Posted inDu UAE / SIM Guide

How to Check Du SIM Number — 6 Best Methods

methods to check the Du SIM number in UAE for free

Keep­ing your mobile num­ber details is very impor­tant if you keep a new sim card. If you are a Du sub­scriber then you must know how to check Du SIM num­ber. Here we will present var­i­ous meth­ods you can use to find out your Du SIM num­ber for free.

New users find it dif­fi­cult to remem­ber the SIM num­ber, which is why they keep their SIM pack­et in their pock­et so that they can retrieve the SIM num­ber when need­ed. How­ev­er, find­ing the num­ber of a Du UAE SIM in case of a loss pack­et can be very dif­fi­cult for new sub­scribers.

Du Num­ber Check­ing Method
Send “get­mym­sis­dn” to 9296No Charges

How to Check Du SIM Number — 6 Best Methods

In this post, we have men­tioned all the meth­ods that users can use to get the num­ber infor­ma­tion accord­ing to their con­ve­nience. You can check your num­ber by send­ing the “get­mym­sis­dn” to 9296.

1. Dial USSD Code *116#

One of the most con­ve­nient meth­ods to check your Du SIM num­ber is through USSD codes. You will find many codes on the inter­net but few of them will work. We have updat­ed and added these codes here after thor­ough check­ing.

  • Dial *116# and press the call but­ton.
  • This sim­ple yet effec­tive code swift­ly pro­vides your Du SIM num­ber with­out has­sle.

This is the most com­mon­ly used code which is used only to find the Du num­ber. Du may make some changes in this code so we have added more options here.

2. Dial *155#

Check Du number and owner information

You can eas­i­ly find your Du SIM num­ber by dialling *155# on your phone. This code quick­ly shows you all the impor­tant details about your Du SIM card, like who it’s reg­is­tered to.

When you will dial this USSD code it will pro­vide options such as check­ing your account bal­ance, data bal­ance, avail­able offers, sub­scrib­ing to new ser­vices, or man­ag­ing your account set­tings. You can fol­low the instruc­tions to know your Du num­ber.

  • Dial *155# and press the call but­ton
  • Reply with 4 or select the “Man­age Account
  • Look for “Account Infor­ma­tion” and reply with the assigned com­mand
  • Now locate the “My Num­ber” and reply with the com­mand
  • By fol­low­ing this method, you can check your DU SIM num­ber with­out a bal­ance

From this sec­tion, apart from check­ing your num­ber, you can check the SIM own­er’s name, usage, bal­ance his­to­ry, and much more. If you need to acti­vate any pack­age, you can use this code. For each ser­vice, you just need to dial *155# from your mobile phone. You can also save it on your mobile phone so that it comes in handy when you need it.

3. Online Portals and Apps:

With the help of Du’s app and online por­tal, you can eas­i­ly get your num­bers and their details. It is free but for this, you must have an inter­net con­nec­tion and an account must also be cre­at­ed on them.

Check Du number using apps and web portal

If you don’t know about it or you haven’t cre­at­ed an account on it yet, then this may be a dif­fi­cult step for you. Those cus­tomers who already have an account and don’t know their login details can recov­er their account by tap­ping on for­got pass­word. It is pos­si­ble that Du can change terms and con­di­tions and in future, it can require Du num­ber. You can cre­ate your own So you can skip this step and go to the next step.

4. Customer Service Hotline:

In case you face dif­fi­cul­ties or pre­fer per­son­al­ized assis­tance, con­tact­ing Du’s cus­tomer ser­vice hot­line is an effec­tive option. The ded­i­cat­ed sup­port team can guide you through the process of retriev­ing your Du SIM num­ber. In this con­di­tion, you can dial 1800 500 500 or 155 from your phone.

5. SIM Packaging or Documentation:

When you received your SIM card, it like­ly came in some sort of paper pack­ag­ing or a small box. On this pack­ag­ing, you might find your DU num­ber writ­ten or print­ed. Tak­ing a look at these mate­ri­als can be a quick way to find the details asso­ci­at­ed with your SIM card.

Once you have found the num­ber, note it on a paper and keep it in a safe place. You can also add this num­ber to your con­tact list which can help you any­where while recharg­ing and giv­ing the num­ber to any­one.

6. Give a Missed Call or Send an SMS

You can indeed find out your DU num­ber by using your SIM card to send an SMS or by giv­ing a missed call to anoth­er phone. Here’s how:

  1. Send an SMS:
    • Open the mes­sag­ing app on your phone.
    • Send a text mes­sage to a friend or fam­i­ly mem­ber’s phone. Your DU num­ber will be dis­played in the mes­sage.
    • You can sim­ply write a mes­sage like “Hel­lo, this is my new num­ber with DU. Please let me know if you receive this mes­sage,” or any mes­sage you pre­fer.
  2. Give a Missed Call:
    • Use your DU SIM card to call a friend or fam­i­ly mem­ber’s phone.
    • Let the call ring for a short peri­od, then dis­con­nect it.
    • Your num­ber will appear in their call log as a missed call.
    • If you are near your friend or fam­i­ly mem­ber, you can ask them your num­ber


Dis­cov­er­ing your DU num­ber can be eas­i­ly achieved by employ­ing sim­ple meth­ods such as send­ing an SMS or giv­ing a missed call to anoth­er phone. These actions allow the recip­i­ent to view the num­ber asso­ci­at­ed with your DU SIM card, pro­vid­ing a quick and effec­tive way to access your DU num­ber.

Alter­na­tive­ly, you can use USSD codes, web por­tals and apps to know your Du num­ber. We hope, this guide will help you, if not, feel free to com­ment below and pro­vide us with issues pre­sent­ing while fol­low­ing our meth­ods.

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