Posted inEtisalat / Internet

Etisalat Internet Packages & Plans (2024)

Eti­salat is one of the famous net­works in the UAE, pro­vid­ing pre­paid, post­paid, and broad­band con­nec­tions. It is the No.1 tele­com and famous net­work in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates (UAE). You can see all Eti­salat inter­net pack­ages, pre­paid data plans, and post­paid offers here.

Cus­tomers can dial *101# and acti­vate any inter­net pack­age on their SIM card by select­ing it using the menu options. If you are new in UAE and look­ing for new user plans, read our guide on the Eti­salat vis­i­tor sim card. For more details and pack­age infor­ma­tion online, see the full details of each pack­age below.

Etisalat Internet Packages Daily

75MBAED 2.5
150MBAED 4 (5% VAT exclud­ed)
250MBAED 8
500MBAED 15
1000MBAED 30

These pack­ages are avail­able on the Eti­salat helpline menu with the pack­age acti­va­tion line code *101#. Dialling this code enables cus­tomers to access a com­plete list of pack­age acti­va­tion and deac­ti­va­tion. They can also view all offers avail­able for their SIM card. The Inter­net is usable on high-speed or 5G net­works.

To acti­vate the dai­ly 250MB pack­age send  “D250M” to 1010. For acti­va­tion of these pack­ages, cus­tomers can send “Data” to 1010. Cus­tomers will receive an SMS with the pack­age details. They must select the pack­age and reply with a pack­age com­mand.

  • Dial *101# to acti­vate any giv­en pack­age or use the Eti­salat app.
  • The pack­age is valid for pre­paid cus­tomers only
  • Pack­age prices are inclu­sive 5% VAT

Prepaid Weekly Internet Packages and offers

DataDai­ly DataPrice
525MB75MBAED 15
1.05GB150MBAED 25
1.75GB250MBAED 40
3.5GB500MBAED 60
7GB1000MBAED 100

Dial *101# to acti­vate the Eti­salat week­ly inter­net pack­ages. Cus­tomers will get 525MB total data which they will receive dai­ly 75MB data. Cus­tomers will receive a dai­ly data reset at mid­night, regard­less of whether they used their pre­vi­ous data. If you just need a small or cheap­est Eti­salat week­ly data pack­age, you can use the AED 15 or AED 25 plans.

Week­ly 1GB data pack­age is offer­ing 1.05GB data for 1 week which will be pro­vid­ed 150MB per day. Eti­salat UAE cus­tomers receive 150MB of data every mid­night for the next 24 hours, regard­less of their pre­vi­ous data usage. This means that cus­tomers can always start the day with a fresh data slate.

Also read: Eti­salat Ramadan Offer

The sub­scrip­tion method is very easy, just dial *101# or call at 101 to acti­vate the week­ly bun­dles. If you are look­ing for cheap pack­ages for Face­book, Insta­gram, Snapchat or Insta­gram then you can acti­vate the social pack­ages that cost cheap­er.

Prepaid Mobile Monthly Internet Packages

DataDai­ly DataPrice
2.1GB75MBAED 42
4.2GB150MBAED 63
7GB250MBAED 90
14GB500MBAED 130
28GB1000MBAED 200
  • Dial *101# to acti­vate the month­ly inter­net pack­ages
  • Prices are VAT-inclu­sive
  • Cus­tomers will receive a dai­ly inter­net data refresh at mid­night.

Prepaid Social packages

150MBAED 2.51 Day
250MBAED 41 Day
1.05GB (150MB/Day)AED 157 Days
1.75GB (250MB/Day)AED 257 Days
4.2GB (150MB)AED 4228 Days
7GB (250MB)AED 6228 Days
250MB+250MB LocalAED 31.530 Days
1GBAED 51.4530 Days
1GB+1GB LocalAED 10530 Days
2GB+3GB LocalAED 157.530 Days
3GB+5GB LocalAED 21030 Days
5GB+10GB LocalAED 31530 Days
4GB+7GB LocalAED 262.530 Days
10GB+20GB LocalAED 472.530 Days
15GB+25 GB Local+30 Hours Wi-FiAED 52530 Days
  • Social net­works are usable for Face­book, Mes­sen­ger, LinkedIn, WeChat, Snapchat, What­sApp, Twit­ter, Insta­gram and the Inter­net Call­ing Plan Apps (text only).
  • The sys­tem will reset the dai­ly data allowance at mid­night every day for 7 days and 28 days for social pack­ages.
  • Dial *170# or *101# to acti­vate the pack­ages.
  • Cus­tomers can sub­scribe to the pack­age mul­ti­ple times, either before the valid­i­ty peri­od or after using the data.
  • Prices are 5% VAT inclu­sive for only social plans and includ­ing 5% VAT for social + local pack­ages
Etisalat social packages

