Posted inDu UAE / Tourist SIM

DU Tourist SIM Card Prices, Visitor Packages & Offers

Du Visitor SIM card and prices

DU is the largest tele­com net­work in UAE, pro­vid­ing pre­paid, post­paid, broad­band, and WIFI ser­vices. This net­work is the sec­ond largest net­work in UAE which is most­ly used due to its low­est rates and SIM card prices. DU tourist SIM card already new offers which are called the Vis­i­tor SIM plans cost about AED 49. We will explain the com­plete infor­ma­tion about its pack­ages, and prices, and com­par­i­son of DU SIM card pre­paid and trav­eller SIM cards.

A new SIM card by DU costs about a min­i­mum of AED 49 with some free call­ing min­utes and inter­net data. Cus­tomers have oppor­tu­ni­ties for free SIM cards with­out bun­dle acti­va­tion that can be obtained from any air­port in the UAE.

Tourist SIM cards with unlim­it­ed data pack­ages and calls are also avail­able at the low­est cost com­pared to oth­er net­works. If you want to use the WIFI ser­vices, Du also offers WIFI pack­ages to its cus­tomers some are free and some paid but are unlim­it­ed*.

Du Tourist SIM Card Prices _ Best Visitors Plans

  • Free SIM: 1GB Data (24 Hours)
  • AED 49: 30 Flexi Mins, 2 GB, Unlim­it­ed Inter­net Call­ing
  • AED 99: 30 Flexi Mins, 6 GB, Unlim­it­ed Inter­net Call­ing
  • AED 139: 30 Flexi Mins, 10 GB, Unlim­it­ed Inter­net Call­ing

These plans, includ­ing a free SIM card, are valid for 28 days only. After this, cus­tomers can recharge the bal­ance to con­tin­ue using the ser­vices. Flexi min­utes are usable to call with­in the coun­try and inter­na­tion­al­ly.

You can get more infor­ma­tion by dialling the USSD code *101#. All the plans have free inter­net call­ing, and you can use it for free on Botim, What­sApp, Face­book, Twit­ter, and Snapchat.

Here are the more Vis­i­tor SIM card plans:

PriceFlexi CallsInter­netValid­i­ty
FREE-1 GB24 Hours
AED 4930 Mins2 GB28 Days
AED 9930 Mins6 GB28 Days
AED 13930 Mins10 GB28 Days
AED 18930 Mins20 GB28 Days
AED 199100 MinsUnlim­it­ed7 Days
AED 299200 MinsUnlim­it­ed14 Days
  • All pack­ages include free Unlim­it­ed inter­net call­ing.
  • Inter­net call­ing is valid for the Botim app
  • Flexi min­utes are usable for local and inter­na­tion­al call­ings

Du vis­i­tor pack­ages are lim­it­ed which we have pro­vid­ed you with the list. If you are already liv­ing in the Emi­rates, you can buy addi­tion­al pre­paid SIM cards with dif­fer­ent pack­ages and prices.

You can buy any sim card online which will be deliv­ered to your giv­en address with­in 1 hour. All cus­tomers can use tourist SIM cards as Pay as You Go after expir­ing the pack­ages. When you buy a new SIM card, you have option to get a phys­i­cal or eSIM card.

Cus­tomers are also eli­gi­ble to get free 100GB of data on pre­paid SIM cards when they acti­vate the Du UAE app for the first time. Post­paid cus­tomers have many great options before buy­ing a SIM card in Dubai includ­ing data packs. All the infor­ma­tion we have added on our tourist page.

Sev­er­al cryp­tocur­ren­cy exchanges offer SIM card and mobile recharge ser­vices, allow­ing users to top up their DU pre­paid plans using dig­i­tal assets like Bit­coin and Ethereum.

Du Pay As You Go Visitor SIM Card Plans

Du pay as you go SIM card price is AED 55 which comes with hun­dreds of add-ons, inter­net, call­ing and roam­ing pack­ages. If you want to buy a non-con­tract Du SIM then Pay As You Go is the best selec­tion that comes with 2 Flexi min­utes for local and inter­na­tion­al call­ing.

