages too.

DU Unlimited Internet Packages in UAE

Unlim­it­ed (3Mbps)*222#AED 31 Hour
Unlim­it­ed (3Mbps)*222#AED 52 Hours
Unlim­it­ed Social*055*786#AED 10028 Days
155MB@ 5G + Unlim­it­ed @192Kbps*135*5#AED 5028 Days

Social data is valid for What­sApp, Snapchat, Face­book, Insta­gram, and GoChat. In the AED 50 unlim­it­ed plan, cus­tomers can enjoy 155MB of data at high speed and unlim­it­ed data at @192Kbps speed. This bun­dle is amaz­ing because it has unlim­it­ed data which comes under AED 50. You can browse any web, or social media app, watch videos and play the games for 28 days.

Etisalat Low Price Internet Offers on EID

Eti­salat is cur­rent­ly offer­ing cheap inter­net but the amount of MB avail­able in them is less. Some offers are avail­able with Flexi min­utes and local min­utes includ­ing social data. Using free Flexi min­utes you can use for call­ing in UAE or abroad (Only select­ed coun­tries).

AED 36.75500MB25 Mins28 DaysAC COMBO35
AED 36.751GB50 Mins28 DaysAC COMBO50
AED 42150MB/Day-28 Days
AED 25250MB/Day-7 Days
AED 15150MB/Day-7 Days
AED 4250MB-1 Day
AED 2.5150MB-1 Day
To acti­vate any offer dial *101# and fol­low the instruc­tions.

If you need unlim­it­ed inter­net plans you can acti­vate Eti­salat local plans. There are 2 types of unlim­it­ed plans which are local and flex­i­ble. The prices of these plans are some high but it is the best because they have unlim­it­ed data usage. Check the prices and offers of these pack­ages.

Etisalat Unlimited Internet Packages in UAE

DetailsLocal PlanFlexi Plan
PriceAED 80AED 80
Unlim­it­ed Data@64Kbps@64Kbps
High Speed Data1GB1GB
Calls100 Min­utes50 Min­utes
Valid­i­ty28 Days28 Days

In the local plan, cus­tomers can call any num­ber with­in UAE for up to 100 min­utes for 28 days. If you need local and inter­na­tion­al calls then the Flexi plan is the best. You can acti­vate it and can get 50 Flexi min­utes for call­ing abroad and in UAE includ­ing 1GB high-speed data and unlim­it­ed data at @64Kbps speed. You can dial *101# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate the pack­ages.

Here are some more plans that can help you on Eid to con­nect with your friends and fam­i­ly on social and calls.

Best All in One Offers in UAE by Etisalat

Flex CallsPriceBonusSocial
30 MinsAED 33500 MB500 MB
60 MinsAED 42.85500 MB500 MB
90 MinsAED 52.38500 MB500 MB
30 MinsAED 47.611GB1GB
60 MinsAED 57.141GB1GB
Dial *101*50# to acti­vate any of the giv­en pack­ages.
  • Flexi min­utes are valid for call­ing India, Pak­istan, Bangladesh, Philip­pines, Nepal, Egypt, Afghanistan and UAE.

UAE WIFI Hotspots

As you know the Inter­net in UAE is cost­ly, espe­cial­ly for mobile phone net­works. There­fore, peo­ple use a WIFI plan, which costs a lit­tle in a home. It is not rec­om­mend­ed to use mobile inter­net data for down­load­ing pur­pos­es because it will end before expiry. Accord­ing to WIFI is the best for using the inter­net which is avail­able in dif­fer­ent places like restau­rants, pub­lic places, hotels and park­ing sta­tions.

I am going to show you the WIFI plans in UAE which you can sub­scribe to and use the unlim­it­ed data. To do this, you need a Du or Eti­salat SIM which will help to cre­ate a WIFI account.

How to get Unlimited Internet in UAE using WIFI?

Fol­low me step by step below to acti­vate the One­time WIFI hotspot plan.

  • Con­nect to any Open net­work in the UAE
  • Open any web­page in your mobile inter­net brows­er
  • You will be redi­rect­ed to a login page
  • If you already have an account then log in oth­er­wise cre­ate a new account
  • It will ask for your phone num­ber which you have to enter to ver­i­fy it through receiv­ing OTP
  • After cre­at­ing a suc­cess­ful account, you can buy a WIFI plan accord­ing to your needs.

Wi-Fi both DU and Eti­salat is avail­able every­where. You can use free Wi-Fi unlim­it­ed all over UAE or Dubai after pay­ing the giv­en price. Whether you want to down­load or use social media, it’s the best and most bud­get-friend­ly for every­one.

UAE WIFI Prices — Etisalat and Du

24 hoursAED 5AED 2
7 DaysAED 20AED 10
28 DaysAED 40AED 25
Prices are *Inclu­sive of 5% VAT.

If you use your mobile phone net­work data, it will cost you more, but the speed may be faster than Wi-Fi. Anoth­er advan­tage of mobile data is that no mat­ter where you are in the coun­try, your inter­net con­nec­tion does not stop. Wi-Fi is only good for areas and cities where it is avail­able.

Keep in mind that WIFI hotspot con­nec­tions are valid for one time only.

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