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How to Transfer Du Balance, Etisalat, or International

How to Transfer Du Balance, Etisalat, or International

Trans­fer­ring bal­ance from Du to Eti­salat or inter­na­tion­al num­bers is an easy task. New cus­tomers need to know the Du bal­ance trans­fer code because it can help them when their loved ones need cred­it in their emer­gency. By read­ing the full guide on how to trans­fer Du bal­ance to Eti­salat and inter­na­tion­al num­bers you can share love with your friends and fam­i­ly.

Why Transfer Balance?

You should not wor­ry much about the bal­ance trans­fer because it can come in handy any­time and any­where. Regard­less of whether you are in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, you can eas­i­ly share bal­ance with your friends and fam­i­ly so they can use mes­sages, calls, and data ser­vices. Let’s get start­ed.

Trans­fer­ring bal­ance from one mobile ser­vice provider to anoth­er may seem like a daunt­ing task, but it can bring about sev­er­al ben­e­fits for the users. In this sec­tion, we will dis­cuss the rea­sons why you should con­sid­er trans­fer­ring your Du bal­ance.


The fore­most rea­son for trans­fer­ring the bal­ance is con­ve­nience. When you use Du SIM and want to share your bal­ance from there, it offers a lot of con­ve­nience for you. As you have Du SIM and want to share the bal­ance on any Eti­salat SIM then you don’t need to change your net­work SIM. You will be able to share your bal­ance on Eti­salat and any net­work world­wide by using the Du SIM bal­ance trans­fer method.

Special Offers:

If you have dif­fer­ent net­works, you can save a lot by tak­ing advan­tage of their pro­mo­tions. You can get many ben­e­fits like free calls, inter­net, and free SMS by trans­fer­ring the bal­ance to the net­work on which you got a good pro­mo­tion.

Family Sharing Plans:

Anoth­er great ben­e­fit of bal­ance trans­fer is that you can share plans with your fam­i­ly. If any mem­ber of your fam­i­ly also uses a dif­fer­ent net­work, you can share your unused bal­ance with them in sec­onds. Whether he has Eti­salat SIM or Du. Sim­i­lar­ly, if any of your friends or fam­i­ly mem­bers want to buy call bun­dles or data, you can eas­i­ly trans­fer the bal­ance to inter­na­tion­al num­bers.

Personal Preference:

Bal­ance trans­fer is also very ben­e­fi­cial based on needs if you don’t like Du’s ser­vices and you also have Eti­salat pre­paid SIM then you can trans­fer bal­ance to it and use its ser­vices. This is a good sys­tem for dual SIM users. Sup­pose you have a Du SIM bal­ance and you are trav­el­ing, you go to a place where the sig­nals are from Eti­salat and not from Du. So in that case you can trans­fer the balance/credit from Du to Eti­salat SIM.

Transfer Balance Du to du

This comes in handy when you are low on cred­it or have exceed­ed your month­ly plan lim­it and need some extra bal­ance to make impor­tant calls or send urgent mes­sages. In this sec­tion, we will guide you through the process of trans­fer­ring Du’s bal­ance to Du.

Make sure both par­ties have a pre­paid SIM before trans­fer­ring the bal­ance. To begin the trans­fer process, you will need to have suf­fi­cient bal­ance on your phone. After con­fir­ma­tion, fol­low the step-by-step guide.

  • Step 1: Dial *121# from your mobile device and select “Bal­ance Trans­fer” from the menu options that appear.
  • Step 2: Select the “Local Trans­fer” and hit the send but­ton.
  • Step 3: You will then be prompt­ed to enter the recip­i­en­t’s mobile num­ber start­ing with 05xxxxxx. Make sure to dou­ble-check the num­ber before pro­ceed­ing.
  • Step 4: Next, enter the amount of cred­it you wish to trans­fer. The min­i­mum amount allowed is AED 5 while the max­i­mum is AED 100 per trans­ac­tion. Keep in mind that there is a nom­i­nal ser­vice fee of 15% for each suc­cess­ful trans­fer.
  • Step 5: Con­firm the bal­ance trans­fer by type 1 and hit the send.

You can also dial the one-time USSD code fol­low­ing this; *121*recipient’s number*50# (50 is the amount). For exam­ple, if you wish to trans­fer AED 35 to num­ber 050211223344 then this code will be like this > *121*050211223344*35#.

Wait for a con­fir­ma­tion mes­sage stat­ing that your request has been received and processed suc­cess­ful­ly.

The dai­ly lim­it may vary accord­ing to your pre­paid plan, so you may face some lim­its on high­er bal­ance trans­fers. For exam­ple, if you are sub­scribed to the Free­dom Plan, you can only make five trans­fers per day with a max­i­mum total amount of AED 500 per month.

Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Balance from Du to Etisalat

Trans­fer­ring bal­ance from Du to Eti­salat is a sim­ple and con­ve­nient process that can be done in just a few easy steps. In this sec­tion, we will pro­vide a detailed guide on how to trans­fer your bal­ance from Du to Eti­salat seam­less­ly. The method is the same as I have described above.

Step 1: Dial the code

To ini­ti­ate the trans­fer, dial *121# from your mobile phone and select option 4 for “Bal­ance Trans­fer”.

Step 2: Enter the recipient’s number

Next, you will be prompt­ed to enter the recipient’s num­ber in the for­mat of “05212345678”. Make sure to enter the cor­rect num­ber as any mis­takes can­not be reversed.

Step 3: Select the amount

After enter­ing the recipient’s num­ber, you will then need to choose the amount you wish to trans­fer. The options pro­vid­ed are AED 10, AED 20, AED 50, and AED 100. Select your desired amount and pro­ceed.

Step 4: Confirm the transaction

Type “1” to con­firm the trans­fer. A con­fir­ma­tion mes­sage with details of the trans­ac­tion includ­ing the recipient’s name and trans­ferred amount will appear on your screen. Dou­ble-check all infor­ma­tion before pro­ceed­ing as this can­not be undone once con­firmed.

Impor­tant things to keep in mind:

  • The min­i­mum required bal­ance for trans­fer­ring is AED 2.
  • You can only trans­fer a max­i­mum of AED 150 per trans­ac­tion and up to AED 300 per day.
  • The trans­ferred amount is non-refund­able and can­not be reversed.

Trans­fer­ring bal­ance from Du to Eti­salat is a has­sle-free process that can be done in just a few steps. It pro­vides con­ve­nience for users who may need to top up their friend or fam­i­ly member’s phone cred­it. So the next time you find your­self with extra cred­it on your Du account, use this step-by-step guide to eas­i­ly trans­fer it to an Eti­salat account.

In case of any errors or issues, you can con­tact Du cus­tomer care by dial­ing 155. They will be able to assist and guide you with the trans­fer process.

Minimum and Maximum Amounts

Before shar­ing or trans­fer­ring the bal­ance, you should know what is the lim­it of Du cred­it share and what is the tax i.e. VAT to be paid on it. All its infor­ma­tion is avail­able here.

  • Lim­its: AED 2 to AED 200
  • 25 trans­fers per day

Transferring Balance to International Numbers

Many peo­ple come to Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates to work and they face the prob­lem of recharg­ing to stay in touch with them. By using this ser­vice, they can share their Du SIM cred­it with their loved ones in oth­er coun­tries. The method is very sim­ple:

To trans­fer the bal­ance to an inter­na­tion­al num­ber, you must have an MSISDN code, after which you will be able to send the bal­ance to the right place and on the right net­work.

  1. Go to the mes­sages and write a new, Type “Send” and send it to 1700.
  2. In the mes­sage reply, send the cor­rect inter­na­tion­al MSISDN num­ber like +923101234567, and send
  3. Now, a new mes­sage will received with the amount, Choose the amount from the list and reply to it.
  4. Con­firm the trans­ac­tion by reply­ing with “1”, before this must check its charges and num­ber.
  5. Once the bal­ance is trans­ferred, both par­ties will receive an SMS of bal­ance shar­ing.

Tips for Successful Transfer

Dou­ble-check the Phone Num­ber: Check the recip­i­en­t’s num­ber thor­ough­ly before trans­fer­ring the bal­ance. Enter­ing a wrong num­ber may also cause you loss and there is no refund guar­an­tee.

Keep Suf­fi­cient Bal­ance: Main­tain the bal­ance in your Du SIM so that you don’t face any hur­dles while trans­fer­ring the bal­ance. You can check your bal­ance using the Du app or you can also check your account bal­ance by dial­ing *135# from your phone.

Be Aware of Ser­vice Charges: Du keeps chang­ing its pol­i­cy accord­ing to the time, so when shar­ing the bal­ance, check the infor­ma­tion giv­en about the charges per trans­ac­tion before con­firm­ing it.

Keep Record of Trans­ac­tions: It is a good idea to keep the receipt of the trans­ac­tion. Du noti­fies both the recip­i­ent and sender via SMS when­ev­er a bal­ance trans­fer is done. Try to save this mes­sage and keep the trans­ac­tion ID in your records. Doing this can be ben­e­fi­cial to you as if your bal­ance can­not be trans­ferred due to any rea­son, you can reg­is­ter a com­plaint with the help of this ID.


By fol­low­ing these tips, you can ensure a suc­cess­ful trans­fer process from Du to Eti­salat or inter­na­tion­al num­bers with­out any has­sle. You can also read our guide Eti­salat bal­ance share to Du and inter­na­tion­al num­bers.

These small but impor­tant steps can save you time and effort and make your expe­ri­ence smoother while trans­fer­ring bal­ance between net­works. If you face any dif­fi­cul­ty you can use the Du app and con­tact the Du helpline.

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