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How to Borrow Credit from Du — Du Loan Code

How to Borrow Credit from Du

At every cor­ner of life, we may some­times have to go through such a sit­u­a­tion that there is no cred­it in our mobile phones. In this case, if we are using a Du SIM card, it also offers us the facil­i­ty of bor­row­ing a cred­it of AED 5. Users can bor­row cred­it from the com­pa­ny dur­ing tough times and pay it back lat­er. In this blog post, I will tell you about how to bor­row cred­it from Du and what is the Du loan code.

Du pro­vides us with 2 types of loan cred­it options:

  1. Bor­row Cred­it from Du of AED 5
  2. Get local and inter­na­tion­al 3 min­utes calls, charges AED 1.50 (+5% VAT) per call.

How to Borrow Credit from Du?

You can bor­row a cred­it of AED 5 but for this, you must have used at least AED 10 from your sim in a month. You should be using Du SIM for at least 3 months after which you will be eli­gi­ble for this ser­vice. If you fol­low all these con­di­tions you can get a bor­row of AED 5 using this method:

Method 1: Using USSD Code

  • Dial *108#
  • Press or reply with 2 where the “Bor­row Cred­it” option appears.
  • You will receive a con­fir­ma­tion SMS of “Amount Cred­it­ed”
  • To check the lat­est balance/credit infor­ma­tion dial *135# > 1 > 1.

Method 2: Get Du Advance Balance by SMS

If you have not got a loan yet, you can send an SMS to 1080 and fol­low the instruc­tions below:

  1. Go to the mes­sages and Send “5” to 1080.
  2. You will receive a con­fir­ma­tion SMS of AED 5 cred­it­ed to your account

After get­ting the 5 AED cred­it, the next time when you recharge your SIM, Du will deduct AED 5 + AED 1 (ser­vice charges) from your account. These ser­vice charges include 5% VAT.

Du Zero Credit Call

Du is also offer­ing free local and inter­na­tion­al calls but it has some ser­vice charges that you have to pay on the next recharge. This ser­vice is called Zero Cred­it Call and it auto starts work when a user cred­it is below 0.5 fils. After con­nect­ing the call AED 1.50 +(5% VAT) per call ser­vice charges will be deduct­ed on your next recharge.

  • You can acti­vate the ser­vice by send­ing an SMS “AUTO ON” to 1080.
  • To deac­ti­vate Out of cred­it ser­vice Send “AUTO OFF” to 1080.

How does this Ser­vice Work?

Under this ser­vice, if your bal­ance is low, you can make 3 min­utes of calls. While mak­ing a call you start hear­ing an announce­ment and the call will be con­nect­ed after a beep.

If you don’t wish to make a call, you can decline call before the next per­son attends it. On the oth­er hand, if the cus­tomer does not attend the call, no ser­vice charges will be applic­a­ble.

If you want to be free from redun­dan­cy charges then with this ser­vice you can make free calls in case of com­pul­sion or emer­gency. If you take a cred­it of AED 5 you have to pay it on the next recharge with AED 1 fee. When you call with Zero cred­it call ser­vice you have to pay the amount until the call is con­nect­ed oth­er­wise not.


How to get Du’s advance bal­ance?

Dial *180# and reply with 2. You will receive an SMS of AED 5 cred­it­ed to your account.

I am unable to get the Du loan, What hap­pened?

You have not com­plet­ed the require­ments or have not paid the pre­vi­ous bor­row cred­it. You must have 3 months 3‑month-old Du cus­tomer and have used at least AED 10 in a month. If you have not paid your pre­vi­ous loan amount, you can­not get it again till you return it.

How to deac­ti­vate Du Zero Cred­it Call?

You can stop Du Zero Cred­it Call by send­ing “AUTO OFF” to 1080.

How can I check whether I have already giv­en the bor­rowed cred­it or not?

You can dial *180# and fol­low the instruc­tions to know the sta­tus. If you already take the loan, you will get an SMS to return the cred­it.

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