Posted inEtisalat

Etisalat Monthly Data Package 50 AED and 55 AED

Etisalat Monthly Data Package 50 AED and 55 AED

Among the var­i­ous data pack­ages of Eti­salat, this is one of the best data com­bo pack­ages. This pack­age is valid for 30 days and its price is AED 50. All new and excit­ing Eti­salat pre­paid cus­tomers can avail of this pack­age and can call any net­work in UAE and inter­na­tion­al num­bers. After acti­vat­ing this pack­age, you get 1GB of data. Cus­tomers wish­ing to get a cheap month­ly inter­net and call plan can acti­vate the Eti­salat month­ly data pack­age of 50 AED.

Eti­salat pre­paid cus­tomers use 2 data pack­ages which are 50 AED and 55 AED. Pre­paid users com­plete their needs by sub­scrib­ing to these offers or dial­ing *170#.

Etisalat monthly data package 50 AED

After acti­vat­ing this pack­age, users get 1GB of data and 50 Flexi call­ing min­utes for 28 days. This pack­age is called the Eti­salat Com­bo 50 pack and auto-renewed after 28 days. These min­utes are usable to call with­in the coun­try and oth­er coun­tries you see here.

  • Pack­age Name: Month­ly Data
  • Price: AED 50
  • Inter­net: 1GB
  • Call: 50 Flexi Min­utes
  • Valid­i­ty: 1 Month.


To sub­scribe to Eti­salat month­ly 50 AED data, send “COMB50” to 1012. Cus­tomers also can use the Eti­salat UAE app to acti­vate and deac­ti­vate this pack­age.


The deac­ti­va­tion of this plan method is sim­i­lar to the acti­va­tion code. Send “C COM50” to deac­ti­vate the pack­age or dial *101# or *170#.

Status and Inquiry

Pre­paid cus­tomers can know the inter­net bal­ance and remain­ing inter­net data by dial­ing *170# or *101# and fol­low­ing the instruc­tions.

Terms and Conditions

  • This pack­age will auto-renewed after 30 days if the cus­tomer has enough bal­ance in the SIM
  • The price is 5% VAT exclude
  • Flexi min­utes are usable to call in UAE and oth­er coun­tries
  • Data can be used in only UAE
  • After using the flexi min­utes, stan­dard call rates will be applied

Etisalat Monthly Data Package 55 AED

Eti­salat month­ly data pack­age of 55 AED comes with 1GB of local data and 50 Flexi call­ing min­utes per 28 days. After acti­vat­ing this pack­age, cus­tomers can talk with their friends fam­i­lies, and loved ones at a low price.

To sub­scribe to Eti­salat month­ly data pack­age 55 AED send “DATA AED 55” to 1355. You can also dial *101# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate this pack­age.

  • To deac­ti­vate the 55 AED pack­age, send *135#5#1#.
  • To know the remain­ing inter­net and call­ing min­utes, dial *170# and use the Eti­salat UAE app.

Terms and Conditions

  • This pack­age will auto-renewed after 30 days if the cus­tomer has enough bal­ance in the SIM
  • The price is 5% VAT exclude
  • Flexi min­utes are usable to call in UAE and oth­er coun­tries
  • Data can be used in only UAE
  • After using the flexi min­utes, stan­dard call rates will be applied
  • Cus­tomers who have sub­scribed to this pack­age, always get an SMS on the usage of data above 50%, 80%, and 100%.

Eti­salat con­tin­ues to offer all kinds of facil­i­ties to its cus­tomers. These two pack­ages 50 AED and 55 AED are wide­ly used in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates main­ly because of the flexi min­utes they con­tain. You can use these min­utes to make calls any­where, even inter­na­tion­al­ly. You can use the inter­net for any pur­pose like web brows­ing, social media apps call­ing watch­ing videos, etc. This is a small plan that is best for those on a tight bud­get.

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