Posted inEtisalat

Etisalat 2 Fils Per Minute Call Package

Etisalat 2 Fils Per Minute Call Package details by

If you are look­ing for the Eti­salat 2 fils per minute call pack­age here is the com­plete infor­ma­tion regard­ing this. Eti­salat does not have any 2 fils per minute call pack­age but you can sub­scribe to oth­er call­ing offers. You can get a local call­ing minute bun­dle for 1 day which pro­vides 5 local call­ing min­utes for only AED 1 per day. You can find more pack­ages at!

Eti­salat 2 fils per minute call pack­age can help you to call your loved ones, work, fam­i­ly, and friends at a very cheap price. You can stay con­nect­ed with your friends and fam­i­ly using such types of pack­ages. Eti­salat does have not any 2 fils per minute call­ing pack­ages but here are more pack­ages list­ed that you can sub­scribe to at a very low cost.

Daily Local Calling Packages

These pack­ages offer a bun­dle of local min­utes at a dis­count­ed rate. For exam­ple, you can get 5 local min­utes for AED 1 per day. If you need more call­ing min­utes, you can get 10 local call­ing min­utes for AED 2 and 15 min­utes for only AED 3. Here are the lat­est prices of these pack­ages in table and lists.

Local CallsPriceSub­scribe Code
5 Local Min­utesAED 1Send “Local5” to 1010
10 Local Min­utesAED 2Send “Local10” to 1010
15 Local Min­utesAED 3Send “Local15” to 1010
  • 5 Local min­utes: AED 1 send “Local5” to 1010
  • 10 Local min­utes: AED 2 “Local10” to 1010
  • 15 Local min­utes: AED 3 “Local15” to 1010

You can unsub­scribe to any Eti­salat local call pack­age by send­ing the text “C LOCAL” to 1010.

International Voice Packages

India30 Min­utesAED 5
Pak­istan30 Min­utesAED 5
Bangladesh30 Min­utesAED 5
Afghanistan30 Min­utesAED 5
Nepal30 Min­utesAED 5
Egypt30 Min­utesAED 5

To sub­scribe to any pack­age, dial *135*80# and fol­low the prompts. For more detailed infor­ma­tion on inter­na­tion­al pack­ages, vis­it our Eti­salat Inter­na­tion­al Call Pack­ages post.

Etisalat 2 Fils per Minute International Plan details

These pack­ages offer a bun­dle of inter­na­tion­al min­utes to a spe­cif­ic coun­try or coun­try at a dis­count­ed rate. For exam­ple, you can get 30 min­utes to India for AED 5. If you need inter­na­tion­al call pack­ages 2 fils per minute, you can sub­scribe to Eti­salat Inter­na­tion­al call pack­ages which offer 30 to 200 min­utes for dif­fer­ent coun­tries.

You can get 30 inter­na­tion­al call­ing min­utes for Pak­istan, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nepal, and Egypt. To sub­scribe to the offer dial *135*80# and fol­low the instruc­tions. Some of the pack­ages have fixed line call plans with a call set­up fee of AED 1.05.


How can I unsub­scribe from an Eti­salat local call bun­dle?

You can can­cel this pack­age by send­ing “C LOCAL” to 1010. A con­fir­ma­tion SMS of pack­age deac­ti­va­tion will be received on your phone num­ber.

What to do if Eti­salat 2 Fils per minute is unavail­able?

2 Fils per minute plans not avail­able then you can con­tin­ue using a third-par­ty VoIP ser­vice such as Skype, What­sApp, or Viber. You can make calls to the same ser­vice user for free if the receiv­er is also using these VoIP ser­vice apps. You can also call to stan­dard num­bers with at very low rates. Eti­salat is the best tele­com oper­a­tor in UAE and you can buy its pre­paid or post­paid con­nec­tions at very low prices.

What are the options for local call­ing pack­ages with Eti­salat?

Eti­salat offers var­i­ous local call­ing pack­ages, includ­ing 5 local min­utes for AED 1 per day, 10 local min­utes for AED 2, and 15 local min­utes for AED 3. You can select any pack­age that fits your needs.

You can also get the Eti­salat 2 Fils Per Minute Call Pack­age by dial­ing the *135#. To buy a SIM card, vis­it the Eti­salat UAE office, retail­ers, and any cer­ti­fied sell­er near you. You can also vis­it Eti­salat web and book a new con­nec­tion accord­ing to your needs.

Cheap call pack­ages are what every­one is look­ing for and Eti­salat has many pack­ages that cater to the needs of the cus­tomers. If you are not sat­is­fied with Eti­salat’s 2 fils pack­age, they have also launched 7 fils per minute pack­age or 5 fils per minute plan that allows the user to make calls to many coun­tries at low cost. You can also make free calls using social apps or VOIP ser­vices like Skype etc.

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