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Best Etisalat Unlimited Data Package for AED 80 per Month

Etisalat unlimited interne data offers for prepaid and postpaid customers

Are you also look­ing for unlim­it­ed inter­net? It is very dif­fi­cult to get unlim­it­ed inter­net in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates because the inter­net of mobile com­pa­nies is very dif­fi­cult to get and most peo­ple don’t know about it. Today I am here with the Eti­salat Unlim­it­ed Inter­net pack­age for you which is avail­able at 80 dirhams per month.

Eti­salat has many oth­er inter­net offers but for heavy work, I will always rec­om­mend unlim­it­ed inter­net as it gives you com­plete free­dom to use the inter­net.

Peo­ple liv­ing in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates can take full advan­tage of this offer and will be able to make free calls along with unlim­it­ed inter­net for just AED 80 per month. This offer works as a fixed line, mean­ing you only pay a month­ly bill that is nei­ther low­er nor high­er. Now we read more about this offer

Why is the Etisalat Unlimited Data Package for AED 80 per Month Best?

In this offer, users get 1 GB of 5G inter­net which we can run on 4G and the rest of the unlim­it­ed inter­net at a speed of 64kbps. If you use the Inter­net alone, you can watch videos on social, web brows­ing and low-results.

Eti­salat is pro­vid­ing cus­tomers with 100 call min­utes on local net­works and 50 flexi min­utes in anoth­er offer. First of all, the ben­e­fit of sub­scrib­ing to this pack­age is that you can make calls to any net­work regard­less of whether it is a land­line.

Apart from this, we often have to make more calls to a sin­gle num­ber, with the help of which we also acti­vate the call pack­age, so Eti­salat 1000 gives min­utes to a fixed num­ber that you can choose the num­ber of your choice. After that, you can make calls on it for up to 1000 min­utes.

I love such offers as we use mobile phones most­ly for the inter­net and calls. If you will acti­vate a sin­gle pack­age be it inter­net or call, always try to choose a com­bo plan.

The Com­bo plan includes inter­net, calls and social data, mak­ing it easy for us to last a month. You can use social apps from this inter­net like Face­book, Twit­ter, What­sApp, YouTube, Snapchat, Tik­Tok and play online games. We also need the inter­net while going out or doing shop­ping while trans­fer­ring mon­ey online.

Here are the Eti­salat Unlim­it­ed Inter­net Plans Include Calls:

Offer NameCallsPriceInter­netValid­i­ty
Local Unlim­it­ed100 Local min­utesAED 801GB + @64Kbps Unlim­it­edMonth­ly
Flexi Unlim­it­ed50 Flexi min­utesAED 801GB + @64Kbps Unlim­it­edMonth­ly
  • Both plans include 1GB High Speed then @64Kbps Unlim­it­ed
  • Free 1000 Min­utes to 1 pre­ferred num­ber
  • The price is 5% VAT includ­ed.
  • New Con­nec­tion is Free you have to pay only month­ly charges
  • Pre­paid and Post­paid both are eli­gi­ble
  • To acti­vate it, buy a new con­nec­tion

Is Internet Unlimited?

Yes. When you buy a new con­nec­tion or acti­vate this plan, Eti­salat gives users unlim­it­ed inter­net at a fixed speed of @64Kbps. You can use the inter­net how­ev­er you want, be it social or stream­ing videos.

Who is eligible for this Connection?

All new cus­tomers are eli­gi­ble for this offer. Just go to the Eti­salat office or call the helpline to buy the New Con­trol Line Plans. This is a pre­paid and post­paid mix­ture plan and you need to buy any con­tract before buy­ing this con­nec­tion.

How to Get this Offer?

You can get this offer by buy­ing a new SIM card online from and vis­it­ing the Eti­salat office near you. If you already have a pre­paid and post­paid con­nec­tion, you can migrate to a New con­trol line con­nec­tion. To do that, call the Eti­salat helpline or use the app.

If your bud­get is good, you can choose either of these two offers. For peo­ple who are still think­ing about which SIM card and which offer they should choose, this can also serve as a choice. If you need more pre­ferred num­bers call­ing dial *555# and fol­low the instruc­tions.

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