Posted inDu UAE / Tourist SIM

DU Tourist SIM Card Prices, Visitor Packages & Offers

Du Visitor SIM card and prices

DU is the largest tele­com net­work in UAE, pro­vid­ing pre­paid, post­paid, broad­band, and WIFI ser­vices. This net­work is the sec­ond largest net­work in UAE which is most­ly used due to its low­est rates and SIM card prices. DU tourist SIM card already new offers which are called the Vis­i­tor SIM plans cost about AED 49. We will explain the com­plete infor­ma­tion about its pack­ages, and prices, and com­par­i­son of DU SIM card pre­paid and trav­eller SIM cards.

A new SIM card by DU costs about a min­i­mum of AED 49 with some free call­ing min­utes and inter­net data. Cus­tomers have oppor­tu­ni­ties for free SIM cards with­out bun­dle acti­va­tion that can be obtained from any air­port in the UAE.

Tourist SIM cards with unlim­it­ed data pack­ages and calls are also avail­able at the low­est cost com­pared to oth­er net­works. If you want to use the WIFI ser­vices, Du also offers WIFI pack­ages to its cus­tomers some are free and some paid but are unlim­it­ed*.

Du Tourist SIM Card Prices _ Best Visitors Plans

  • Free SIM: 1GB Data (24 Hours)
  • AED 49: 30 Flexi Mins, 2 GB, Unlim­it­ed Inter­net Call­ing
  • AED 99: 30 Flexi Mins, 6 GB, Unlim­it­ed Inter­net Call­ing
  • AED 139: 30 Flexi Mins, 10 GB, Unlim­it­ed Inter­net Call­ing

These plans, includ­ing a free SIM card, are valid for 28 days only. After this, cus­tomers can recharge the bal­ance to con­tin­ue using the ser­vices. Flexi min­utes are usable to call with­in the coun­try and inter­na­tion­al­ly.

You can get more infor­ma­tion by dialling the USSD code *101#. All the plans have free inter­net call­ing, and you can use it for free on Botim, What­sApp, Face­book, Twit­ter, and Snapchat.

Here are the more Vis­i­tor SIM card plans:

PriceFlexi CallsInter­netValid­i­ty
FREE-1 GB24 Hours
AED 4930 Mins2 GB28 Days
AED 9930 Mins6 GB28 Days
AED 13930 Mins10 GB28 Days
AED 18930 Mins20 GB28 Days
AED 199100 MinsUnlim­it­ed7 Days
AED 299200 MinsUnlim­it­ed14 Days
  • All pack­ages include free Unlim­it­ed inter­net call­ing.
  • Inter­net call­ing is valid for the Botim app
  • Flexi min­utes are usable for local and inter­na­tion­al call­ings

Du vis­i­tor pack­ages are lim­it­ed which we have pro­vid­ed you with the list. If you are already liv­ing in the Emi­rates, you can buy addi­tion­al pre­paid SIM cards with dif­fer­ent pack­ages and prices.

You can buy any sim card online which will be deliv­ered to your giv­en address with­in 1 hour. All cus­tomers can use tourist SIM cards as Pay as You Go after expir­ing the pack­ages. When you buy a new SIM card, you have option to get a phys­i­cal or eSIM card.

Cus­tomers are also eli­gi­ble to get free 100GB of data on pre­paid SIM cards when they acti­vate the Du UAE app for the first time. Post­paid cus­tomers have many great options before buy­ing a SIM card in Dubai includ­ing data packs. All the infor­ma­tion we have added on our tourist page.

Du Pay As You Go Visitor SIM Card Plans

Du pay as you go SIM card price is AED 55 which comes with hun­dreds of add-ons, inter­net, call­ing and roam­ing pack­ages. If you want to buy a non-con­tract Du SIM then Pay As You Go is the best selec­tion that comes with 2 Flexi min­utes for local and inter­na­tion­al call­ing.

