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Du Daily Data Package 2 AED – Daily Data Credit Du 60MB Offer

Du Daily Data Package 2 AED

Those cus­tomers who wish to get a cheap inter­net pack­age can acti­vate the Du Dai­ly Data Pack­age 2 AED. This pack­age pro­vides 60MB of inter­net data for 24 hours. All pre­paid, new, and excit­ing cus­tomers can enjoy this pack­age any­time in the day with­out any has­sle. With these MBS, cus­tomers can enjoy free social net­works and browse the inter­net. To acti­vate this ser­vice sim­ply dial *135*11# and type 1 or send to con­firm ser­vice acti­va­tion.

Also read: DU Unlim­it­ed Data for 1 Day – Tru­ly Unlim­it­ed Inter­net Pack­age

It is a pack­age that ful­fils the needs of the users. Users can acti­vate this plan if they want cheap and short-term inter­net for email­ing or any oth­er work. 60 MB of inter­net is a small data pack­age and can be used only when need­ed. The sub­scrip­tion method is very easy and is giv­en below:

Du Daily Data Package 2 AED

Du Pre­paid Dai­ly Data Pack­age 2 AED
Pack­agePre­paid Basic Data
Data60 MB
PriceAED 2
Valid­i­ty24 Hours
Acti­va­tionDial *135*11#

Cus­tomers who have sub­scribed to this offer can use all social apps, like What­sApp, Face­book, Snapchat, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, and browse the inter­net.


All the pre­paid, new, and excit­ing cus­tomers are eli­gi­ble for a 2 AED dai­ly 60MB inter­net data plan. To acti­vate the pack­age, use the giv­en method:

  • Dial *135*11# from your phone
  • Reply with 1 to con­firm or fol­low the instruc­tions
  • The require­ment of this pack­age is hav­ing at least 2 AED; after this, it will be sub­scribed

Unsubscribe Du Daily 2 AED Data Package

Write “UNSUB” and send it to 135 to unsub­scribe. You can also deac­ti­vate the pack­age through the My Du app or by call­ing Du cus­tomer care 135.

Peo­ple also called this the Du 2 dirhams dai­ly data pack­age. Du has launched this for basic inter­net usage, like if some­one wants to browse the inter­net for a short peri­od or wants to send and receive an email while hav­ing no WiFi. Du always makes efforts to com­plete all the needs of pre­paid and post­paid users. There are many oth­er offers and pack­ages for dai­ly valid­i­ty, which are giv­en in the Du Data Pack­ages arti­cle.

Du dai­ly data pack­age of 60MB for AED 2 does not renew auto­mat­i­cal­ly because it is a one-time pack­age that is valid for 24 hours. You can dial *135*7# and stop it by acti­vat­ing it again. When you need this in the future, you can dial this code.

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