Posted inEtisalat

Etisalat 10GB Free Data Offer — How to Activate this Package?

Etisalat 10GB Free Data Offer

Eti­salat has launched a com­bo plan for its pre­paid cus­tomers who need free calls and inter­net data for the whole month. You can get 10GB of data for free when you acti­vate the Eti­salat 10GB Free Data Offer. The price of this pack­age is AED 231 exclud­ing 5% VAT. Eti­salat’s 10GB free data offer is offer­ing 250 flexi call min­utes that can be used for call­ing local and inter­na­tion­al num­bers. Here are the more details of this pack­age:

Etisalat 10GB Free Data Offer Details

Calls250 Flexi Min­utes
PriceAED 231
Valid­i­ty28 Days
  • Flexi min­utes are usable to call in UAE and 100+ coun­tries
  • Data is usable on high-speed 5G or 4G with­out any down­time.

How to activate this package?

All Eti­salat cus­tomers can acti­vate this pack­age using the giv­en method:

  • Dial *170# or *101# and select the com­bo plans
  • Select Month­ly 10GB data in the pack­ages list
  • Reply with 1 to con­firm the acti­va­tion process
  • You will receive an SMS con­fir­ma­tion that you have sub­scribed to this pack­age after this you can use this pack­age.

Benefits of using this package:

There are many ben­e­fits of using this pack­age;

  • You will get non-stop inter­net data 10GB to use for the whole world of inter­net
  • If you need calls, you can get ben­e­fits from this by get­ting 250 inter­na­tion­al + local min­utes
  • You can save your mon­ey and time using this plan
  • No con­tract is need­ed! Just acti­vate it and use it like Pay As You Go

Terms and Conditions

  • Eti­salat can change the price of this pack­age at any time with­out any notice. Must check the lat­est price by call­ing 101 or dial­ing *101# > Com­bo Plans > Select­ing the 10GB plan.
  • After using the 10GB data, a stan­dard data rate will be applied when you use the inter­net.
  • You can use this pack­age mul­ti­ple times in a month.
  • You can sub­scribe to more data pack­ages when this pack­age has expired or can­cel it using the Eti­salat UAE app.

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