Du Pay As You Go SIM Card
PriceAED 55
Calls2 Flexi Mins

The best advan­tage of this offer is that you don’t have to pay month­ly fees and you can save mon­ey. When­ev­er you need inter­net, calls, and any val­ue-added ser­vices, you can eas­i­ly acti­vate them accord­ing to your needs.

Also Read: Du Inter­na­tion­al SMS Pack­ages

Tourist SIM Card Add-on

If your pack­age and data have expired pre­ma­ture­ly, you can acti­vate the addon. This addon is avail­able dai­ly and week­ly for trav­eller SIM card users.

PriceDataFlexi CallsValid­i­ty
AED 191 GB-1 Day
AED 39Unlim­it­ed-1 Day
AED 10-30 Mins7 Days
  • Dial *055# to acti­vate tourist add-ons
  • Dial *135# to man­age your account

Out of Bundle Charges

Out of the bun­dle, the default rates will be applied:

Out-of-bun­dle charges
Nation­al Calls38 fils/minute (5% VAT inclu­sive)
Int’l Calls-
Nation­al SMS19 fils/SMS
Int’l SMS63 fils/SMS
Nation­al MMS47 fils/50 KB
int’l MMS47 fils/50 KB

How to buy a Du SIM Card in UAE?


After select­ing the SIM card you can eas­i­ly buy DU SIM at any air­port. With all the pack­age and SIM infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed, you can select any SIM and pur­chase it from the rep­re­sen­ta­tive. If you wish to book a SIM card before you arrive in the Emi­rates, this option is also avail­able on Du’s offi­cial web­site


  • You need your orig­i­nal Pass­port along with a copy

Buy a SIM Card at the Airport

  • Open from your device or get the plans card from the air­port
  • select any plan accord­ing to your needs most­ly we have added all in this post
  • Select the SIM card eSIM or phys­i­cal SIM card
  • Insert it into your phone and acti­vate it

You can buy SIM cards by vis­it­ing any near­est Du store or sell­ing point. You must have your Emi­rates ID or pass­port to buy a SIM card.

Activating Du Visitor SIM Card

Buy­ing a SIM card from the store will be active on your Emi­rates ID or pass­port. You have to ver­i­fy your SIM card to use it.

  • Insert SIM in your mobile phone and pow­er on your phone
  • Upon turn­ing on your mobile, you will receive an SMS from 1220
  • Reply it with your date of birth exam­ple your birth­day is “June 12, 1990”, Send ‘1990’ to 1220
  • SIM card will be acti­vat­ed suc­cess­ful­ly and you will receive 1GB of data for free

Some­times cus­tomers nev­er receive SMS from 1220 which caus­es a big prob­lem and cus­tomers have to vis­it the Du store again. You can the sec­ond method to acti­vate the tourist SIM card.

  • Dial *122# from your phone
  • Enter your pass­port num­ber, date of arrival (accord­ing to your pass­port), and coun­try name
  • After com­plet­ing all the steps, your SIM card will be acti­vat­ed with­in a short time

DU is offer­ing free SIM cards to its new users who come to the UAE for a short time. They can buy this SIM card and can get a 1GB data bonus for 24 hours. This is a lim­it­ed-time offer that is valid for only tourists or new cus­tomers.

DU SIM card is the best selec­tion if you are on a bud­get. Its 5G cov­er­age is amaz­ing and is avail­able in all urban and rur­al areas. You can call 135 to acti­vate, deac­ti­vate and know about your SIM card. You can also buy a Du eSIM card or move from a phys­i­cal SIM card to eSIM using the app. Below, we are giv­ing you all the basic infor­ma­tion that can be help­ful for you.

Helpline: 155

Pack­age Acti­va­tion: Dial *135#

Check Bal­ance: Send “Bal­ance” to 1355

Recharge/voucher: Dial *135*voucher/card num­ber#

Addon Acti­va­tion: Dial *055#


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