Posted inDu UAE / Internet

Du Internet Packages 2024: Best Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Offers

Du internet packages

Du is the UAE’s sec­ond-largest telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions net­work, which pro­vides pre­paid, post­paid, and broad­band ser­vices. Du Most users use this SIM card for inter­net pur­pos­es because its inter­net offers are afford­able and any­one can sub­scribe. We will dis­cuss all Du inter­net pack­ages, wifi pack­ages, and pre­paid, post­paid, and broad­band pack­ages here.

In this post, Just select the SIM card or con­nec­tion type and com­pare the plans. We have added all the lat­est and new Du data pack­ages which help you to find the best plan accord­ing to your needs and bud­get. Du also pro­vides its new and old inter­net pack­ages dai­ly, hourly, week­ly and month­ly for all cus­tomers. These pack­ages can be also sub­scribed to and can seen by dialling USSD code *135#.

Du Internet Packages Prepaid

Unlim­it­ed (3Mbps)*222#AED 31 Hour
Unlim­it­ed (3Mbps)*222#AED 52 Hours
30MB+2 Local Mins*135#AED 3.1524 Hours
60MB*135*6#AED 2.11 DAY
100MB*135*6#AED 3.151 DAY
120MB (Social)*135*5#AED 3.151 DAY
150MB*135*6#AED 3.0 1 DAY
200MB (Social)*135*5#AED 4.01 DAY
300MB (Social)*135*5#AED 4.01 DAY
Unlim­it­ed Social*055*786#AED 10028 Days
155MB@ 5G + Unlim­it­ed @192Kbps *135*5#AED 5028 Days
25GB+15GB Social *135#AED 551Month­ly
5GB+3GB Social *135#AED 220.5Month­ly
1.1GB+1.1GB SocialSend ‘Data AED 110’ to 1355AED 110Month­ly
500MB+500MB Social*135#AED 55Month­ly
250MB+250MB Social*135#AED 30Month­ly
  • Social data is valid for What­sApp, Snapchat, Face­book, Insta­gram, and GoChat
  • Some of the pack­ages will be auto-renewed
  • Dial *135# or call helpline 155 from your Du sim to stop and acti­vate any ser­vice
  • You can also con­trol your data, calls, and SMS by using the Du app

Du net pack­ages are great options for pre­paid cus­tomers who wish to get bud­get-friend­ly and cheap data. Pack­ages can be sub­scribed by dialling the *135# menu. Here are many dai­ly, month­ly, and year­ly net offers for all excit­ing and new cus­tomers which are giv­en below.

Du Combo Internet Plans

30 MB2 Mins *135*3#1#AED 3.1524 Hours
3.5GB+1.5GB WIFI100 Mins*135*3#AED 105Month­ly
6GB+3GB WIFI150 Mins*135*3#AED 157Month­ly
750 MB15 Mins*135*3#AED 36.75Month­ly
1.5GB30 Mins*135*3#AED 52.5Month­ly
3GB100 Mins*135*3#AED 105Month­ly
6GB150 Mins*135*3#AED 157.5Month­ly
2GB30 Mins*135#AED 318.5Year­ly
4GB30 Mins*135#AED 514Year­ly
6GB30 Mins*135#AED 644 Year­ly
10GB30 Mins*135#AED 904Year­ly

Year­ly plans are valid for 12 months con­tract in which cus­tomers will get 30 min­utes and pro­vid­ed data each month. To acti­vate any of the giv­en month­ly, hourly, and year­ly pack­ages on Du dial *135# or call at 155. Year­ly plans have flexi min­utes that can be used to call with­in and out­side the coun­try, while oth­er plans month­ly and hourly have local call­ing min­utes.

Du Data + Social Monthly Plans

Inter­netSocialPriceActi­va­tion Code
160MB160MBAED 21Data AED 21
200MB200MBAED 25Data AED 25
500MB500MBAED 55Data AED 55
1.1GB1.1GBAED 110Data AED 110
5GB5GBAED 220.5Data AED 210
25GB25GBAED 525Data AED 525
  • Send acti­va­tion code to 1355 (Ex: “Data AED 525” to 1355)
  • All giv­en pack­ages are valid for 1 month only
  • Social data is valid for using What­sApp, Snapchat, Face­book, Insta­gram, and GoChat.