Du Pay As You Go SIM Card
PriceAED 55
Calls2 Flexi Mins

The best advan­tage of this offer is that you don’t have to pay month­ly fees and you can save mon­ey. When­ev­er you need inter­net, calls, and any val­ue-added ser­vices, you can eas­i­ly acti­vate them accord­ing to your needs.

Also Read: Du Inter­na­tion­al SMS Pack­ages

Tourist SIM Card Add-on

If your pack­age and data have expired pre­ma­ture­ly, you can acti­vate the addon. This addon is avail­able dai­ly and week­ly for trav­eller SIM card users.

PriceDataFlexi CallsValid­i­ty
AED 191 GB-1 Day
AED 39Unlim­it­ed-1 Day
AED 10-30 Mins7 Days
  • Dial *055# to acti­vate tourist add-ons
  • Dial *135# to man­age your account

Out of Bundle Charges

Out of the bun­dle, the default rates will be applied:

Out-of-bun­dle charges
Nation­al Calls38 fils/minute (5% VAT inclu­sive)
Int’l Calls-
Nation­al SMS19 fils/SMS
Int’l SMS63 fils/SMS
Nation­al MMS47 fils/50 KB
int’l MMS47 fils/50 KB

How to buy a Du SIM Card in UAE?


After select­ing the SIM card you can eas­i­ly buy DU SIM at any air­port. With all the pack­age and SIM infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed, you can select any SIM and pur­chase it from the rep­re­sen­ta­tive. If you wish to book a SIM card before you arrive in the Emi­rates, this option is also avail­able on Du’s offi­cial web­site


  • You need your orig­i­nal Pass­port along with a copy

Buy a SIM Card at the Airport

  • Open from your device or get the plans card from the air­port
  • select any plan accord­ing to your needs most­ly we have added all in this post
  • Select the SIM card eSIM or phys­i­cal SIM card
  • Insert it into your phone and acti­vate it

You can buy SIM cards by vis­it­ing any near­est Du store or sell­ing point. You must have your Emi­rates ID or pass­port to buy a SIM card.

Activating Du Visitor SIM Card

Buy­ing a SIM card from the store will be active on your Emi­rates ID or pass­port. You have to ver­i­fy your SIM card to use it.

  • Insert SIM in your mobile phone and pow­er on your phone
  • Upon turn­ing on your mobile, you will receive an SMS from 1220
  • Reply it with your date of birth exam­ple your birth­day is “June 12, 1990”, Send ‘1990’ to 1220
  • SIM card will be acti­vat­ed suc­cess­ful­ly and you will receive 1GB of data for free

Some­times cus­tomers nev­er receive SMS from 1220 which caus­es a big prob­lem and cus­tomers have to vis­it the Du store again. You can the sec­ond method to acti­vate the tourist SIM card.

  • Dial *122# from your phone
  • Enter your pass­port num­ber, date of arrival (accord­ing to your pass­port), and coun­try name
  • After com­plet­ing all the steps, your SIM card will be acti­vat­ed with­in a short time

DU is offer­ing free SIM cards to its new users who come to the UAE for a short time. They can buy this SIM card and can get a 1GB data bonus for 24 hours. This is a lim­it­ed-time offer that is valid for only tourists or new cus­tomers.

DU SIM card is the best selec­tion if you are on a bud­get. Its 5G cov­er­age is amaz­ing and is avail­able in all urban and rur­al areas. You can call 135 to acti­vate, deac­ti­vate and know about your SIM card. You can also buy a Du eSIM card or move from a phys­i­cal SIM card to eSIM using the app. Below, we are giv­ing you all the basic infor­ma­tion that can be help­ful for you.

Helpline: 155

Pack­age Acti­va­tion: Dial *135#

Check Bal­ance: Send “Bal­ance” to 1355

Recharge/voucher: Dial *135*voucher/card num­ber#

Addon Acti­va­tion: Dial *055#


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