Posted inDu UAE

Du 1GB per Day Offer — du Daily 1GB Data Package

Du 1Gb per day offer - 1GB daily internet package

Du has launched a spe­cial offer for its pre­paid cus­tomers, which pro­vides 1GB of data per day. If you are look­ing for the Du dai­ly 1GB inter­net pack­age, then here is the com­plete infor­ma­tion avail­able. All pre­paid cus­tomers can now get the Du 1GB data pack­age for 1 day for only AED 1. If you are a pre­paid cus­tomer, then you can get this pack­age eas­i­ly using the USSD sub­scrip­tion code and the Du UAE app. All the meth­ods are avail­able here.

Du Dai­ly 1GB data offer
Pack­age1GB Data
PriceAED 1
Valid­i­ty24 Hours
Acti­va­tion Code*135*505#

How to Subscribe to Du 1GB per day offer?

The Du 1GB per day offer in 1 dirham is avail­able in the *135# menu. Pre­paid cus­tomers can sub­scribe to a 1GB dai­ly data pack­age by dial­ing *135*505#. Once the offer is acti­vat­ed, cus­tomers can use the inter­net at full high speed for 24 hours.

  • This offer is valid for all pre­paid cus­tomers
  • The offer will expire 24 hours after acti­vat­ing it
  • Du can change the offer with­out any notice, so you must check the avail­abil­i­ty of the pack­age
  • Dial *135*505# and fol­low the instruc­tions to unsub­scribe from this pack­age.

With a 1GB dai­ly inter­net pack­age, cus­tomers can use all social media apps like Face­book, What­sApp, Twit­ter, YouTube, Snapchat, Tik­Tok, and Botim app and browse all web­sites. Many peo­ple want to get the inter­net for a short time and search for 1 dirham inter­net pack­age for 1 day.

If you are look­ing for a du inter­net pack­age for watch­ing videos online and down­load­ing con­tent, this is the best offer. You can also use the Du UAE app to man­age and acti­vate any of the DU ser­vices on your SIM card. The Inter­net is the most impor­tant to com­plete the tasks and online work. If you need inter­net for a short time, you can acti­vate this pack­age by dial­ing the *135*505#.


What is the Du 1GB per Day Offer?

The Du 1GB per Day Offer is a dai­ly data pack­age that pro­vides 1GB of high-speed inter­net data for a 24-hour peri­od.

How can I sub­scribe to the Du 1GB per Day Offer?

You can sub­scribe to the Du 1GB per Day Offer by dial­ing *135*505#, send­ing an SMS with the key­word “D1” to 1355, or using the Du app to acti­vate the pack­age.

Can I sub­scribe to the Du 1GB per Day Offer mul­ti­ple times a day?

Yes, you can sub­scribe to this Offer mul­ti­ple times a day. Each sub­scrip­tion will pro­vide an addi­tion­al 1GB of data and will be valid for 24 hours from the time of acti­va­tion.

Can I can­cel the Du 1GB per Day Offer after acti­va­tion?

No, once the Du 1GB per Day Offer is acti­vat­ed, it can­not be can­celed. The pack­age will auto­mat­i­cal­ly expire after 24 hours.

Can I use the Du 1GB per Day Offer while roam­ing?

No, the Du 1GB per Day Offer is only valid for use with­in the UAE. It can­not be used while roam­ing inter­na­tion­al­ly.

Will the unused data car­ry over to the next day if I do not use all 1GB with­in 24 hours?

No, any unused data will not car­ry over to the next day. The data pack­age is valid for 24 hours only, and any remain­ing data will expire after the valid­i­ty peri­od.

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