Posted inDu UAE

Du Postpaid Plans — Contract or No Contract Plans

Du postpaid plans

Du pro­vides its users with all kinds of ser­vices, includ­ing post­paid users as well as pre­paid users ben­e­fit great­ly. Du’s post­paid pack­ages are avail­able in var­i­ous price ranges. If you are a new Du user or want to switch from pre­paid to post­paid and want infor­ma­tion about its pack­ages, you can find all kinds of infor­ma­tion here. Du offers 12 months, 24 months con­tract and non-con­tract post­paid plans for indi­vid­u­als and busi­ness­es.

Du offers dif­fer­ent plans for indi­vid­ual and busi­ness users, which include calls, SMS, and data, along with many ad-ons and val­ue-added ser­vices. These pack­ages are avail­able in all bud­get ranges, and to pur­chase them, you can vis­it the office and buy a SIM card. Addi­tion­al­ly, if you pre­fer, you can also book it online. In this post, you can get infor­ma­tion about Du post­paid data pack­ages, offers, call pack­ages, and the fol­low­ing offers.

Du Postpaid Plans (Non-Contract)

AED 150/mo1GB600 Min­utes
AED 250/mo2GB1200 Min­utes + 300 Mins for 1 num­ber
AED 450/mo4GB2400 Min­utes + 600 Mins for 2 num­ber
AED 1000/mo10GB5000 Min­utes + 1000 Mins for 3 num­ber

Du Postpaid 150 Plan

These are some small plans that users can pur­chase to ful­fil their essen­tial needs. With Du’s 150 AED plan, you can get 1 GB of month­ly inter­net and 600 min­utes of calls. These min­utes can be used for calls any­where except inter­na­tion­al and land­line calls.


  • High-Speed Inter­net Data 1GB
  • Low Price Start­ing from AED 150/mo
  • 600 Call­ing Min­utes (Local)
  • No Con­tract Need­ed

Du Postpaid 250 Plan

Users who make a lot of calls to a spe­cif­ic num­ber can choose Plan 2. It offers 10 GB of data per month for 250 AED, along with 1200 min­utes for all net­works and 300 min­utes for any one num­ber.


  • High-Speed Inter­net Data 10GB
  • Best Price Start­ing from AED 250/mo
  • 1,200 Call­ing Min­utes (Local)
  • No Con­tract Need­ed

Du Postpaid 450 Plan

The third plan, avail­able at 450 AED per month, pro­vides users with 4 GB of data, 2400 min­utes on any net­work, and 600 call min­utes for 2 spe­cif­ic num­bers. This is a great offer for busi­ness indi­vid­u­als who use Du SIM to com­mu­ni­cate with their cus­tomers and staff.


  • High-Speed Inter­net Data 4GB
  • Start­ing from AED 450/mo
  • 2,400 Call­ing Min­utes (Local) + 600 Min­utes for 2 Spe­cial num­bers
  • No Con­tract Need­ed

Du Postpaid 1000 Plan

Final­ly, with the Du pack­age priced at 1000 AED per month, users get 5000 min­utes on any net­work and 1000 min­utes for calls to 3 spe­cif­ic num­bers. Users also receive 10 GB of inter­net data, allow­ing them to use it for var­i­ous pur­pos­es such as social apps, gam­ing, videos, and oth­er activ­i­ties.


  • High-Speed Inter­net Data 10GB
  • Low Price Start­ing from AED 1,000/mo
  • 5,000 Call­ing Min­utes (Local) + 1000 Min­utes (For 3 Spe­cial Num­bers)
  • No Con­tract Need­ed

Du Postpaid Plans 12 Months Contracts

These pack­ages are equipped with all facil­i­ties, includ­ing inter­na­tion­al calls, local calls, SMS, free Wi-Fi, and unlim­it­ed inter­net data. There are sep­a­rate plans for indi­vid­u­als and busi­ness­es in a 12-month con­tract, which we will add in sep­a­rate sec­tions.

Postpaid Plans 12 Months Contract for Individuals

AED 131.25200 Mins4+10GB8GB
AED 210800 Mins13+13GB26GB
AED 2631000 + 400 MinsUnlim­it­ed35GB
AED 2731200 Mins20+20GB40GB
These are the short ver­sions of 12-month indi­vid­ual post­paid plans. You can see more details below of each plan.

