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Police Case for Unpaid Etisalat and Du Bill

Police Case for Unpaid Etisalat and Du Bill

Can I face legal action after tak­ing a loan from a com­pa­ny or not pay­ing a bill in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates? On this top­ic, you will have a com­plete dis­cus­sion and know what hap­pens if you get a loan from com­pa­nies like Eti­salat and DU or don’t pay your bills. How far can com­pa­nies legal­ly fight you and how can they bill you?

Such prob­lems most­ly occur with vis­i­tors and non-res­i­dents because vis­i­tors usu­al­ly do not have legal res­i­den­cy in the UAE, and there­fore it is eas­i­er to seek a trav­el ban against them. A trav­el ban may also be imposed on peo­ple liv­ing in the UAE. This is because if they delay or fail to pay their debts, they can become ille­gal.

Here are some fac­tors that can deter­mine whether or not a per­son will be stopped at an air­port:

  • If the loan amount is high, it is more like­ly for the lender to demand a trav­el ban.
  • If the loan tenure is longer, it is more pos­si­ble for the lender to demand a trav­el ban.
  • If the cred­i­tor is a gov­ern­ment agency, it is more like­ly to require a trav­el ban.

A per­son is more like­ly to be sued if he is con­sis­tent­ly late in pay­ing his bills. If he fix­es the late pay­ment of the bill as soon as pos­si­ble, the cred­i­tor may decide not to file a case against him.

Police Case for Unpaid Etisalat and Du Bill

Com­pa­nies have the pow­er to sue you if you don’t pay your bill on time. Both Eti­salat and DU are com­pa­nies licensed by the UAE gov­ern­ment. These com­pa­nies need to set clear and trans­par­ent terms and con­di­tions with their cus­tomers. These terms and con­di­tions usu­al­ly include that the com­pa­ny can take legal action against the cus­tomer if he fails to pay his bills.

When you don’t pay the bill, the com­pa­ny sends you a mes­sage on your reg­is­tered email and mobile num­ber. After a peri­od of 30 days, the com­pa­ny sends you an email after which if there is no response from the user, the com­pa­ny takes legal action against the per­son. Most com­pa­nies take action against those who do not pay bills above 1000 dirhams. Most of these include users who are stay­ing in the UAE on visas. If the com­pa­ny feels that the cus­tomer may leave the coun­try, it requests the court to block the non-pay­er from trav­el.

Here are some restric­tions that may apply to you.

  1. There may be a trav­el ban issue
  2. Your cred­it in the bank­ing sys­tem may be low, which may make it dif­fi­cult for you to get a loan.
  3. SIM and mobile phones in your name may be frozen
  4. Your bank account may be frozen
  5. You may be banned from pur­chas­ing oth­er SIMs
  6. Inter­net con­nec­tion may be sus­pend­ed.
  7. Police can stop you at the air­port while vis­it­ing oth­er coun­tries

If you have a bill in the UAE and you are delay­ing pay­ing it, you should be con­cerned about your sit­u­a­tion. You should con­tact your lender and make pay­ment arrange­ments. If you can­not reach a set­tle­ment with your cred­i­tor, you may want to con­sult an attor­ney.

A trav­el ban may also be imposed on peo­ple liv­ing in the UAE. This is because if they delay or fail to pay their debts, they can become ille­gal. In this case, the gov­ern­ment may be forced to take legal action against them. Such peo­ple are most­ly brought into the fold of the law when they have a bad past pay­ment report and a bad finance rat­ing.

If you live or vis­it the UAE, you must pay all your bills and loans. You may not have any prob­lems in the UAE for some time but after 45 days you can be black­list­ed which can cut off all your tele­com con­nec­tions and charge you for your bill. A penal­ty of 10% to 30% may be payable.

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