Posted inSIM Guide

Exploring 4G and 5G Mobile Network Coverage in the UAE

Exploring 4G and 5G Mobile Network Coverage in the UAE

You need a SIM card that pro­vides a strong sig­nal to stay con­nect­ed in remote areas of the UAE or any­where you live. There are cur­rent­ly two major net­works offer­ing their ser­vices in Dubai, one being Eti­salat and the oth­er being DU. Do you know which net­work has the best sig­nals and cov­er­age in your area in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates?

With the help of many friends and some users, we tried to check whether Eti­salat and DU pro­vide good ser­vices and where not. It took us more than a month and a half to do this, but we suc­ceed­ed to some extent, which infor­ma­tion we are shar­ing with you.

Right now, most peo­ple in the UAE pre­fer to vis­it Dubai. In Dubai, you can see DU and Eti­salat com­pet­ing with each oth­er. When it comes to SIM card prices for these two net­works, they are the same. Their plans are slight­ly dif­fer­ent, but 80% of them are sim­i­lar.

Etisalat and Du Coverage Comparison


Now we will list all the areas and cities which will show the qual­i­ty of the net­work where their ser­vices are best.

In the map, you can check the cov­er­age of both net­works. DU has spread its net­work exten­sive­ly and cov­ers around 85% of the area, which is an esti­mate. Sim­i­lar­ly, Eti­salat has bet­ter 5G cov­er­age com­pared to DU.

Etisalat 5G Coverage:

In Dubai, Shar­jah, Ajman, Old Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, Dib­ba Khor Fakkan, Fujairah, Al Dhaid, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and Mir­fa Al Jadeedah, Eti­salat pro­vide 5G cov­er­age. Addi­tion­al­ly, many high­ways and towns are cov­ered by Eti­salat 5G.

Du 5G Coverage:

DU also cov­ers the fol­low­ing areas: Shar­jah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Old Town Area, Old Ras Al Khaimah, Jazeer­ah Al Ham­ra (Free Zone 1), Fujairah, Al Ain, Al Dhafra, Liwa, and Mir­fa.

Coverage by Cities:

The table lists loca­tions with good cov­er­age of 4G, and 5G. We won’t include the name of the cov­er­age if any net­work has less than 30% cov­er­age in a loca­tion. As Eti­salat improves net­work qual­i­ty, Du is expand­ing its ser­vices every­where.

CityDu Cov­er­ageEti­salat Cov­er­age
Abu DhabiFull 4GFull 5GFull 4G4G Weak
DubaiFull 4GFull 5GFull 4GFull 5G
Shar­jahFull 4GFull 5GFull 4GFull 5G
AjmanFull 4G5G WeakFull 4GFull 5G
Umm Al-QuwainFull 4G5G WeakFull 4GFull 5G
Ras Al KhaimahFull 4G5G WeakFull 4GFull 5G
FujairahFull 4GFull 5GFull 4G5G Weak
Al AinFull 4G5G WeakFull 4GFull 5G

As Eti­salat is ramp­ing up 5G ser­vices at a fast pace, it should focus on 4G ser­vices as well. There are some areas in many cities where there is no 4G cov­er­age, even if there is some sig­nal, it makes the inter­net very slow.

The num­ber of 4G cus­tomers is much more than 5G cus­tomers, so both net­works should focus on 4G as well. Eti­salat’s 3G cov­er­age is much bet­ter than DU’s, but both net­works have over­looked it.

It’s a fact that very few users will use 3G soon. Every com­pa­ny is now focus­ing on new tech­nol­o­gy, such as 6G. Con­sumers should always use a good device that meets their needs.

Which is the best SIM in UAE for Travel?

While trav­el­ling, use the same SIM card that pro­vides sig­nals in each area, whether it cov­ers 4G or 5G.DU pro­vides 4G cov­er­age in most areas of the UAE, and their sig­nals are avail­able every­where when con­sid­er­ing total sig­nal cov­er­age. In most areas where Eti­salat sig­nals are avail­able, you can use both 5G and 4G.

If you are stay­ing in one place or city, choose a SIM card that pro­vides good cov­er­age in that area. This will save you both time and mon­ey. When trav­el­ling, make sure to check the sig­nal cov­er­age at your des­ti­na­tion.

If you are expe­ri­enc­ing any net­work prob­lems in your area, please let us know below. We will keep updat­ing this post as need­ed so you can stay informed about the cov­er­age of all net­works.

Dis­claimer: Cov­er­age per­cent­ages are approx­i­mate and may vary by loca­tion. For accu­rate, up-to-date infor­ma­tion, please con­tact your ser­vice providers.

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