Posted inEtisalat / SIM Guide

How to Check Etisalat Number and Owner

How to Check Etisalat Number and Owner

If we have an unknown Eti­salat SIM, we try to find out the SIM num­ber and the name of its own­er. Find­ing the SIM num­ber is very easy, but it can be a chal­leng­ing task for new users. If you have a new­ly pur­chased Eti­salat SIM but don’t know its num­ber, then with the help of this post, you will learn all about it.

There are many ways to check a SIM num­ber, one of the eas­i­est is to call anoth­er num­ber from that SIM. The num­ber will appear in front of you. If there is no bal­ance in the Eti­salat SIM, you can find its num­ber and own­er’s name by using more meth­ods.

First of all, we need to know whose SIM num­ber you want to know. If the SIM is your own or you are run­ning a SIM that is very old, but you don’t know its num­ber or own­er, you can use any of the meth­ods below. If the SIM is not yours and you got it from some­where, I would not rec­om­mend you insert it into your mobile phone and use it. This can be dan­ger­ous for you.

How to Check Etisalat Number and Owner Name

This method to find an Eti­salat SIM num­ber is very easy and com­mon. You may know this method, but we will give you com­plete infor­ma­tion about it. To check your Eti­salat SIM num­ber, you have to dial *101# from your SIM, after which a menu will appear on your mobile screen. There will be many options, but you have to reply to the first one, which is called Account Man­age­ment.

After going to this option, you can find out the num­ber of the SIM, its plan or pack­age, the name of the own­er, etc. Note that there is no charge, but this func­tion works only on active SIM cards and not on blocked SIM cards. Fur­ther, you can find out your Eti­salat SIM num­ber and own­er by fol­low­ing the pro­ce­dure giv­en below.

Check Etisalat number and owner
  1. Dial *101# from your mobile phone
  2. In a short time, many dif­fer­ent options will appear on your mobile screen.
  3. You have to reply by writ­ing 1, which will be named “Account Man­age­ment” Sec­tion
  4. After reply­ing, anoth­er option will appear in front of you
  5. Now you have to reply with 3, which will be called “Account Infor­ma­tion.
  6. Now you can check and know your num­ber after reply­ing again by writ­ing 3. While you can find the name of the own­er of the num­ber by writ­ing 2.

This is a very use­ful method that every Eti­salat SIM hold­er should know. There are many oth­er meth­ods here as well which we will tell you about next. If you are hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ty using this method, you can also check out the oth­er meth­ods giv­en below.

Etisalat Number Check Code

Net­workEti­salat UAE
Num­ber Check CodeDial *101*1*3*3#

Dial *101# or *101*1*3*3# direct­ly to know your Eti­salat SIM num­ber. This method will work on all pre­paid, post­paid and Data SIM cards.

Check Etisalat SIM Number by Missed Call

As I told you above you can eas­i­ly find Eti­salat SIM num­ber or any oth­er SIM num­ber by call­ing. For this method, you must have a bal­ance in your SIM as you need to have free cred­its (which are used for calls) and bal­ance to make calls.

With­out it you can­not find the SIM num­ber. You can also try this method with­out bal­ance, but it will not work.

  • Try call­ing any of your friends, rel­a­tives, or any oth­er num­ber from your mobile phone.
  • The com­pa­ny sends a free missed call in case of no bal­ance, which if it hap­pens to you, you will get the num­ber.
  • In case of hav­ing enough bal­ance, when you call anoth­er num­ber, that num­ber will appear.

How to Check Etisalat Number Owner?

Find­ing the own­er of an Eti­salat SIM is not dif­fi­cult but can be chal­leng­ing. New users who are using SIM cards in UAE for the first time or using Eti­salat SIM for the first time can find out the own­er’s name of any SIM by fol­low­ing this method.

The SIM card must be insert­ed in your mobile phone after which this method will work.

  • First, you have to dial *248# from your mobile phone.
  • After dial­ing this code, your SIM num­ber, reg­is­tra­tion date, and own­er name will appear.
  • This method is com­plete­ly free and many times I have used this method to find out the name of the SIM own­er.

Apart from this, you can also find the SIM num­ber and own­er name by dial­ing *101#. Remem­ber that these codes may expire over time, and you may also get the option to inval­i­date codes.

Call Etisalat Helpline

You can also call helpline num­ber 101 or +971 400444101 and ask a cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive to pro­vide you with details of the own­er’s name.

Cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tives will refuse to give you the infor­ma­tion, but if forced, they can only tell you the name of the SIM own­er. If you have inter­net, you can also get com­plete infor­ma­tion from the TDRA web­site.

We have already pub­lished a post about this which is about check­ing the num­ber of SIM cards and spare SIMs. You also know how to check Eti­salat num­ber sta­tus using this method.

Use the Etisalat App

If you have an Eti­salat SIM card but don’t know its own­er, you can also find it using the app. This is a much sim­pler method that I will rec­om­mend to you.

Etisalat number check code

All you have to do is install the Eti­salat app on your mobile phone and sign up on it by giv­ing your mobile num­ber. After set­ting the pass­word etc you can log it after which the sim own­er’s name will be dis­played in front.

You can also check Eti­salat SIM Expiry Date and get infor­ma­tion about active plans and bal­ances on it with the help of this app.

You can use any giv­en method to check the Eti­salat num­ber and Own­er accord­ing to your pref­er­ences. All the meth­ods are 100% work­ing and you can use them with­out any fee. Always check the SIM num­ber of your own SIM cards, not oth­er peo­ple’s. If you need more infor­ma­tion relat­ed to Eti­salat or SIM cards in UAE, you can browse more arti­cles on

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