Posted inEtisalat

Best Etisalat 24 Hours Data Package list (2024)

Etisalat 24 Hours Data Package

What are you look­ing for Eti­salat 24 hours data pack­age or dai­ly data pack­ages that cost low? Eti­salat has pro­vid­ed many offers to its pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers in which 24 hours valid­i­ty offers are also avail­able. Here, we will pro­vide you with the com­plete list of Data pack­ages valid for 1 day or 24 hours.

24 hours data pack­age prices are dif­fer­ent start­ing from AED 2.5 and social pack­ages are also includ­ed. Users can acti­vate these pack­ages when they need­ed by dialling USSD short code *101# and using the Eti­salat UAE app. Below are more details along with pack­age prices and their acti­va­tion process.

Etisalat 24 Hours Data Package List

Here is the com­plete list of all Eti­salat pre­paid local data and social data pack­ages for 24 hours.

1) AED 2.5 Daily 75 MB Pack

  • Price: AED 2.5
  • Data: 75MB Flat
  • Acti­va­tion: Dial *101# and use the Eti­salat App.
  • Unsub­scribe: Send “C DS2” to 1012

This pack­age costs AED 2.5 and pro­vides 75MB of flat inter­net data. You can also acti­vate the pack­age by dialling *101*1*1# and fol­low­ing the instruc­tions.

2) AED 4.2 Daily 150 MB Pack

  • Price: AED 4.2
  • Data Allowance: 150 MB
  • Acti­va­tion: Dial *101*1*2#
  • Unsub­scribe: Send “C DS4” to 1012

3) AED 8 Daily 250 MB Pack

  • Price: AED 8
  • Data Allowance: 250 MB
  • Acti­va­tion: Dial *101*1*3#
  • Unsub­scribe: Send “C DS8” to 1012

4) AED 15 Daily 500 MB Pack

  • Price: AED 15
  • Data Allowance: 500 MB
  • Acti­va­tion: Dial *101*1*4#
  • Unsub­scribe: Send “C DS15” to 1012

5) AED 30 Daily 1 GB Pack

  • Price: AED 30
  • Data Allowance: 1 GB
  • Acti­va­tion: Dial *101*1*5#
  • Unsub­scribe: Send “C DS30” to 1012

Etisalat 24 Hours Social Data Package List

Social pcak­ages are valid for pre­paid cus­tomers which can be use only Face­book, What­sapp, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, Snapchat, and WeChat. There no flat data avail­able so, you can­not use the whole inter­net exl­clud­ed social media apps. You can dial *101# and can sub­scribe to your favorite pack­ages.

1) AED 2.5 Daily 150 MB Social Pack

  • Price: AED 2.5
  • Data Allowance: 150 MB for social media apps
  • Acti­va­tion: Dial *101*2*1#
  • Unsub­scribe: Send “C SS2” to 1012

2) AED 4 Daily 250 MB Social Pack

  • Price: AED 4
  • Data Allowance: 250 MB for social media apps
  • Acti­va­tion: Dial *101*2*2# or use the My Eti­salat UAE app.
  • Unsub­scribe: Send “C SS4” to 1012

Etisalat 24 hours data packages comparison

Using the com­par­i­son table you can select the best pack­age accord­ing to your bud­get and need using the acti­va­tion meth­ods or dialling *101#. Check­out the lat­est prices of all dai­ly local data pack­ages:

Etisalat Local Data Package Comparison:

75MBAED 2.5
150MBAED 4.2
250MBAED 8
500MBAED 15

Etisalat Social 24 Hours Data Packages Comaprison

150MBAED 2.5
250MBAED 4.00

How to Activate Etisalat 24 Hours Data Packages?

We have giv­en the acti­tion meth­ods with each pack­age details. If you have ossue while acti­va­tion of these pack­ages, fol­low the below giv­en meth­ods:

  • Dial *101# > Select pre­paid and then data offers. Fol­low the on-screen instruc­tions to acti­vate these pack­ages.
  • Use the My Eti­salat app and select your desired pack­age then fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate the pack­age.
  • Pack­ages are also avail­able on the web­site, Vis­it the offi­cial Eti­salat web­site, Go to the data pack­ages sec­tion choose the desired pack­age and acti­vate it using the on-screen instruc­tions.

How to Check Data Balance?

To check the data bal­ance fol­low these meth­ods:

  • Dial *121# and fol­low the instruc­tions to know your data bal­ance.
  • Use the My Eti­salat UAE app to view your remain­ing data details.

Mul­ti­ple sub­scrip­tions are allowed so if you exha­suet­ed your data allowance, you can easly acti­vate anoth­er data pack­age accord­ing to your need. We have pro­vide you all 24 hours or dai­ly Eti­salat data inter­net pack­ages list. If you need more pack­ages details like week­ly, month­ly and add-on, read our arti­cle Eti­salat inter­net pack­ages. You can also search the inter­net pack­ages by price, data valid­i­ty and pack­age type on Plan Find­er.

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