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How To Change Mobile Number In Emirates ID

How To Change Mobile Number In Emirates ID

If you are new in the UAE and you don’t know how to change the mobile num­ber in the Emi­rates ID, you have come to the right place. Today we are going to tell you the best and eas­i­est method to change your mobile num­ber in the Emi­rates.

It is impor­tant to get an Emi­rates ID if you are liv­ing in Dubai or the UAE. Because an Emi­rates ID is the iden­ti­ty of the per­son who lives in this coun­try. If you are liv­ing in the UAE, you need a mobile num­ber, and some­times you need to upgrade your mobile phone num­ber to an Emi­rates ID.

Many of the new peo­ple or vis­i­tors do not know how to change their mobile phone num­bers. Don’t wor­ry, we are telling you a very easy method to change the mobile phone num­ber in Emi­rates ID online, step by step.

How To Change Mobile Number In Emirates ID Using ICP UAE

If you are famil­iar with this app or web­site, then you can change your num­ber by fol­low­ing this short method.

  1. Open the ICP UAE web, Install the app on Android or iPhone
  2. Cre­ate and log in to your account
  3. Open the options menu at the bot­tom of the app on the 4th num­ber
  4. Select and choose the “Ser­vice Cards” option from the list
  5. Now, tap on “Update per­son­al info.”
  6. Tap on the “Start ser­vice” but­ton on the upper right side to edit details
  7. Skip the first step, click on next and find the new num­ber or change num­ber sec­tion
  8. Add your new num­ber, which is reg­is­tered in your name
  9. Ver­i­fy the OTP and pay the fee to change the num­ber
  10. Your new num­ber will be updat­ed into the sys­tem with­in 2–4 hours

8 Steps to Change the Mobile Number in Emirates ID

How To Change Mobile Number In Emirate IDHow To Change Mobile Number In Emirate ID

To change the mobile num­ber in Emi­rate ID, you need this app, which is avail­able in the Play Store and Apple Store whose name is ICP UAE. There are many fake sites and apps avail­able for this pro­ce­dure, so beware. For this pro­ce­dure, first of all, you need to down­load the ICP UAE App from the Play Store and Apple users from the Apple Store.


After you down­load and install the app, you have to open it. When you open this app, you need to log in to the ICP UAE account. If you already have an account, you can log in; oth­er­wise, you can cre­ate a new one. To reg­is­ter an account, you need your Emi­rates ID and mobile num­ber for OTP ver­i­fi­ca­tion. After suc­cess­ful­ly cre­at­ing an account, you can log in and change your Emi­rates ID mobile num­ber using this method.

Step 1: Account Login

After log­ging in to this app, it will ask you for the pin code, and after giv­ing the pin code, you will enter the home page of the app.

How To Change Mobile Number In Emirates ID

Step 2: Open the Menu

On the home page, you can see some options at the bot­tom of the app. There are four options avail­able at the bot­tom. And you need to click on the last option, whose shape is like a three-dimen­sion­al hor­i­zon­tal line. Click on this option, and it will show you many options for your infor­ma­tion. Now you need to upgrade your per­son­al infor­ma­tion, includ­ing your mobile num­ber or email.

How To Change Mobile Number In Emirates ID

Step 3: Open the Services Cards Section

It will show you all the menus, like 17 to 20 or above. You can see in the screen­shot that there is an option named “Ser­vice Cards.” Tap on it. You will see a list of more options after tap­ping it, like Visa details, res­i­den­cy details, etc.

How To Change Mobile Number In Emirates ID

Step 4: Tap and Open “Update Personal Information”

This option is shown in the list like this, so it is very help­ful for you. Now you need to find “Update Per­son­al Info”. This option is only for updat­ing infor­ma­tion about your iden­ti­ty, like emails and con­tact num­bers.

How To Change Mobile Number In Emirates ID

This will be the most impor­tant option for chang­ing your mobile num­ber in Emi­rates ID. In this sec­tion, you can add or change your details after click­ing on the option “Update Per­son­al Info.”

How To Change Mobile Number In Emirates ID

You can see this list in the upper pic­ture; there will be many options like ser­vice steps, gen­er­al infor­ma­tion, ser­vice descrip­tions, etc.

Step 5: Click on Start Service

Now you will need to click on the “Start Ser­vice” option, which is shown on the upper right side of the page in the blue box. By click­ing on this option, a new appli­ca­tion page will be opened, which can show your details. Skip this first option by click­ing “Next,” which will be shown on the bot­tom right side of the page.

How To Change Mobile Number In Emirates ID - Step 5

Step 6: Add or Change Mobile Number

On the sec­ond num­ber, you can see your cur­rent active or reg­is­tered mobile num­ber on your Emi­rates ID. There will be two options: the cur­rent mobile num­ber and the new mobile num­ber. Click on the sec­ond option, “New Mobile Num­ber,” and add a new num­ber you want to change in this box.

How To Change Mobile Number In Emirates ID - Step 6

Step 6: OTP Verification

After putting the new num­ber in this box, you need to click on the bot­tom option, which is “Send One Time Pass­word”. After click­ing this option, ICP UAE will send an OTP code to your new num­ber for ver­i­fi­ca­tion.

A new page will be opened. Now it will ask you for an OTP code. You need to enter the code that comes with your new num­ber.

After enter­ing the code, click on the next option for ver­i­fi­ca­tion, and it will show you the third option, which is the address-chang­ing option.

You can skip this option by click­ing on the “Next” but­ton.

Step 7: Review Application

After doing all these steps, a new option will appear, which is “Review Appli­ca­tion.” This option is for check­ing the infor­ma­tion that you entered.


After review­ing all the sub­mit­ted infor­ma­tion, click on the next but­ton to final­ize chang­ing the num­ber. Now, you have to pay its fee and add your bank deb­it or cred­it card details.

Step 8: Add Bank Details


This bill is only for chang­ing your mobile phone num­ber in Emi­rate ID. Check­mark the “Terms and Con­di­tions” option and add your bank account for pay­ment. This pay­ment will be trans­ferred to the UAE gov­ern­ment. After adding all the details of your bank account in this box, click on the PAY option, which will be shown at the bot­tom of the page.


Con­grat­u­la­tions! After doing all these steps and pro­ceed­ing with the pay­ment, your mobile num­ber will be changed. This infor­ma­tion will be upgrad­ed in 2 to 3 work­ing hours. This is a very easy way to change the mobile num­ber in Emi­rates ID using the app and web.


If you are not using a SIM reg­is­tered in your name, then it may become a prob­lem for you in the future. There are many tasks where you need to sub­mit a mobile num­ber and Emi­rates ID, like open­ing a bank account, search­ing for a job, etc.

New vis­i­tors are com­plete­ly unaware of this, so when they first vis­it the coun­try, they start using a SIM reg­is­tered by a friend or rel­a­tive. When cre­at­ing an Emi­rates ID, you need a mobile num­ber, which most peo­ple enter as any­one’s num­ber.

After that, there is a fee to be paid for a num­ber change, which can be 20 to 30 dirhams. So try to either enter your num­ber at the time of Emi­rates ID reg­is­tra­tion or else you can get this num­ber trans­ferred to your name. I hope this post has helped you a lot. If you face any dif­fi­cul­ty, then you can let us know in the com­ments.

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