Posted inDu UAE

Du Monthly Unlimited Data Package 35 AED

Du Monthly Unlimited Data Package 35 AED

Du has launched anoth­er month­ly data offer at a very cheap price of AED 35. All pre­paid cus­tomers can now acti­vate the Du Month­ly Unlim­it­ed Data Pack­age 35 AED and enjoy it for 30 days. Because Wi-Fi is not avail­able every­where, and we need the Inter­net for every small task, mobile Inter­net is very impor­tant. Like If you need to send mon­ey from the bank or pay a bill some­where, the need for inter­net is nec­es­sary, then the offer of Du is very use­ful.

Du Monthly Unlimited Data Package 35 AED

With this offer, users get unlim­it­ed data at 192Kbps speed which is usable for 30 days. It also costs 35 AED which pro­vides non-stop high speed 155MB per day inter­net then speed will slow. It allows you to browse the web as well as social apps. If you play videos, it might not last long because it uses a lot of data. Among the pre­paid users, it is also a great choice for those who work online and can stay con­nect­ed to the Inter­net at all times.

Here the table con­tains all the infor­ma­tion about this pack­age:

Month­ly Unlim­it­ed Data 35 AED
PriceAED 35
DataUnlim­it­ed at 192kbps
Dai­ly Usage155MB
Valid­i­ty30 Days
Acti­va­tionDial *055#
Valid forPre­paid Users
  • The dai­ly lim­it is 155MB on 192Kbps after this inter­net speed will be down
  • This pack­age will auto renewed
  • This pack­age is valid for 30 days

This is an amaz­ing offer for all new and excit­ing cus­tomers who wish to always be con­nect­ed to the inter­net. In many places, WIFI is not avail­able when we are not at home or in dif­fer­ent places, we need the inter­net. We can use this data pack­age to talk with friends, fam­i­ly, and loved ones on all social media apps exclud­ing What­sApp.

If you need What­sApp, you can con­nect your mobile phone with VPN which is avail­able on Google Play Store and Apple Store. You can also sub­scribe to this pack­age through the Du UAE app, and web por­tal and by call­ing the 155. If you wish to can­cel this offer, you can dial *135# or use the Du UAE app > My account > Ser­vices and deac­ti­vate it.

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