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Etisalat Call Forwarding Service to any Number — Full Guide

Etisalat call forwarding

With the help of Eti­salat Call For­ward­ing, you can for­ward calls from an Eti­salat num­ber to anoth­er num­ber. Eti­salat offers all kinds of facil­i­ties to cus­tomers, like call­ing, mes­sages, val­ue-added ser­vices, and inter­net pack­ages. For­ward­ing or divert­ing a call is the same thing, but many peo­ple don’t know how to acti­vate it. In this post, we will tell you the com­plete way to acti­vate and deac­ti­vate it.

The Eti­salat Call For­ward­ing method is very easy; you can acti­vate it from your mobile phone set­tings and also with the help of short­codes. You can acti­vate call for­ward­ing using any giv­en method that you find con­ve­nient. Eti­salat does not charge any fees for switch­ing on and off call for­ward­ing ser­vices.

How to Activate Etisalat Call Forwarding Service

You can divert or for­ward calls from Eti­salat to Du, Eti­salat, Vir­gin, Swyp, and any land­line num­ber using this method. You can acti­vate the call for­ward­ing by dial­ing the fol­low­ing codes:

  • For­ward all calls: Dial *21*05xxxxxxxx#
  • For­ward calls when you are busy: Dial *67*05xxxxxxxx#
  • For­ward calls when you do not answer: Dial *61*05xxxxxxxx#
  • For­ward calls when your phone is turned off or unreach­able: Dial *62*05xxxxxxxx#

Once you sub­scribe to the Eti­salat Call For­ward­ing Ser­vice, all incom­ing calls will be for­ward­ed to the oth­er phone num­bers you have entered in the sub­scrip­tion code.

How to forward all calls from Etisalat?

You can use this ser­vice when your mobile phone is left at home or you need to use anoth­er SIM. Note that the num­ber on which you are turn­ing on call for­ward­ing will stop receiv­ing calls, and calls will be received on the set num­ber.

Also read: Eti­salat Home Inter­net Pack­ages and WIFI Plans

You can acti­vate call divert­ing by dial­ing *21*05xxxxxxxxx# from your Eti­salat SIM. Eti­salat does not charge any fee to acti­vate it, but you can call the helpline to get the lat­est infor­ma­tion.

Anoth­er com­mon issue is when call for­ward­ing is acti­vat­ed on some­one’s phone num­ber with­out their knowl­edge. Because the call-for­ward­ing icon is vis­i­ble on smart­phones, many mobile phone users are aware of this. You can also deac­ti­vate it by dial­ing #121# from your mobile phone. All call for­ward­ing and diverts to your num­ber will be ter­mi­nat­ed.

Forward calls when you are busy:

Eti­salat users can for­ward calls when they are busy by dial­ing *67*05xxxxxxxx#. This ser­vice is used when you are in a meet­ing and can­not pick up a call. In such a case, when you hang up the call, your call is divert­ed to the set num­ber.

Sup­pose you want to tem­porar­i­ly for­ward incom­ing calls to one of your staff num­bers. So you can do it using this method. When some­one calls your num­ber and you make it busy, the call is auto­mat­i­cal­ly for­ward­ed to the num­ber you select­ed. The per­son mak­ing the call will also be noti­fied of this.

The method to deac­ti­vate this ser­vice is also the same; you just need to dial #67#. Once you match it, the for­ward­ing on your num­ber will end, and your call­ing ser­vices will be restored.

Forward calls when you do not answer:

You should use this ser­vice when you have more than two mobile phones. Dial *61*05xxxxxxxx# to acti­vate the call for­ward­ing when you are unable to pick it up. Dial #61# to deac­ti­vate the Eti­salat call for­ward­ing when you do not answer a call.

You can also acti­vate this ser­vice per­ma­nent­ly if you want because if you can’t pick up the mobile phone for any rea­son, the incom­ing calls will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly trans­ferred to the sec­ond num­ber. Sup­pose you have acti­vat­ed your num­ber for this ser­vice and added the divert num­ber to your office.

When you for­get your mobile phone at home and no one picks up the calls, all those calls will be for­ward­ed to your office num­ber.

Forward calls when your phone is turned off or unreachable:

This is a great call-for­ward­ing ser­vice, and I think you should keep it going. The main advan­tage of this ser­vice is that when your mobile phone can­not receive sig­nals or you are in a place where there is a net­work prob­lem, your calls will be for­ward­ed to the select­ed num­ber.

You can acti­vate it by dial­ing *62*05xxxxxxxx#. After acti­va­tion of the ser­vice, all calls will be for­ward­ed to your oth­er num­ber. To deac­ti­vate this ser­vice, sim­ply dial #62#.

Deactivate Etisalat Call Forwarding

Dial ##002# to deac­ti­vate all ser­vices at once. You can also fol­low the giv­en method to deac­ti­vate any sin­gle call-for­ward­ing ser­vice.

  • For­ward all calls: Dial #21#
  • For­ward calls when you are busy: Dial #67#
  • For­ward calls when you do not answer: Dial #61#
  • For­ward calls when your phone is turned off or unreach­able: Dial #62#

There are advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages to acti­vat­ing call for­ward­ing. Most peo­ple don’t even know and have call for­ward­ing active on their SIM. This caus­es the calls to be for­ward­ed to anoth­er num­ber, and the users do not receive the call. We have men­tioned all the meth­ods above that you can use to solve your prob­lem. If you are still fac­ing any prob­lems with call for­ward­ing, then you can con­tact the Eti­salat helpline.

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