By using or acti­vat­ing the social pack­ages, cus­tomers will nev­er be able to use any exter­nal web­site or link in social media. The sys­tem will reset the data every mid­night, regard­less of whether cus­tomers have used the dai­ly data or not. These pack­ages do not include YouTube or oth­er web­sites. Below, we will also see the best Eti­salat pack­ages for gam­ing or stream­ing at home or offices.

Etisalat Control Line Packages

Local Pack1GB+Unlimited @64KbpsLocal 100 Min­utesAED 8028 Days
Flexi Pack1GB+Unlimited @64KbpsFlexi 50 Min­utesAED 8028 Days

Eti­salat has designed this pack­age for post­paid pre­paid and eSIM users. Cus­tomers can enjoy 1GB of data on 5G high speed and then unlim­it­ed on 64Kbps speed at only AED 80 per month. With both pack­ages, cus­tomers will get 1000 min­utes for call­ing 1 num­ber. New users, who haven’t Eti­salat sim can buy it online or from any store and can save the sim card cost of AED 125.

Etisalat Combo Data Packages

PriceDataFlexi CallsValid­i­ty
AED 36.751GB50 Mins28 Days
AED 173.256GB200 Mins28 Days
AED 115.53GB150 Mins28 Days
AED 1052GB140 Mins28 Days
AED 36.75500MB25 Mins28 Days
AED 23110GB250 Mins28 Days
  • Flexi min­utes are usable with­in and out­side the coun­try
  • Prices are includ­ing 5% VAT
  • To acti­vate Com­bo data pack­ages send “AC COMBO220″ to 1012.

Etisalat Wasel Flexi Internet Packages

DataFlex CallsPrice
500MB+500MB Bonus30 MinsAED 33
500MB+500MB Bonus60 MinsAED 42.85
500MB+500MB Bonus90 MinsAED 52.38
500MB+500MB Bonus120 MinsAED 61.90
1GB+1GB Bonus30 MinsAED 47.61
1GB+1GB Bonus60 MinsAED 57.14
1GB+1GB Bonus90 MinsAED 66.66
1GB+1GB Bonus120 MinsAED 76.19
2GB+2GB Bonus30 MinsAED 76.19
2GB+2GB Bonus60 MinsAED 85.71
2GB+2GB Bonus+(1)90 MinsAED 95.23
2GB+2GB Bonus+(1)120 MinsAED 104.76
3GB+3GB Bonus+(1)30 MinsAED 95.23
3GB+3GB Bonus+(1)60 MinsAED 104.76
3GB+3GB Bonus+(1)90 MinsAED 114.28
3GB+3GB Bonus+(1)120 MinsAED 123.80
5GB+5GB Bonus+(1)30 MinsAED 133.33
5GB+5GB Bonus+(1)60 MinsAED 142.85
5GB+5GB Bonus+(1)90 MinsAED 152.38
5GB+5GB Bonus+(1)120 MinsAED 161.90
  • (1) Unlim­it­ed Free Inter­net Call­ing: Cus­tomers can use all social media apps for inter­net call­ing, send­ing and receiv­ing text mes­sages, images, audio and videos on Bot­tim Go Chat.
  • Prices are exclud­ed 5% VAT
  • To acti­vate these pack­ages, dial *101# or *101*50#
  • Flexi min­utes can be used for local and inter­na­tion­al calls.

Yearly Wasel Flexi Plans

Cus­tomers can get dou­ble dis­counts and cheap­er pack­ages when they sub­scribe to year­ly con­tract plans. The lat­est prices for year­ly con­tract users are avail­able here.

