Posted inSIM Guide

Five SIM Number Check Code (2024)

Five-SIM-Number-Check-method and code

There are many users of Five SIM in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, but they don’t know much about it. Espe­cial­ly peo­ple who have come to the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates for the first time and have cho­sen Five SIM. It also becomes dif­fi­cult for new users to find out the Five SIM num­ber check code. We are going to pro­vide you with all the infor­ma­tion about it in this top­ic, which you can use to find out your SIM num­ber.

It is an MNVO net­work of Eti­salat, but not many peo­ple know about it. There are many new and old ways to find this SIM num­ber, which we are going to present here.

Five SIM Number Check Codes

To check your Five SIM num­ber, you can use the fol­low­ing code:

  1. Dial *101# from your phone
  2. Select “Account Man­age­ment” and reply with “1”
  3. On the third num­ber you will see “Account infor­ma­tion” so reply with “3”
  4. See the “Know my num­ber” option and reply with its assigned com­mand, which can be “3”
  5. Your mobile num­ber will appear on your mobile screen

Know­ing the mobile num­ber is very impor­tant, as it is impor­tant for mak­ing calls, get­ting recharges, and many oth­er impor­tant tasks. If you can’t find the SIM num­ber despite fol­low­ing the USSD code method, then you can fol­low more meth­ods here.

Call 121 to Know your Five Number

This is also a good method, but you must have bal­ance in your SIM to do it. If you are look­ing to find out your SIM num­ber for recharge, then this method will not be right for you. If you have a bal­ance on your SIM, you add 121. Talk to the cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive and ask him about your num­ber. He will tell you your num­ber after get­ting some infor­ma­tion from you.

Send an SMS with the word “MYNUM” to 1010

This is a very easy way to check Five SIM num­bers. If you have a sim­ple mobile device, then this method will be per­fect for you. You have to go to mes­sages to check your num­ber and write a new mes­sage there.

Write “MYNUM” and send it to 1010. In a while, Five Com­pa­ny will send you a mes­sage with your mobile num­ber. Save it to your mobile phone­book or any oth­er safe place.

Call to Any Other Number

Many peo­ple are in a state of anx­i­ety and for­get that call­ing some­one else will get their num­ber. In such a case, they can find out their num­ber. If you have anoth­er mobile phone and you also have a bal­ance in your Five SIM, then fol­low this method.

Add the num­ber of your close friend, rel­a­tive, or neigh­bour and call them from your mobile phone. Also, you can find your num­ber by send­ing a blank mes­sage. This is a much faster and free way to find out your SIM num­ber. You can also use the Eti­salat app.

If you already have an Eti­salat login, you can view the num­ber in it. For this, you must have an inter­net pack­age or Wi-Fi. You can also call Five Mobile helpline num­ber 800 544 or 166 from your phone.


Find­ing the SIM num­ber is not a dif­fi­cult task. When you buy a new SIM card, you get the num­ber writ­ten on the SIM card pack­age. You can find the num­ber on the back of your SIM card pack­age if you have one.

All the pro­ce­dures are very sim­ple, which you can use to find out your SIM num­ber. I hope all these meth­ods are help­ful for you. If you face any fur­ther dif­fi­cul­ty, you can call the com­pa­ny’s helpline at 166, vis­it the Five UAE web­site, or express your opin­ion in the com­ments.

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