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How Much Does Wifi Setup Cost in Dubai or All UAE?

Wifi cost in UAE

When the use of the inter­net starts to increase, every­one starts think­ing of installing WiFi. This is because it is cheap­er than nor­mal mobile inter­net pack­ages and also unlim­it­ed. Peo­ple who work online at home or peo­ple who use the inter­net a lot at their work­place can check this post Wifi Set­up Cost in Dubai, Shar­jah, Ajman and Abu Dhabi.

If you com­pare the inter­net pack­ages of Eti­salat or DU with Fibre or Wi-Fi, there will be a huge dif­fer­ence. Wi-Fi pack­ages are bun­dled and sup­port mul­ti­ple devices, with some plans even com­ing with free TV and free land­line calls.

ISPs charge an instal­la­tion fee. This fee usu­al­ly ranges from AED 100 to AED 200. If we talk about Wi-Fi at home, gen­er­al­ly, the cost of Wi-Fi set­up for a basic home in Dubai starts from AED 300. The cost also depends on your require­ment as the cost can increase with add-ons and oth­er fea­tures.

Wifi Setup Cost in Dubai

In Dubai you can get 2 types of inter­net, one is fibre and the oth­er is a Wi-Fi router. WiFi routers can be found rel­a­tive­ly cheap­ly over the inter­net as there are no instal­la­tion fees and you can install them your­self at home. You can get Eti­salat Wifi for your home with a min­i­mum cost of AED 199 with unlim­it­ed 5G high-speed inter­net. If you are on a low bud­get, you can get this plan and can save instal­la­tion charges by just installing it your­self.

To install fibre inter­net at home, call the com­pa­ny or vis­it their office to apply. The ISP will vis­it your loca­tion and see the loca­tion and size of the space. If fibre ser­vices are avail­able in your area, they will install inter­net at your home or office with­in 7 days. Instal­la­tion may be free or low-cost depend­ing on pro­mo­tions, which you will need to con­tact your new ISP to find out.

Here are the cost details of instal­la­tion of WIFI at home or office.

Etisalat Home Wi-Fi Plans

Plan NameSpeedMonth­ly CostInstal­la­tion Fea­tures
eLife Lite 1212 MbpsAED 299AED 100Cord­less Phone, Free Calls to UAE Land­lines1
eLife Ultra Starter500 MbpsAED 299 (for 6 months)AED 100187+ HD TV Chan­nels & More 2
eLife Ultra Sports750 MbpsAED 699AED 100262+ HD TV Chan­nels & More 2
eLife Ultra Fusion1 GbpsAED 999AED 100300+ HD TV Chan­nels & More 2
eLife Unlim­it­ed Starter250 MbpsAED 389AED 100187+ HD TV Chan­nels & More 2
  1. eLife Lite 12 comes with a Free Wi-Fi router ↩︎
  2. Free 4K TV Box, Wi-Fi Router, and Phone ↩︎

Many times Eti­salat runs pro­mo­tions that can give you free instal­la­tion. We sug­gest you first check the pro­mo­tions by call­ing the Eti­salat helpline 101. There are many fea­tures like free TV chan­nels, Free Wi-Fi routers, and Free Calls depend­ing on your select­ed Eti­salat eLife plans.

Etisalat Wireless Packages

Plan NameSpeedMonth­ly Cost (AED)Instal­la­tion Fee (AED)Fea­tures
Wire­less 199 Plan100 MbpsAED 1990Wi-Fi Router, Unlim­it­ed Inter­net
Wire­less 299 Plan300 MbpsAED 29905G Wire­less Router, Unlim­it­ed Inter­net

Du Home Wi-Fi Plans

Plan NameSpeedMonth­ly CostInstal­la­tion
Home Basic Plan250 MbpsAED 399AED 200
Home Advanced Plan500 MbpsAED 499AED 200
Home Pre­mi­um Plan1 GbpsAED 999AED 200
  • All plans come with a Free Wi-Fi Router, TV Box, Land­line

Du Office WiFi Plans

Plan NameSpeedMonth­ly CostInstal­la­tion Fee
Busi­ness Basic Plan500 MbpsAED 599AED 200
Busi­ness Advanced Plan1 GbpsAED 899AED 200
  • All giv­en Du office Wifi plans come with a WiFi Router, Busi­ness Solu­tions fea­tures

Prices Comparison:

When we start com­par­ing Eti­salat vs Du inter­net prices then Eti­salat wins by speed. Eti­salat offers plans rang­ing from 12 Mbps at AED 299 to 1 Gbps at AED 999. Du offers plans rang­ing from 10 Mbps at AED 299 to 1 Gbps at AED 999. Here is the table:

Du10 Mbps at AED 299 to 1 Gbps at AED 999
Eti­salat12 Mbps at AED 299 to 1 Gbps at AED 999

Requirements to get Wifi in UAE for Home or Office

  • Emi­rates ID and its front and back copies
  • Proof of Res­i­den­cy like a util­i­ty bill or ten­an­cy con­tract
  • Your con­tact details

Steps to Buy WiFi in UAE

  • Choice the Plan: From our giv­en list, select any plan accord­ing to your need or vis­it the Eti­salat or Du web­site to get the plan details
  • Com­plete Doc­u­ments and fill out the form: Com­plete the required doc­u­men­ta­tion or go to the ISP web­site to fill out the form or go to their office
  • Pay the Fee: Pay the Acti­va­tion fee or rental fee (Most­ly it comes with your next bill).
  • Wait for Ser­vice Acti­va­tion: If you have com­plet­ed all steps, your ISP will acti­vate ser­vices at your home or offices with­in 7 work­ing days.
  • Change Wifi Pass­word: Because Du router has a default Wifi user­name and pass­word, so, you have to change it once a month so that you are pre­vent­ed from being hacked or oth­er secu­ri­ty issues. If you don’t know how to do this, read our guide How to Change Du wifi pass­word.

Final Words Cost of Wifi in UAE — What Says!

Wi-Fi instal­la­tion in UAE starts at DH199 per month which means you need to have at least DH200 to install a Wi-Fi. If you buy Wi-Fi plans from Eti­salat or DU, they pro­vide you with 5G routers that come with a SIM card.

You have to insert this SIM into the device after which it will start giv­ing Wi-Fi sig­nals after turn­ing it on. It is a cheap and excel­lent choice espe­cial­ly for those who are on a bud­get. Its instal­la­tion is so easy that you can do it your­self and save the instal­la­tion fee. If you want infor­ma­tion about Eti­salat or DU pack­ages, select your ser­vice provider and view the list.

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