DataFlex CallsPrice
500MB+500MB Bonus30 MinsAED 217.14
1G+1GB Bonus30 MinsAED 309.52
2GB+2GB Bonus30 MinsAED 495.23
3GB+3GB Bonus30 MinsAED 619.4
5GB+5GB Bonus30 MinsAED 866.66
2GB+2GB Bonus60 MinsAED 85.71
  • In the 5GB and 2GB inter­net pack­ages, cus­tomers will get free unlim­it­ed inter­net call­ing for GoChat Mes­sen­ger App.
  • Prices are exclud­ed 5% VAT
  • Dial dial *101# or *101*50# to acti­vate the fol­low­ing pack­ages.
  • Calls are unlim­it­ed for 1 pre­ferred num­ber.
  • Cus­tomers can check the remain­ing bal­ance by dialling *101*50#

Hourly Internet Packages

3 AEDUnlim­it­ed1 Hour
6 AEDUnlim­it­ed3 Hours
  • Dial *800*5# to acti­vate the hourly inter­net pack­age on Eti­salat
  • Cus­tomers can enjoy unlim­it­ed inter­net by acti­vat­ing the Eti­salat hourly, or 3 hours inter­net pack­ages.
  • Inter­net speed will be 3Mbps on hourly data plans

Local Data Addon Packages

New users who want to buy a SIM card can enjoy 1GB of free data as a gift if they choose a Wasel pre­paid SIM card. They can also acti­vate the below giv­en local data pack­ages.

AED 10.00250MB24 Hours
AED 5.00100MBDai­ly
AED 4.00150MBDai­ly
AED 2.0060MBDai­ly
AED 14.2875MB/day7 Days
AED 23.80150MB/day7 Days
AED 38.09250MB/day7 Days
AED 57.14500MB/day7 Days
AED 20.00300MB7 Days
AED 50.001GB7 Days
AED 40.0075MB/day28 Days
AED 60.00150MB/day28 Days
AED 85.71250MB/day28 Days
AED 47.62150MB/day28 Days
AED 65.002GB Local28 Days
AED 80.002GB Local30 Days
AED 30.00500MB Local28 Days
AED 50.001GB Local28 Days
AED 100.003GB Local28 Days
AED 150.006GB Local28 Days
AED 200.0010GB Local28 Days
AED 300.0020GB Local28 Days
AED 600.0050GB Local28 Days
AED 42.8530GB Local + Music Pack30 Days
AED 123.80500MB Local28 Days
  • Prices are 5% VAT exclud­ed
  • Dial *101# > Select pack­ages > Addons to acti­vate an add-on.

Social Data Addons

By acti­vat­ing the Social data add-ons, cus­tomers can enjoy free Face­book, Mes­sen­ger, What­sApp, Twit­ter, Linkedin, WeChat, Snapchat, Insta­gram, GoChat, and inter­net call­ing plan apps Botim, CME and HIU. After acti­vat­ing these add-ons, cus­tomers can use them with­in the coun­try only.

AED 150.003GB Local+2GB Social30 Days
AED 250.007GB Local+4GB Social30 Days
AED 300.0010GB Local+5GB Social30 Days
AED 450.0020GB Local+10GB Social30 Days
AED 30.00250MB Local+250MB Social30 Days
AED 200.005GB Local+3GB Social30 Days
AED 49.001GB Social30 Days
AED 40.00150MB/day28 Days
AED 60.00250MB/day28 Days
AED 500.0025GB Local+15GB Social30 Days
AED 100.001GB Local+1GB Social30 Days
AED 3.00200MB Social24 Hours
AED 4.00300MB Social24 Hours
AED 20.00120MB Social24 Hours
  • Prices are 5% VAT exclud­ed
  • To acti­vate addon, dial *101# > Select pack­ages > Addons
  • Social bun­dles are usable on the Gochat social app includ­ing inter­net call­ing, and text.
  • These add-ons can be used on pre­paid and post­paid SIMs

Unlimited Data Plans

Non­stop50 Int’l MinsAED 207 Days
Non­stop200 Int’l MinsAED 6028 Days
Non­stop-AED 5028 Days

Dial *135*5# to acti­vate the Eti­salat unlim­it­ed data pack­ages.

These pack­ages include inter­na­tion­al min­utes that users can use for call­ing in India, Pak­istan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, Egypt, and the Philip­pines.

