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How to Disable the Pop-up Blocker on Chrome

How to Disable the Pop-up Blocker on Chrome

Ever need that pesky login pop-up on your favourite web­site, but Chrome’s fierce block­er says “Nope!”? You’re not alone. While Chrome’s pop-up shield guards you from intru­sive ads, it can some­times block those help­ful win­dows too.

Many times we need to dis­able the pop­up block­er on Chrome devices. Pop-up block­er is always active in Google Chrome and can be turned off when need­ed. Today, we will know how to Dis­able the Pop-up Block­er on Chrome.

Whether Google Chrome is mobile or desk­top, some­times pop-ups need to be opened while enter­ing data, login pop­ups on cer­tain web­sites. Google Chrome users should know how to turn it on and off or allow a spe­cif­ic web­site.

How to Disable the Pop-up Blocker on Chrome in Mobile

  1. Open the Google Chrome on your mobile phone and open the 3 dots menu on the right side.

2. Scroll down and open the “Set­tings”.

3. Scroll down again, look for “site set­tings” then tap on it.

4. Scroll down the site set­tings page and look for “Pop-ups and redi­rects” in the “Con­tent” sec­tion.

5. Pop-ups tog­gle will be ON which you have to “OFF” to show the pop­up on Chrome. You switch on and OFF using the tog­gle when you need it.

These set­tings are avail­able in the new Chrome update in 2024 ver­sion 120.0.6099.145. If these set­tings do not appear in your Chrome brows­er, update it and try again.

The main pur­pose of block­ing pop-ups is to elim­i­nate sub­stan­dard and bad ads that auto­mat­i­cal­ly open in new tabs. If you keep the set­tings on, the ads will be blocked on bad web­sites when open­ing a new tab.

How to Disable the Pop-up Blocker on Chrome on Desktop

The pop­up tab is usu­al­ly ON on the desk­top but if for any rea­son you are hav­ing a prob­lem with the pop­up open­ing then you can fol­low this method. If you have this prob­lem in Win­dows 10, Win­dows 11 or Win­dows 7, you can open the pop-up from your brows­er just by doing these small set­tings.

Pop­up is usu­al­ly active on the desk­top but if for any rea­son you are hav­ing a prob­lem with the pop­up open­ing then you can fol­low this method. If you have this prob­lem in Win­dows 10, Win­dows 11 or Win­dows 7, you can open the pop-up from your brows­er just by doing these small set­tings.

If you want to open a pop-up from a par­tic­u­lar web­site, you can solve your prob­lem by allow­ing that web­site. You can also allow each web­site to show the ads, or redi­rect in a new tab. Fol­low the instruc­tions to unblock the pop­up in Chrome on the desk­top:

  1. Open the menu by click­ing on the three dots on the right side. You can also press the ALT+F short keys to open the menu direct­ly.

2. Scroll down and open the set­tings which can be found at the end of the menu items.

3. On the left side menu items, look for “Pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty” and click on it.

4. Scroll Down and look for “Site set­tings” under Pri­va­cy and Secu­ri­ty set­tings.

5. Now, scroll down until the “Con­tent” sec­tion appears. Look for “Pop-ups and redi­rects” and click on it.

6. Now, all pop-up set­tings will be opened and you can change it accord­ing it to your need. If you want to allow only a spe­cif­ic web­site to open a pop­up tab to fill in the infor­ma­tion then click on the sec­ond “Add” but­ton and enter the web­site URL in it. It will be whitelist­ed and all redi­rects and pop­ups will be unblocked.

If you want to enable all web­sites then you can select “Default Behav­ior” from which you have to check the first option. This will cause you to face pop-ups and redi­rects on open­ing any web­site which can be some­what dan­ger­ous. There­fore, I would advise you that if you want to keep these set­tings active under any com­pul­sion, then you should only open trust­ed web­sites.

Block Popup in Chrome using custom settings

In these set­tings, you can also block pop-up web­sites. For this, you have to turn on the first set­tings of cus­tomized behav­ior where you have to add the web­sites that you want to block from get­ting pop­ups.

Many peo­ple use some exten­sions in Google Chrome like Ad block­er etc. With such an exten­sion, you will not face ads or redi­rects. If using these set­tings does­n’t solve your prob­lem, delete your exten­sions after which redi­rects and pop­ups will start appear­ing.

Many web­sites where you need to add data like bank­ing apps, social apps, or online forms etc. open a new tab as a pop­up to enter infor­ma­tion or log in. This is most­ly done to increase secu­ri­ty and to keep the data safe so that no app or cook­ies in the brows­er can see the data.

Many peo­ple face this prob­lem which they do not know how to fix. Adblock­er apps, whether on mobile or desk­top, block pop­ups as ad virus­es or push attacks. You should always try to use Default set­tings to avoid these prob­lems.

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