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Etisalat 100GB for 90 Days — 100GB for 3 Months Plan

Etisalat-100GB-for-90-Days plan

Eti­salat users can get 100GB of free inter­net for 90 days, but this offer is for a few users. 100 GB inter­net for 3 months you can use any­where be it social, YouTube etc. New cus­tomers can acti­vate this pack­age by send ‘md10’ to 1204 from their mobile phone. This pack­age is valid for 3 months and can be availed of by every pre­paid cus­tomer.

Eti­salat con­tin­ues to offer all kinds of facil­i­ties to its cus­tomers and also gives free inter­net and calls etc. as gifts to its new cus­tomers. This offer is valid for any user which can be checked by enter­ing the sub­scrip­tion code. This offer is 100% work­ing and we have con­firmed many users who got 100GB inter­net data. There is no fee and you can get it when you install the app for the first time.

Etisalat 100GB for 90 Days Package

Eti­salat 100GB for 90 Days Pack­age
Valid­i­ty90 Days
Valid forNew Pre­paid users
Acti­va­tionSend ‘md10’ to 1204
InquiryDial *170#

All pre­paid and post­paid new and excit­ing cus­tomers can try to this offer spe­cialy those who have not got it in life. If you are a excit­ing Eti­salat pre­paid cus­tomer, you can also get this offer but in con­di­tion of you have not have Eti­salat UAE App account reg­is­tered.

Etisalat 100GB for 90 Days Details

If you have not reg­is­tered Eti­salat ap, reg­is­ter it today using your Emi­rates ID and valid phone num­ber. When a new or old cus­tomer cre­ate Eti­salat UAE App account first time, they get Eti­salat 100GB for 90 Days. This inter­net can be used for stream­ing, gam­ing, play­ing videos, surf­ing the inter­net and social media apps.

Botim is free for Eti­salat new users which be got by dial­ing *101# and fol­low the instruc­tions. Cus­tomers also can get 100GB data by send­ing ‘md10’ to 1204. When they will send an SMS, they will get 100GB data con­fir­ma­tion mes­sage with­in a minute.

New SIM users can get 1GB data for free using *101# menu. Dial *170# or send “Data” to 1010 to check the remain­ing inter­net data. To unsub­scribe this offer or any offer send “STOPALL” to 1010.

Subscription Methods:

  • To buy this plan, Send ‘md10’ to 1204
  • You will receive 100GB of mobile data
  • Valid for pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers (New and excit­ing cus­tomers who have not made Eti­salat UAE app account)
  • The valid­i­ty of this pack­age is for 90 days (3 months)

How to Check Remaining Package?

  • Dial *170# or send “Data” to 1010 to check the remain­ing inter­net data bal­ance.
  • Cus­tomers can also use the Eti­salat app and log in to the web por­tal to see the remain­ing data.

Etisalat 100GB for 90 days 200 AED

This pack­age is avail­able for pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers and is priced at 200 AED for 90 days. This plan is called Eti­salat 100GB for 90 days for 200 AED, and its sub­scrip­tion meth­ods are dif­fer­ent. Here are more details about this plan:

  • Data: 100GB
  • Valid­i­ty: 90 days
  • Price: AED 200

To sub­scribe to this plan, you can do so through the fol­low­ing meth­ods:

  • Dial *170*555# from your Eti­salat phone to sub­scribe to the plan
  • Send an SMS with the text “100GB” to 1010 to sub­scribe to the plan.
  • Down­load and Install the Eti­salat UAE app and log in to the Eti­salat UAE web por­tal

Please note that the prices men­tioned above are exclu­sive of VAT.


Infor­ma­tion about this pack­age is scarce on the inter­net, but all the meth­ods giv­en here work 100%. After you get 100GB inter­net you can­not get it again as it can be used only once. For more infor­ma­tion, you can dial *101# or acti­vate and deac­ti­vate any pack­age using Eti­salat’s app, and you can also read the Eti­salat UAE inter­net pack­ages post.

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