Dai­ly FUP is 150MB at 192Kbps on high speed after this, the inter­net will be unlim­it­ed at 64Kbps speed.

Etisalat unlimited internet packages
  • Check data: Dial *170*1# or send DATA to 1010
  • Check Min­utes: send “VOICE” to 1012
  • Valid for pre­paid Wasel cus­tomers

Data SIM Only Plans & prices

The price of a new Eti­salat Data sim card pack­age starts from AED 29. Here are all the Data SIM pack­ages avail­able:

500MBAED 29
5GBAED 119
7GBAED 149
10GBAED 179
20GBAED 249
50GBAED 379
100GBAED 749
  • Pack­age prices are exclud­ed 5% VAT
  • Vis­it the Eti­salat store and dial *101# or 101 to acti­vate these pack­ages
  • Local data sim pack­ages are valid for one month only
  • 12 months con­tract require­ment
  • Need trade license, pass­port, UAE ID of indi­vid­ual and com­pa­ny, let­ter of author­i­ty and estab­lish­ment card to get this plan

Roaming Data Add-ons

5GBAED 149
12GBAED 219
  • Dial *101# or use the app to get roam­ing plans

Buy Romaing add-ons only when you need it because it can be expen­sive. Always mon­i­tor your data pack­age and roam­ing details through the Eti­salat UAE app.

Business Roaming Data Only Packages & Plans

500MBAED 35Dai­ly
Use Local DataAED 100Week­ly
Use Local Data One-timeAED 100Week­ly
2GB (Auto Renewed)AED 100Week­ly
2GB One-timeAED 100Week­ly
1GB (Auto Renewed)AED 200Week­ly
1GB One-TimeAED 200Week­ly
10GB (Auto Renewed)AED 200Week­ly
10GB One-TimeAED 200Week­ly
35GB (Auto Renewed)AED 50060 Days
35GB One-TimeAED 50060 Days
50GB (Auto Renewed)AED 1200365 Days
50GB One-TimeAED 1200365 Days
  • To unblock the roam­ing PayG data ser­vices, send “Unblock” to 1010 (Charges may be applied).
  • Dial *125# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate and deac­ti­vate the roam­ing plans
  • There are No Acti­va­tion Charges.

Etisalat Business Internet Packages

200MbpsAED 1,0951 User
300MbpsAED 1,2452 users
400MbpsAED 1,4754 Users
550MbpsAED 1,8756 Users
750MbpsAED 2,4758 Users
1GbpsAED 3,37510 Users
  • 100 Flexi minutes/user & 7500 fixed-to-fixed min­utes are includ­ed
  • Fixed to mobile call rate: AED 0.30 per minute
  • Fixed to Fixed call charges: Free (After End bun­dle, AED 0.15 per minute)
  • To see more ben­e­fits click here
  • Con­tract: 12 Months
  • Billing: Month­ly

New users who do not have an Eti­salat busi­ness con­nec­tion will incur a one-time instal­la­tion charge of AED 200. Flexi min­utes are usable for call­ing with­in 100 sup­port­ed coun­tries. If cus­tomers need WIFI points pack­ages, they can also add to their pack­ages start­ing from AED 150 per month on a 12-month con­tract. On 36 months con­tract cus­tomers can get WIFI plans at AED 100 per month.

Etisalat Pay As You Go Plan

Pre­paid sub­scribers can enjoy unlim­it­ed data plans when they need it (They will pay then). The ser­vice called Eti­salat Start/Stop Data Ser­vice pro­vides 2 fils per minute data ser­vices. You can use the unlim­it­ed inter­net by pay­ing per-minute charges at a max­i­mum 1Mbps speed lim­it.

To sub­scribe to this ser­vice, dial *777*1# and fol­low the instruc­tions. Charges AED 0.02 per minute will be charged when you start the inter­net but AED 0.30 will be applied for the first 15 min­utes.

To unsub­scribe from this service/ 2 fils per minute data ser­vice, sim­ply dial *777*2# and fol­low the instruc­tions.

For more infor­ma­tion, you can see this infor­ma­tion:

Helpline: 101

Pack­age details: Dial *101# and *170*1#

Roam­ing Helpline: Dial *177# or send “RDD” to 1010

Call­ing Abroad: +971 800 2 30

Data Check: Dial *140#, *101#, *170#


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