Posted inEtisalat

Etisalat 1GB Per Day For 30 Days — Best Weekdays Data Pack

Etisalat-1GB-Per-Day-For-30-Days offer

Eti­salat has many month­ly inter­net data offers that pro­vide 1GB per day for 30 days and 28 days. We already pub­lished an Eti­salat 30GB data offer for only AED 30 per month, and this is anoth­er with extra ben­e­fits. 1 GB of data is enough for social apps and brows­ing the inter­net on Eti­salat 4G. Every­one does not have a 5G mobile phone, so the Eti­salat 1GB per day for 30 days is most­ly famous and used by Eti­salat pre­paid users.

Package Details:

Eti­salat Week­days 1GB data offer can be sub­scribed to by dial­ing *101*3030#. After acti­vat­ing this pack­age, you can use the inter­net on Mon­day, Tues­day, Wednes­day, and Thurs­day. Keep in mind that you can­not use the inter­net on Fri­day, Sat­ur­day, and Sun­day.

Eti­salat 1GB per day
PriceAED 30 Includes 5% VAT
BonusAED 10 for Smiles
Valid Mon­day to Thurs­day

How to Activate this package?

Cus­tomers can sub­scribe to Eti­salat 1GB per day for 30 days by dial­ing *101*3030# or using the Eti­salat UAE app and Web por­tal.

  • Dial *101*3030# or dial *101#
  • Fol­low the instruc­tions to sub­scribe to this pack­age
  • Send ADD1G” to 1010.

How to Deactivate this package

You can unsub­scribe and deac­ti­vate from this pack­age by fol­low­ing the meth­ods:

  • Send an SMS with the text “C 1GBDATA” to 1012
  • Dial *101# or *170#.
  • Select “Man­age Data Add-ons” or “Man­age Active Packs”.
  • Choose the “1GB Per Day For 30 Days” pack and select “Unsub­scribe.”
  • Use the Eti­salat UAE App and Web por­tal

Check the remaining Data

You can check your remain­ing data bal­ance by dial­ing *170*1# or by tex­ting “DATA” to 1010.

Etisalat 1GB Per Day For 30 Days Details

The new offer Eti­salat 1GB data offer for 30 days is valid for all pre­paid users. This pack­age is per­fect for peo­ple who need inter­net while work­ing. This gives users 1GB of inter­net per day to meet their needs and use social apps as well as all types of apps and the web.

Pack­age1GB per day
Data28GB (1GB/Day)
SpeedUp to 1Mbps
PriceAED 30
Valid­i­ty28 Days

To sub­scribe to this pack­age fol­low the instruc­tions:

  • Dial *050# from Eti­salat SIM
  • Type “3” and tap on send
  • Con­firm pack­age acti­va­tion by reply­ing with 1.
  • Upon acti­va­tion of the pack­age, you will receive dai­ly 1GB of data (Will reset each mid­night).

It is wide­ly searched and used due to its low cost. Many oth­er pack­ages from Eti­salat offer unlim­it­ed inter­net, but most of them have speed prob­lems. You can use the 1 GB of inter­net on 4G at high speed. With this pack­age, cus­tomers will also get an AED 10 vouch­er for Smiles Deliv­ery.

Post­paid users are not eli­gi­ble to use this pack­age. Before acti­vat­ing the Eti­salat 1GB per day for 28 days, cus­tomers must have enough bal­ance. You can also sub­scribe to this offer through the Eti­salat UAE app, web por­tal, and helpline num­ber 101.

Terms and Conditions

  • The pack­age is valid for pre­paid cus­tomers
  • This pack­age can be unsub­scribed by tex­ting “C 1GBDATA” to 1012
  • Unused data will not be car­ried over to the next day.
  • You will be noti­fied at 50%, 80%, and 100% of your dai­ly data con­sump­tion.
  • The pack will not auto-renew.
  • Data usage will be charged at the stan­dard rate of AED 0.5 per MB once your dai­ly allowance is deplet­ed.
  • The pack can­not be com­bined with oth­er data packs.

Etisalat 30GB local data with free switch TV Asiana pack

Eti­salat has launched anoth­er offer for its pre­paid cus­tomers which comes with 30GB month­ly data (Dai­ly 1GB) and a free switch TV Asiana pack. This pack­age is avail­able on the Eti­salat UAE app or web­site at this link. Just enter your num­ber and you will receive an acti­va­tion code.

Here is the new pack­age price of 1GB/day:

  • 30GB local data (1GB per day for 30 days)
  • 1‑month free sub­scrip­tion to switch TV Asiana pack
  • Price AED 45 Include 5% VAT
  • Valid­i­ty is 30 days

To acti­vate this pack­age, you need to keep the required bal­ance of at least AED 45 in your SIM. Vis­it the page or Eti­salat UAE app and select the pack­age from the list.

Enter your num­ber, and Eti­salat will send you a ver­i­fi­ca­tion code. Put the code on the web or app and acti­vate the pack­age by con­firm­ing it. This is a new offer by Eti­salat but its price is high­er than above giv­en offer. If you nev­er need a TV sub­scrip­tion, you can skip this pack­age and acti­vate the above-giv­en plan.

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