Starter Pack:

The starter pack comes with 200 nation­al call min­utes, 8GB of free Wifi in all of UAE and 4GB of data. New cus­tomers will also get 10GB extra data as a bonus but it will be valid for 4 months.

  • Price: AED 131.25 / months
  • Calls: 200 nation­al call­ing min­utes
  • Data: 4GB data + 10GB bonus (4 months)
  • Wi-fi: 8GB data
  • Free SIM card

Students Pack:

Du post­paid stu­dent pack comes with 13GB data + 13GB bonus for new cus­tomers (valid for 4 months). With this plan, Post­paid cus­tomers will also get 26GB of Wi-fi, and 800 nation­al min­utes in only AED 210 per month. Here are the full details and ben­e­fits:

  • Price: AED 210 / months
  • Calls: 800 nation­al call­ing min­utes
  • Data: 13GB data + 13GB bonus (4 months)
  • Wi-fi: 26GB data
  • Roam­ing Data: 100MB
  • Free Ama­zon Prime Mem­ber­ship
  • Free SIM card

Work and Office Postpaid Plan

I use this plan for my work at home because it has unlim­it­ed inter­net data @3Mbps speed. With this plan, cus­tomers also get 1000 nation­al call­ing min­utes + 400 nation­al min­utes for 4 months as a gift. This plan has also many fea­tures like you can get free Ama­zon Prime mem­ber­ship, and a BeIN Con­nect mem­ber­ship for 12 months. See the more details and ben­e­fits here:

  • Price: AED 263 / month
  • Calls: 1000 nation­al call­ing min­utes + 400 min­utes for 4 months
  • Data: Unlim­it­ed data at @3Mbps
  • Wi-fi: 35GB data
  • Roam­ing Data: 200MB
  • Free Ama­zon Prime Mem­ber­ship for 12 months
  • BeIN Con­nect mem­ber­ship for 12 months
  • Free SIM card

Standard Wifi Package:

With this plan, cus­tomers get 1200 nation­al call­ing min­utes and free inter­na­tion­al calls on one num­ber. This plan has also many fea­tures like you can get free Ama­zon Prime mem­ber­ship, and a BeIN Con­nect mem­ber­ship for 12 months. See the more details and ben­e­fits here:

  • Price: AED 273 / months
  • Calls: 1200 nation­al call­ing min­utes + Free Int’l calls on 1 num­ber
  • Data: 20GB month­ly data + 20GB for 4 months
  • Wi-fi: 40GB data
  • Roam­ing Data: 250MB
  • Free Ama­zon Prime Mem­ber­ship for 12 months
  • BeIN Con­nect mem­ber­ship for 12 months
  • Free SIM card

Postpaid Plans 12 Months Contract for Business & Offices

AED 3151600 + 400 MinsUnlim­it­ed @10MbpsUnlim­it­ed1GB
AED 315Unlim­it­ed Mins25+25GB50GB500MB
AED 5253000 + 400 MinsUnlim­it­ed @20MbpsUnlim­it­ed10GB
AED 575Unlim­it­ed Mins50+50GB100GB5GB
These are the short ver­sions of 12 months busi­ness post­paid plans. You can see more details below of each plan.

Du 315 Unlimited Internet data @10Mbps

  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net data @10Mbps
  • Unlim­it­ed Wifi
  • 1600 nation­al call min­utes, 400 nation­al min­utes bonus for 4 months
  • 1GB for roam­ing
  • Free Ama­zon Prime + BeIN con­nect mem­ber­ship for 12 months
  • AED 315
  • Free SIM Card

Postpaid 315 Plan

  • 25GB+25GB data bonus (valid for 4 months)
  • 50GB of Wifi
  • Unlim­it­ed nation­al call min­utes + free inter­na­tion­al calls to 1 num­ber
  • 500MB for roam­ing
  • Free Ama­zon Prime + BeIN con­nect mem­ber­ship for 12 months
  • Free inter­net call­ing social apps
  • OSN stream­ing sub­scrip­tion for 12 months
  • Car­ry over up to 12.5 GB to next month
  • AED 315
  • Free SIM Card

Unlimited 525 Data at @20Mbps

  • Unlim­it­ed Data at @20Mbps
  • Unlim­it­ed Wifi
  • 3000 nation­al call min­utes + 400 min­utes for 4 months
  • 10GB for roam­ing
  • Free Ama­zon Prime + BeIN con­nect mem­ber­ship for 12 months
  • OSN stream­ing sub­scrip­tion for 12 months
  • AED 525
  • Free SIM Card