Daily Flexi Plan

Du Dai­ly Flexi plan comes with 30MB of data and 2 dai­ly Flexi min­utes for only AED 3.15. This Flexi plan is valid for 1 day with a sub­scrip­tion USSD code is *135*3#1#. Here are the plan details:

  • Data: 30 MB
  • Flexi Calls: 2 min­utes
  • Valid­i­ty: 1 Day
  • Price: AED 3.15
  • Acti­va­tion Code: Dial *135*3#1#

Prepaid Data Packages with Free Calls

1GB600 MinsAED 150Month­ly
2GB1200 MinsAED 250Month­ly
4GB2400 MinsAED 450Month­ly
10GB5000 MinsAED 1000Month­ly

To acti­vate the spe­cial data pack­ages Send “ACT NAT phone num­ber” to 1233. Dubaisims always comes first to pro­vide you with full details about sim card pack­ages and offers in UAE. You can use the Du UAE app and web to acti­vate this pack­age. These are du inter­net pack­ages month­ly valid­i­ty start­ing price of AED 150 to AED 1000 with free call­ing min­utes.

UAE bud­get-friend­ly net­work Du has added these new pack­ages in which 600 min­utes local call­ing min­utes plan is the best. Pre­paid cus­tomers can get local 600 min­utes for only AED 150/month exclud­ing 5% VAT. If you are a pre­paid cus­tomer and look­ing for a bud­get pack­age then it is the best accord­ing to call­ing min­utes.

Prepaid Social Packages

Unlim­it­edAED 100*055*786#Month­ly
300MBAED 4.2*135#5#3#2#1 Day
200MBAED 3.15*135#5#3#2#1 Day
120MBAED 2.1*135#5#3#2#1 Day
  • What­sapp, Snapchat, Botim, Face­book, Insta­gram, and GoChat
  • To check the bal­ance send Bal to 1355
  • Dial 155 or 800155 to the helpline
  • Send “Du” to 3300 for APN Set­tings

DU Postpaid Data Only Packages

160MBAED 20Data 160MBA RMonth­ly
1GBAED 50Data 1GBA RMonth­ly
3GBAED 100Data 3GBA RMonth­ly
6GBAED 150Data 6GBA RMonth­ly
10GBAED 200Data 10GBA RMonth­ly
40GBAED 500Data 40GBA RMonth­ly
  • Send acti­va­tion code to 1355 like “Data 160MBA R” to 1355
  • 5% VAT will be applic­a­ble to the prices.
  • These pack­ages are valid for only post­paid users
  • Send ‘bal­ance’ to 1355 to check the data bal­ance

DU Booster Plans

If data is end­ed before expiry, cus­tomers can acti­vate the data boost­ers and increase the valid­i­ty of data.

8GBAED 120
12GBAED 160
  • 5% VAT will be applic­a­ble to the prices.

The boost­er plan will end accord­ing to the user data pack­age cycle.

For exam­ple, if cus­tomers have acti­vat­ed the data-only plan and it will end on 11 June then the boost­er plan will also expire on 11 June.

DU Data Only SIM Plans — Du WIFI Plans

These plans are valid on a 12-month con­tract only. Cus­tomers can avail data only sim plans for 4G, and 5G devices. If you have already a data sim, 4G or 5G Du Wifi device then you can get this offer. Here are some plans that you can acti­vate by call­ing 155 or dialling *135#.

10GBAED 179
50GBAED 279
  • Prices are includ­ing 5% VAT
  • Inter­net is usable on 4G and 5G devices
  • Prices may be dif­fer­ent for new and excit­ing cus­tomers

Du users can get more infor­ma­tion by call­ing 155 or 800 155. If you are com­ing to UAE then you can get a Du vis­i­tor sim card that is avail­able for free and start­ing from AED 30 with a pack­age. All the users can get a Du Wi-Fi vouch­er that allows cus­tomers to use the inter­net any­where in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates. These pack­ages start from AED 10 to AED 30 or above accord­ing to the area.

When the cus­tomers will get free WIFI plans, they will be able to use it any­where with­in UAE. Where Du WIFI is avail­able in pub­lic places restau­rants, hotels, parks, stores, and many oth­ers cus­tomers can use it by enter­ing their mobile num­ber.

If you need a dai­ly inter­net plan for a short time then you can sub­scribe to its 1GB dai­ly data offer that costs AED 1 only. Before buy­ing a new wifi con­nec­tion for your home or office must com­pare the prices and cost of Wifi for your home in UAE. It will help you to select a bet­ter plan and do it fast because helped more than 5 mil­lion users.

Here are some short­codes and basic knowl­edge about Du UAE:

  • Helpline Num­ber: 155 or 800 155
  • Bal­ance Check: Send “Bal­ance” to 1355
  • Pack­age Acti­vate: Dial *135#
  • Du Web­site:
  • Terms & Con­di­tions: Vis­it this link
  • Du app links:

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