Posted inEtisalat

Etisalat 8 Fils and 10 Fils per Minute Package

Etisalat 8 & 10 Fils per Minute Call Package

This Eti­salat pack­age is designed to make Pak­istan calls so that users can stay in touch with their loved ones at all times. With Eti­salat 8 fils per minute call pack­age, cus­tomers can make as many calls as they want by acti­vat­ing the cheap call pack­age.

This offer is for all pre­paid sub­scribers and can dial *050# to acti­vate it. This pack­age can only make calls to Pak­istan net­works Jazz, Zong and Ufone. Calls to oth­er net­works will incur an addi­tion­al fee and will not be charged at the 8 fils per-minute call rate.

How to Subscribe Etisalat 8 Fils per Minute Package

To acti­vate the pack­age you have to pay AED 2.5 exclud­ing VAT for one week. You can sub­scribe to 8 fils per minute call pack­age by dialling *050# and fol­low­ing the instruc­tions.

  • Dial *050# and fol­low the instruc­tions
  • Type 4 and tap on the send but­ton
  • Enter 1 and send to acti­vate the pack­age

Eti­salat users can also acti­vate this pack­age on their SIM with the help of the Eti­salat app. Users can enjoy more new offers from Eti­salat’s *050# menu. If you don’t see Pak­istan 8 fils per minute pack­age in this menu, you can also avail of this facil­i­ty by dialling *101#.

Note that this pack­age will remain active for 7 days after which you have to renew it again. As soon as the pack­age expires, you can re-acti­vate it by re-enter­ing the same code. New users can acti­vate this offer for free. For this, they need to install and log in Eti­salat UAE app.

From the pack­ages list, you can install this pack­age for the first time free. This offer is for all new pre­paid cus­tomers. Eti­salat reserves the right to ter­mi­nate or mod­i­fy this offer with­out notice. If you are fac­ing a prob­lem in acti­vat­ing 8 fils or 10 fils per minute pack­age, please vis­it your near­est cen­tre or call *101#.


Eti­salat has changed from Eti­salat 8 fils per minute pack­age to Eti­salat 10 fils per minute pack­age. So, you will now get only 10 Fils per minute plan by using this code.

Hi, I am Saleem Baloch and living in the UAE. After moving to Dubai, I got a lot of experience with telecom and travel here after which I started this blog. I personally tested eSims, physical prepaid and postpaid SIMs in UAE and share my knowledge with people.

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