Du 525 Plan

  • 50GB+50GB data bonus (valid for 4 months)
  • 100GB of Wifi
  • Unlim­it­ed nation­al call min­utes + free inter­na­tion­al calls to 1 num­ber
  • 5GB for roam­ing
  • Free Ama­zon Prime + BeIN con­nect mem­ber­ship for 12 months
  • Free inter­net call­ing social apps
  • OSN stream­ing sub­scrip­tion for 12 months
  • Car­ry over up to 25 GB to next month
  • AED 525
  • Free SIM Card

Du Low-Cost Plans 12 Months Contract

AED 1503GB500 Mins
AED 25012GB1200 Mins + 300 mins for 1 num­ber
AED 45018GB2400 + 600 mins for 2 num­ber
AED 100050GB5000 + 1000 mins for 3 num­ber
  • To acti­vate any plan, Send ‘ACT NAT phone num­ber’ to 1233
  • Prices are exclud­ed 5% VAT
  • Free call­ing min­utes are usable to call in UAE all net­works
  • Cus­tomers can get extra free min­utes for call­ing spe­cial num­bers
  • These plans are valid on 12 months con­tract

Postpaid Emirates Plans

Emi­rates 100 PlanAED 1001000 mins, 500 SMS, 1GB Data
Emi­rates 250 PlanAED 2502000 mins, 1000 SMS, 2GB Data
Emi­rates 500 PlanAED 5002000 mins, 1000 SMS, 2GB Data

This plan is spe­cial­ly designed for UAE res­i­dents who have an Emi­rates card or pass­port. If you are a res­i­dent here, you can take full advan­tage of this offer. To pur­chase these plans you need to show your Emi­rates ID at the Du office. New cus­tomers can enjoy a Spe­cial rate of 2.42 fils/second for inter­na­tion­al calls as a gift.

157.5 AED3GB600 Mins
262.5 AED12GB1200+300 Mins+Unlimited to 1 num
472.5 AED18GB2400+600 mins + Unlim­it­ed to 2 num
1050 AED50GB5000+1000 Mins + Unlim­it­ed to 3 num

These plans are valid for all post­paid cus­tomers but only on 12 months con­tract. These plans are auto-renew­able each month. You can vis­it any near­est Du office and call at Du helpline to get this plan.

Du Postpaid Control Plans With Flexi Minutes

If you need flexi min­utes for calls with­in the UAE or inter­na­tion­al­ly, you can use these plans. Du is offer­ing 50 flexi min­utes and 3GB of data for only AED 80 per month. It is the Du cheap­est post­paid pack­age for stu­dents and employ­ees whose bud­get is low. Here are the all pack­ages and prices avail­able in the list:

  • AED 80: 3GB data and 30 Flexi call­ing min­utes
  • AED 80: 3GB data and 100 Flexi call­ing min­utes
  • AED 135: 6GB data and 200 Flexi call­ing min­utes
  • AED 135: 6GB data and 300 Flexi call­ing min­utes

Here we have pre­sent­ed all the Du post­paid plans that you can avail of on 12 months and 24 month con­tracts. Post­paid SIM has many advan­tages you don’t have to recharge fre­quent­ly and you also get unlim­it­ed calls and data.

How to get a Du Postpaid SIM Card?

You can eas­i­ly get post­paid SIM cards from any Du office and retail­ers and you can even order them online. Before buy­ing a post­paid SIM you need to car­ry some impor­tant doc­u­ments with you:

  1. Your util­i­ty bill or its copy
  2. Emi­rates ID
  3. Secu­ri­ty fee which will depend on the plan select­ed by you

After com­plet­ing these things you can go to the office and get a post­paid SIM. For more infor­ma­tion, you can vis­it the DU web­site or call 155 and learn about the pack­ages and plans offered.

How to Check Du Post­paid Bal­ance and Bill?

Cus­tomers can check Du’s post­paid bal­ance by using the Du UAE app or call­ing 135.

Can I acti­vate these plans mul­ti­ple times in a month?

Yes, or no, it depends on the user select­ed the pack­age. Only Add-on ser­vices can be acti­vat­ed mul­ti­ple times in a month.

How to Check Du Post­paid SIM Inter­net Data?

Use the Du UAE app or dial *121*1# to check the data.

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