Posted inSIM Guide

How to Check How Many SIMs Registered on My Emirates ID

How to Check How Many SIMs Registered on My Emirates ID

In these Dig­i­tal days, Secu­ri­ty is most impor­tant for all who use Dig­i­tal ser­vices. You must know about SIM Card check­ing meth­ods if you live in the UAE and have an Emi­rates ID. You must know which Sims and con­nec­tions are run­ning under your name so that you can avoid any kind of fraud or cheat­ing. In this post, we will explain: How to Check How Many SIMs are Reg­is­tered on My Emi­rates ID of Eti­salat, DU and Vir­gin.

By fol­low­ing the giv­en method, you can eas­i­ly check the details of reg­is­tered pre­paid, post­paid, fixed-line, and broad­band ser­vices in your name with any tele­com oper­a­tor. You will get the reg­is­tered SIM num­ber on your Emi­rates ID for free.

How to Find Mobile Numbers Registered with your Emirates ID using Hesbati

With the help of Hes­bati, you can check the SIM card infor­ma­tion, num­ber, etc. on your Emi­rates ID absolute­ly free. There is no need to pay a fee. You just have to fol­low this method, after which you will be able to know your Eti­salat, DU, and any com­pa­ny records.

Accord­ing to the TDRA, every UAE ID hold­er can use this ser­vice and also find out about the tele­com con­nec­tions that have been acti­vat­ed with­out his con­sent or knowl­edge. You can use this guide to check the reg­is­tered num­bers on your Emi­rates ID.

1. Open the TDRA website

Open the TDRA web­site from your desk­top or mobile. Login to your Account by click­ing on

If you have not had an account, you can cre­ate one by click­ing on Sign in with UAE Pass > under Login Form and Cre­ate an Account. You can cre­ate a new account using your Emi­rates ID and a valid mobile num­ber (Reg­is­tered on your own Emi­rates ID).

2. Open Our Initiatives section

Scroll down the page and look for the “Our Ini­tia­tives” sec­tion Now, click on the Read More link or vis­it this link as shown in the screen­shot.

Check numbers in UAE

3. Review the Active numbers

By vis­it­ing the Hesabati sec­tion, the list of all reg­is­tered mobile num­bers for all net­works (Eti­salat, DU, and Vir­gin) will appear in your account dash­board. You can also see the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion on all active num­bers:

  • Mobile num­ber
  • Account Type (Pre­paid or Post­paid)
  • Mobile Num­ber Sub­scrip­tion plan and expi­ra­tion date

If there is a sus­pi­cious or known num­ber active, it means an unau­tho­rized SIM is under your name. You can report all extra and unknown num­bers by click­ing on the com­plain but­ton under the mobile num­ber. After doing this, you will receive a ref­er­ence num­ber for your com­plaint through SMS. You can see the progress of this com­plaint by open­ing the Hesabati.

How to Register a Complaint of an Unknown Mobile Number Registered on Emirates ID

You can reg­is­ter a com­plaint by call­ing the TDRA cen­ter or online using Hesabati. Here are more ways that you can use it:

  • Call the TDRA call cen­ter at 800–12 to file a com­plaint.
  • Eti­salat: 800–101
  • DU: 800–155
  • Vir­gin: Use the Vir­gin app to block any unknown num­ber reg­is­tered on your Emi­rates ID.

In case of any wrong­do­ing, you can call your com­pa­ny’s helpline. Keep track of all reg­is­tered SIM num­bers on your Emi­rates ID to avoid fraud. If you don’t know the reg­is­tered num­ber on your Emi­rates ID, you can read our guide on how to change your mobile num­ber in Emi­rates ID.

Is there any Code to Check if my SIM card is registered under my name

Tele­com com­pa­nies noti­fy their cus­tomers through a mes­sage when a new num­ber is reg­is­tered. You can find infor­ma­tion about any net­work’s SIM in the com­pa­ny’s app. Like DU, Eti­salat, or Vir­gin, they all have apps, and you can access all account infor­ma­tion by log­ging into them. You can also call your net­work helpline to block unknown and inac­tive SIMs in a few sec­onds.

  • Eti­salat: 101
  • DU: 155
  • Vir­gin Mobile: 150

The Com­pa­ny does not pro­vide you with any codes or oth­er meth­ods that you can use to dis­able or block a SIM card in the UAE. It is an offence if you use a SIM in some­one else’s name or give a SIM reg­is­tered in your name to some­one else to use. Doing so can cause you a lot of dam­age and trou­ble. Final­ly, you can eas­i­ly check how many SIM cards are reg­is­tered under my Emi­rates ID.

One thought on “How to Check How Many SIMs Registered on My Emirates ID

  1. I have used this method but it is not show­ing the SIM Card which I was using. When i check the SIM own­er, it was changed so, it was not appear­ing.

    I used the SIM check method from this web­site and also own­er details meth­ods from here. I love Dubaisims because it help me a lot and give me reg­u­lar update.

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