Posted inDu UAE

Du Unlimited Monthly Social Pass — Enjoy Full Data!

Use Du Unlimited Monthly Social Pass in UAE on all SIMS

Du launched a month­ly unlim­it­ed social data plan for 28 days for only AED 80. Under this offer, all Du users can use unlim­it­ed data on all social net­works Face­book, What­sApp, Twit­ter, Snapchat, Insta­gram, LinkedIn and more.

This pass is per­fect for users who are active on their social media accounts and need to use their favorite apps with­out wor­ry­ing about data. This plan works with Pay as You Go and Month­ly plans. This plan comes with Bal­ance Shock Pro­tec­tion that pro­tects you from addi­tion­al charges while using the inter­net. Using the Month­ly social pass, you can stay con­nect­ed with your friends an fam­i­ly mem­bers for the whole month with­out any lim­its.

Du Unlimited Social Plan Details

PriceAED 80
DataUnlim­it­ed Social
Valid­i­ty28 Days
Sub­scribeDial *055# and fol­low the instruc­tions

Here is the method to sub­scribe to this offer:

  • Dial *055# from your Du sim
  • Type “3” Data and press send
  • Again type “0” and go to the next page
  • Now, Type “4” Unlim­it­ed Social Pass and press the send but­ton
  • Plan details will appear on your screen, to acti­vate it type “1” Accept and tap on Send.
  • A social unlim­it­ed pass will be acti­vat­ed on your DU SIM

You must have checked out many oth­er DU inter­net pack­ages but Unlimt­ed is very rare. When I got this plan, I imme­di­ate­ly shared it with you so that you too can get its full ben­e­fits.

You can unsub­scribe to this plan by send­ing ‘Stop Social’ to 1355.

Full Unlim­it­ed means you can send and receive video, audio calls, mes­sages, doc­u­ments, videos, audio, etc. to your loved ones from these social apps. This plan can also be used on 5G but for this, you must have a 5G sup­port­ed mobile phone.

It is pos­si­ble like in the past, Du changed many offers and this plan can be changed in the future, noth­ing to say _ but the USSD code will remain the same. You can also view the list of more pack­ages and sub­scribe to them by fol­low­ing the same method.

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