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UAE First in the World to Launch 6G: The Impact of 6G on the UAE

6G in UAE

Accord­ing to TDRA’s tweet, the UAE is set to become one of the first coun­tries in the world to roll out 6G net­works. The project will ben­e­fit the UAE econ­o­my and soci­ety at large. In addi­tion, the project will pro­mote inno­va­tion in sec­tors such as health­care, edu­ca­tion and trans­porta­tion.

(TDRA) today announced that it is work­ing on a com­pre­hen­sive plan to intro­duce the sixth gen­er­a­tion (6G) of telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works. The project will help the UAE pro­vide world lead­er­ship in tech­nol­o­gy and ben­e­fit its econ­o­my and soci­ety at large.

TDRA Deputy Direc­tor Gen­er­al, Mr. Engi­neer Muham­mad Al Ram­si said,

“We are pleased to announce that we are work­ing on a com­pre­hen­sive plan to intro­duce the sixth gen­er­a­tion of telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works. reflects its com­mit­ment to keep pace with rapid­ly evolv­ing tech­nol­o­gy and pro­vide world lead­er­ship in tech­nol­o­gy.”

The Impact of 6G on the UAE

6G net­works will be much faster and more reli­able than the cur­rent 5G net­works. They will enable new tech­nolo­gies and appli­ca­tions that will rev­o­lu­tion­ize the way we work, live and inter­act with each oth­er. One thing that you should know is that 5G ser­vices are not yet ful­ly avail­able all over the world and many coun­tries are test­ing it.

The UAE is set to become one of the first countries in the world to roll out 6G networks
The UAE is set to become one of the first coun­tries in the world to roll out 6G net­works

The announce­ment of the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates to work on 6G after 5G can turn the whole world on its side. If the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates becomes the first coun­try in the world to have a 6G net­work, it will soon become one of the most tech­no­log­i­cal­ly con­nect­ed and advanced coun­tries in the world.

The project will ben­e­fit the UAE econ­o­my and soci­ety at large. 6G net­works will cre­ate new jobs, cre­ate new oppor­tu­ni­ties for busi­ness­es and spur inno­va­tion in areas such as health­care, edu­ca­tion and trans­porta­tion.

6G Speed prediction in UAE

Tele­com experts pre­dict that 6G speed will be sig­nif­i­cant­ly faster than cur­rent 5G tech­nol­o­gy, reach­ing the­o­ret­i­cal peak speeds of 1000 giga­bits per sec­ond (Gbps) or even 1 ter­abit per sec­ond (Tbps).

Cur­rent­ly, it is still under devel­op­ment, so noth­ing can be con­firmed about its speed.

Disadvantages of 6G:

Lat­er peo­ple say that the whole world will change after the arrival of 6G. Some peo­ple say that if 6G comes to the world, it can also become a dan­ger flag for humans because, after its arrival, AI will start being used in every­thing, after which there will be no jobs for humans.

It is pos­si­ble that UAE will be the first coun­try who have the 6G net­work in 2030.

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