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How to Activate Roaming Services in UAE Before Going to Travel

How to Activate Roaming Services in UAE Before Going to Travel

Are you going on hol­i­day out­side the UAE? If so, you should check whether roam­ing ser­vices are active from your mobile car­ri­er. With roam­ing ser­vices, you can use ser­vices like calls and inter­net from any­where. You should know about how to acti­vate Roam­ing Ser­vices in UAE on your mobile before trav­el­ling.

When you go abroad for work or on vaca­tion, if roam­ing is OFF on your Eti­salat, DU or Vir­gin Mobile SIM it means you miss out on its ser­vices like calls and data. In this arti­cle, we added a quick guide on how to acti­vate roam­ing ser­vices in UAE and acti­vate add-ons to get data and calls.

How to enable data roaming on your phone

After acti­vat­ing most of the lines in the mobile car­ri­er, the roam­ing ser­vices are acti­vat­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly. But peo­ple face the prob­lem of not being able to turn it on on mobile. You can acti­vate the roam­ing ser­vice by fol­low­ing the giv­en method.


Go to Set­tings > Cel­lu­lar Data Options > and switch on Data Roam­ing.


Go to Set­tings > Net­work & Inter­net >SIM Card & Mobile net­work > select the SIM > and switch on Data Roam­ing.


If you are an Eti­salat user, the roam­ing ser­vice should already be active on your SIM. When a new Eti­salat SIM or con­nec­tion is acti­vat­ed, roam­ing is also acti­vat­ed on it. If you have deac­ti­vat­ed the roam­ing ser­vice on your Eti­salat SIM (for any rea­son), you can reac­ti­vate it by call­ing hot­line 101.

Read our quick guide that tells you how to turn roam­ing ser­vice on or off on your SIM in min­utes.

  • Use the Eti­salat UAE app on your Android, Apple and Huawei devices. Login to your account go to Add-On and select any Eti­salat Roam­ing plan accord­ing to your need.
  • Vis­it the Eti­salat web­site, log into your account check the Roam­ing Add-Ons then acti­vate it to which you wish to sub­scribe.
  • Dial *177# from your phone to acti­vate the dai­ly, week­ly month­ly add-ons.


Du roam­ing ser­vices are already acti­vat­ed when we buy a new con­nec­tion or SIM, but if for any rea­son you have stopped it or it is not run­ning, then you can reac­ti­vate it by fol­low­ing the below-men­tioned method.

First of all, you need to know whether the DU Roam­ing ser­vice is active or inac­tive on your SIM. To check it you have to write ‘roam­ing’ to 5102 in the mes­sage and send it. You will get the roam­ing sta­tus infor­ma­tion in the con­fir­ma­tion mes­sage.

After doing this step you have to go to your phone set­tings and acti­vate the roam­ing ser­vice in mobile set­tings. DU users should ensure that the roam­ing ser­vices are ful­ly active before trav­el­ling so that they do not face any prob­lems lat­er. Con­tact hot­line 155 for more com­plaints and roam­ing ser­vices.

Here is a quick guide to turn­ing ON the Roam­ing ser­vices and add-on on Du SIM:

  1. Turn ON the Roam­ing ser­vice on your phone by going to set­tings > Net­works > Select SIM > Active the Roam­ing
  2. Install the Du UAE app for Android, Apple and Huawei devices and log in to your account. Go to the Add-ons sec­tion and choose the bun­dle to acti­vate it.
  3. Vis­it Du’s web­site and acti­vate the roam­ing plan which you wish.
  4. Turn ON the Roam­ing ser­vice by send­ing ‘roam­ing’ to 5102.
  5. Call hot­line num­ber 155 and talk with a cus­tomer rep­re­sen­ta­tive to acti­vate the roam­ing ser­vice.

Virgin Mobile:

Vir­gin Mobile users can acti­vate roam­ing ser­vices using the Vir­gin Mobile app and use their local data and calls to more than 140 coun­tries. You need to acti­vate the ‘Roam Like Home’ roam­ing pass ser­vice on Vir­gin Mobile which is avail­able in the app.

If you need more data and call add-ons, you can acti­vate your cus­tom ser­vice from the add-ons sec­tion after log­ging into the app. To use the data, you need to ensure that your mobile roam­ing is turned on, which is the method we explained above.

  • Install Vir­gin Mobile UAE app on your Android, Apple and Huawei devices and then log into your account
  • Acti­vate the add-on by going to the offers sec­tion > Add-On > Roam­ing ser­vices
  • Enable Roam­ing from your phone and get ready to use it.

What to do When Roaming does not work?

If you are unable to acti­vate Roam­ing Ser­vices in UAE for your mobile oper­a­tors Eti­salat, DU and Vir­gin Mobile fol­low the instruc­tions:

Restart your mobile phones after reach­ing your des­ti­na­tion. Due to many rea­sons, your mobile phone is not able to turn on roam­ing which is fixed after restart­ing the mobile.

- Acti­vate roam­ing ser­vice: It still won’t work if you don’t acti­vate the roam­ing ser­vice on your SIM. Acti­vat­ing the roam­ing ser­vice means you have to buy its add-ons or pack­ages after which it will start work­ing. This prob­lem most­ly occurs when your mobile has zero balance/recharge.

- Con­tact your cus­tomer ser­vice cen­tre: If your prob­lem is not solved yet, call your mobile oper­a­tor. There might be many pro­fes­sion­al agents who will help you and solve your issue.

How Does Roaming Service Work?

We read all about how to acti­vate roam­ing ser­vices in UAE on Eti­salat, DU or Vir­gin Mobile but many peo­ple don’t know how the roam­ing ser­vice works. We will quick­ly tell you this.

When you trav­el abroad, your phone com­pa­ny might have a spe­cial deal with a com­pa­ny in that coun­try. This lets you use your phone’s SIM card just like you would at home, instead of need­ing a new one. This way, you can make calls, send texts, and use data with­out any has­sle. These agree­ments are called roam­ing agree­ments.

Here is what hap­pens:

When you land in Pak­istan, your Eti­salat or du SIM will auto­mat­i­cal­ly con­nect to the strongest avail­able net­work that has a roam­ing agree­ment with your UAE provider (like­ly Jazz, Zong, or Ufone).

You have to pay a bit more for this ser­vice than a nor­mal pack­age but when you acti­vate the add-on, you get spe­cif­ic min­utes and data usage.

You don’t choose the Pak­istani net­work you con­nect to. Your UAE provider deter­mines which net­works they have agree­ments with. It will auto­mat­i­cal­ly con­nect to the best net­work when you turn on the phone.

You just have to acti­vate the roam­ing ser­vice after which you can use your same SIM card in oth­er coun­tries and even receive calls, and SMS on them. We hope this infor­ma­tion helps you a lot. Keep com­ments for more infor­ma­tion, ask ques­tions and any sug­ges­tions.

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