Posted inSIM Guide

How to Check Etisalat Balance Prepaid and Postpaid

How to check Etisalat balance

Eti­salat is a very pop­u­lar tele­com com­pa­ny in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates that pro­vides mobile phones, both pre­paid and post­paid, as well as inter­net broad­band and Wi-Fi ser­vices across the coun­try. Apart from the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, it also exists in the Mid­dle East under a dif­fer­ent name in many coun­tries. Vis­i­tors to the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates most­ly use this SIM, as its plans are avail­able in all price ranges. In this post, we will tell you How to check Eti­salat’s Inter­net Bal­ance on pre­paid, post­paid and trav­eller sim cards.

How To Check Etisalat Prepaid Balance

There are some codes that you have to dial to check the bal­ance on your mobile phone. With USSD codes, you can also get new inter­net offers accord­ing to your tar­iff.

1. Check Balance Using USSD Code

Many peo­ple search for the Eti­salat bal­ance check code which helps them to know the expiry date and cur­rent cred­it in their SIM cards. Here are the lat­est bal­ance check codes that you can use for free on Eti­salat SIM.

  • Dial *121# to check the sta­tus of your remain­ing bal­ance in your pre­paid sim
  • Dial *101# to know the lat­est offers by Eti­salat
  • If you want to know spe­cial offers or deals of the day, dial *050#

2. Check Balance using the Etisalat App

You can also use the Eti­salat app and can log in to your account to know the remain­ing bal­ance. Here is the com­plete step-by-step method.

  • Down­load and Install the Eti­salat app on the Google Play Store and Apple Store
  • If you haven’t account, cre­ate an account on the app or web
  • Login to your account using your Emi­rates ID or mobile num­ber
  • The bal­ance will appear on your app home screen, if not, you can go to my account and can see the cur­rent bal­ance

How to check the Balance in Etisalat postpaid

Most post­paid users want to know their bills in advance before the end of the month. Some­times, we need to check the bal­ance in the post­paid sim so, can use this USSD code or method.

  • Dial *142# to check the bal­ance
  • To receive bal­ance infor­ma­tion by SMS dial *140#
  • Use the Eti­salat app and see the bill sec­tion

Using the Eti­salat app is a good and easy way because there is com­plete infor­ma­tion about your sim card usage and bal­ance his­to­ry. So, I will rec­om­mend you use the Eti­salat app.

How to check Etisalat Internet Balance

Check­ing the data bal­ance in pre­paid, post­paid and data sim is very easy. A com­mon and free method is to use the Eti­salat app where com­plete infor­ma­tion is avail­able on all user’s data packs. Here are some oth­er meth­ods that users can use to check data bal­ance in Eti­salat.

1. Check Etisalat Internet Balance Prepaid

You can see the remain­ing inter­net data bal­ance on a pre­paid SIM by using these meth­ods.

  • Dial *170#
  • Send text “Data” to 1010
  • Use Eti­salat app

By send­ing the “Data” to 1010, cus­tomers will receive an SMS with com­plete details of remain­ing MBs or inter­net data. In the alter­na­tive, cus­tomers can dial *170# from any Eti­salat pre­paid sim to check the data bal­ance.

2. Check Data Balance in Etisalat Postpaid

Post­paid cus­tomers can see the his­to­ry of used data by using these steps:

  1. Send text “NP” to 1012: You will receive com­plete details of your remain­ing pack­age
  2. Dial *101# to see the active pack­age details
  3. Dial *140# for details of the remain­ing inter­net pack­age
  4. Dial *170# to check only Data
  5. Use Eti­salat app

By using any giv­en method, cus­tomers can check their data bal­ance in a post­paid sim.

Eti­salat sends a mes­sage to users when 80%, 90% and 100% data is used to inform the user of the remain­ing inter­net data while using the inter­net. When user gets 80% inter­net usage mes­sage then he should use inter­net care­ful­ly. Because if the inter­net pack­age expires and the inter­net con­tin­ues to be used, there is a risk of deplet­ing the SIM bal­ance.

If you are not using Eti­salat bal­ance save offer then you should acti­vate it. This will pre­vent you from being charged default inter­net rates for excess data usage and will keep your bal­ance safe. If you are using an Eti­salat Wi-Fi pack­age that uses a SIM, you can get the remain­ing inter­net data by tex­ting Data to 1010. Try to use most of the apps to save your time, and bal­ance and keep an eye on your inter­net usage at all times. You can dial Eti­salat bal­ance check num­ber UAE *170#.

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