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Du BOTIM Packages — Best Du Internet Calling Plans

Du Botim Packages - Best Du Internet Calling Plans

Botim is the most used app in the UAE for call­ing, tex­ting, and social media. The gov­ern­ment of the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates has blocked What­sApp due to its pol­i­cy. Peo­ple have now start­ed using the Botim app to call their loved ones, friends, and fam­i­lies. If you are using the Du SIM and want to acti­vate the Du Botim pack­ages, here is the com­plete guide. You can learn how to acti­vate and deac­ti­vate the Botim in Du.

By using the Du inter­net call­ing pack­ages, you can also use the Botim app. With this app, you can eas­i­ly send and receive video, audio calls, voice, videos, audio mes­sages, pho­tos, and doc­u­ments. The pro­ce­dure to run the app is very sim­ple; it is done by just enter­ing the num­ber.

But to run this app, you must have an inter­net pack­age that works on local and social net­works too. Here, you can acti­vate any pack­age and use this app. These pack­ages are also called Du Inter­net call­ing plans.

Du Botim Packages: The Best Internet Calling Packs

These pack­ages are avail­able for dai­ly and month­ly sub­scrip­tions. Cus­tomers can acti­vate them accord­ing to their needs at any time with­out enter­ing into any con­tract. Just recharge your Du pre­paid SIM and acti­vate the pack­age using the giv­en meth­ods.

Du Unlimited Botim

Price: AED 52.5 Incl. 5% VAT

Data: Unlim­it­ed Botim App

Valid­i­ty: 30 Days

Acti­va­tion: Send “ICP” to 1012

How to Sub­scribe?

Send “ICP” to 1012

Du Daily Botim

Price: AED 5.25 Incl. 5% VAT

Data: 1 GB

Valid­i­ty: 30 Days

Acti­vate: Send “DICP” to 1012

How to Acti­vate?

Send “DICP” to 1012

Unlim­it­ed BotimAED 52.5Send “ICP” to 101230 Days
1GB BotimAED 5.25Send “DICP” to 10121 Day
Month­ly HomeAED 105Call 04 390 555530 Days
250+250MB SocialAED 30Dial *135#30 Days
500+500MB SocialAED 55Dial *135#30 Days
1.1GB+1.1GB SocialAED 110Dial *135#30 Days
Unlim­it­ed Emi­ratesAED 100Dial *055*786#30 Days

Du Monthly Botim Package for Prepaid and Postpaid

This pack­age is valid for both pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers. By acti­vat­ing this pack­age, cus­tomers can make video and voice calls and send or receive doc­u­ments, pic­tures, and videos. Du is offer­ing a month­ly inter­net call­ing plan for only AED 52.5, Inclu­sive of 5% VAT. To acti­vate this pack­age, send an SMS “ICP” to 1012.

Pack­ageInter­net Call­ing Plan
Inter­netUnlim­it­ed Botim
PriceAED 52.5 Inclu­sive 5% VAT
Valid­i­ty30 Days (Auto-renew­al)

How to subscribe?

Call 04 390 5555 or vis­it the web­site

How to Check Data Balance

Dial *135*35# or SMS ‘Bal’ or ‘Bal­ance’ to 1355

Du Daily Botim Package Prepaid

The dai­ly inter­net call­ing offers pro­vide 1GB of data for Botim. Cus­tomers who need an inter­net call­ing plan for a short time can acti­vate this pack­age. Only pre­paid cus­tomers can pur­chase this pack­age for AED 5.25, inclu­sive of 5% VAT. You can make video and audio calls using this pack­age from the Botim app and stay con­nect­ed with your friends and fam­i­ly.

Pack­ageDai­ly Inter­net Call­ing
Inter­net1GB for Botim
PriceAED 5.25 Inclu­sive 5% VAT
Valid­i­ty1 Day (No Auto-renew­al)

How to subscribe?

Send an SMS “DICP” to 1012, Dial *135*35# or use the Du app

How to Check Data Balance

Dial *135*35# or SMS ‘Bal’ or ‘Bal­ance’ to 1355

Du Monthly Home Internet Calling Plan

If you want to buy a good inter­net call­ing plan for your home, then you can acti­vate this pack­age. Du charges AED 105 per month for this pack­age with­out any secu­ri­ty fee or con­tract. Du’s home inter­net call­ing plan has many advan­tages, the most impor­tant of which is that you can use this plan on mul­ti­ple devices.

Pack­ageHome Inter­net Call­ing
Inter­netUnlim­it­ed Botim
PriceAED 105 Inclu­sive 5% VAT
Valid­i­ty30 Days (No Auto-renew­al)

How to subscribe?

Send an SMS “DICP” to 1012, Dial *135*35# or use the Du app

How to Check Data Balance

Dial *135*35# or SMS ‘Bal’ or ‘Bal­ance’ to 1355

If you are stay­ing in a room or hotel with more than 4 peo­ple, you can all acti­vate the same pack­age. By doing this, you will get the pack­age much cheap­er, as it is a shar­ing plan.

With the Du Home Botim pack­age, you can con­nect more than 6 mobile phones or devices. Botim can only be used while con­nect­ed to Wi-Fi. You will not be able to use the Wi-Fi if you go out­side the room or home.

How to Activate Botim in Du

You can use the Botim app by acti­vat­ing any of the above pack­ages on your SIM. For this, your mobile must be recharged accord­ing to the pack­age, after which you will be able to acti­vate it.

Fol­low this method to acti­vate the Botim app on your mobile phone:

  • Down­load and install the Botim app on Android or iPhone
  • Open the app and enter your num­ber.
  • Por­tal will send you a ver­i­fi­ca­tion code. You have to Ver­i­fy this by enter­ing OTP
  • Enter your name and set your pro­file pic­ture
  • Now you can use the Botim app.

If you already have an Inter­net con­nec­tion, then you can use the bot­tom app. If there is no active inter­net bun­dle, then you can use the Botim inter­net pack­ages on your SIM. For those who want Wi-Fi con­nec­tions at home, they must have a 5G or 4G router. If you do not have a Du router, then you have to buy one before Acti­vat­ing the pack­age.

You can deac­ti­vate any of the fol­low­ing Inter­net or Botim pack­ages by call­ing the Du helpline or dialling *135#. Sub­scribers can also use the Du app to reac­ti­vate and deac­ti­vate any pack­age in the add-ons sec­tion. Here are some more Du pack­ages that can meet your needs.

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