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Best Dubai Internet Packages for Home: Etisalat Vs du

Best Dubai Internet Packages for Home Etisalat & du

Are you look­ing for the best Dubai inter­net pack­ages for your home? It is not dif­fi­cult to find this because there are only two inter­net ser­vice providers in Dubai: Du and Eti­salat. Both net­works offer home inter­net pack­ages in the UAE. Whether you need a new inter­net con­nec­tion for your home, want to know the cost of Wifi or inter­net or want to change providers, you can use our com­par­i­son guide.

How to get Internet Packages for Home in UAE: Etisalat and du

If you are look­ing for the best Dubai inter­net pack­ages for your home, you can quick­ly get a new con­nec­tion by apply­ing online with Eti­salat or Du. If you don’t know, here are the com­plete steps:

You must have a res­i­den­tial or Emi­rates ID to apply for a new con­nec­tion. If you haven’t, you can apply for a new con­nec­tion using your fam­i­ly mem­bers, friends, and busi­ness part­ners, who will take com­plete respon­si­bil­i­ty for this. You must pay an advance or acti­va­tion fee for a new home con­nec­tion.

If you are already a mem­ber of Eti­salat or Du, you can get WiFi for your home with­out any require­ments. You have to apply for a new con­nec­tion, and you will receive a WiFi router or a data SIM card at your home with­in 24 hours.

The poli­cies for res­i­dents and non-res­i­dents are dif­fer­ent in the UAE. If you are a vis­i­tor or come to the UAE for work, then you have to pro­vide com­plete doc­u­ments, which are giv­en below:

  • Your Orig­i­nal Pass­port
  • Work per­mit or Con­tract
  • Visa
  • Emi­rates ID
  • An advance-fee of a min­i­mum of AED 200–500 (depend­ing on the con­nec­tion)
  • Busi­ness Own­ers need a cer­tifi­cate or reg­is­tra­tion copy.

Both com­pa­nies, Eti­salat and Du, pro­vide 4G and 5G WiFi routers for home con­nec­tions. So, any­one can get this and use it any­where in the UAE.

Remem­ber that you can­not move your device from one loca­tion to anoth­er after acti­vat­ing the con­nec­tion. Doing this will lock your inter­net con­nec­tion, and you must call the inter­net provider to update or change the loca­tion.

I am show­ing you all the home inter­net plans, includ­ing val­ue-added ser­vices like TV, call­ing, and much more. Both providers offer fibre and WiFi inter­net ser­vices on a 12-month con­tract, but Du has con­tract and non-con­tract plans for all cus­tomers.

Etisalat Home Internet Packages

Eti­salat is one of the best and largest tele­com net­works in the UAE, pro­vid­ing pre­paid, post­paid, TV, WIFI, and broad­band ser­vices. You can get an inter­net con­nec­tion for your home, office, or work­place any­where in the coun­try.

Etisalat UAE Home Internet Plans
Best Dubai Inter­net Pack­ages for Home Eti­salat & du

The com­pa­ny has 5G high-speed inter­net ser­vices with fibre and WiFi. Eti­salat has eLife plans, includ­ing free TV ser­vices and many add-ons. Prices are dif­fer­ent in each area or city.

The com­pa­ny also offers wire­less home plans with unlim­it­ed inter­net and no hid­den charges. There are many resellers in the coun­try whose prices are dif­fer­ent.

Home Inter­net con­nec­tions start at AED 299 per month with many ben­e­fits like free land­line call­ing, 200+ pre­mi­um TV chan­nels, No advance, No secu­ri­ty, and No doc­u­ments required. New cus­tomers can get this con­nec­tion by pay­ing only AED 299 once; after this, they can enjoy all the ben­e­fits.

You can com­pare all the Eti­salat home inter­net plans and select one accord­ing to your needs.

Etisalat eLife Plans

eLife Lite 12299 AED12 MbpsFree Cord­less Phone
eLife Ultra Starter429 AED500 Mbps187+ HD TV Chan­nels: Bein, Starz­play, Pre­mi­um Ama­zon Prime, smiles
eLife Ultra Sports699 AED750 Mbps262+ HD TV Chan­nels: Bein, Starz­play, and Cri­i­iclife, Pre­mi­um Ama­zon Prime, smiles
eLife Ultra Fusion999 AED1 Gbps300+ HD TV Chan­nels Bein, OSN, Starz­play, and Cri­i­iclife, Pre­mi­um Ama­zon Prime, smiles
eLife Unlim­it­ed Sports649 AED500 Mbps262+ HD TV Chan­nels: Sports or
Enter­tain­ment + Bein
eLife Unlim­it­ed Starter389 AED250 Mbps187+ HD TV Chan­nels
  • All pack­age prices exclude 5% VAT.


  • Free Call To UAE Land­lines
  • Free Instal­la­tion
  • 4K TV Box
  • Wi-Fi Router
  • On-Demand Movies and Region­al TV

Etisalat WIFI Packages

You can acti­vate any of these pack­ages with­out any instal­la­tion charges. Please note that the prices of these pack­ages can change depend­ing on time and area. If you need WiFi plans, you can use these:

100Mbps12 months4G RouterAED 199
300Mbps12 months5G RouterAED 299
  • All pack­age prices exclude 5% VAT.
  • Prices are for a lim­it­ed time or for new cus­tomers.
  • Pack­ages are avail­able on a 12-month con­tract.

You do not need to pro­vide secu­ri­ty fees, instal­la­tion charges, or doc­u­ments. If you have an Emi­rates ID, you can get the new con­nec­tion with­in 24 hours by pay­ing the first month fee.

Du Home Internet Packages

Du is the UAE’s sec­ond-largest tele­com net­work, pro­vid­ing mobile phones, fibre, and WIFI ser­vices. You can com­pare Du and Eti­salat plans and select the best pack­age or net­work accord­ing to your bud­get and needs.

Du home internet packages

All new and excit­ing cus­tomers can get this con­nec­tion start­ing at AED 299 per month, includ­ing a WiFi router. The Du 5G net­work cov­er­age is amaz­ing and avail­able in over 80% of areas. Du has the best-val­ue home plans, offer­ing local land­line calls, pre­mi­um TV chan­nels, and ultra-high-speed inter­net.

If 5G is avail­able in your area, you can use it with­out has­sle. All pack­ages and ser­vices pro­vide unlim­it­ed inter­net data with add-ons like free Ama­zon Prime, TV chan­nels, land­line calls, and much more.

Here is the com­plete infor­ma­tion about Du Home Fibre and Wi-Fi pack­ages. Du has the best Dubai inter­net pack­ages for homes for new and excit­ing cus­tomers, with 5G speed and unlim­it­ed down­loads.

250MBPS24 monthsAED 389Advanced WiFi Router
OSN+HDTV Receiv­er
800MBPS24 monthsAED 529Pre­mi­um WIFI Router Ent Pack: 19 Chan­nels, Pre­mi­um TV and HDTV Receiv­er
1Gbps24 monthsAED 505Pre­mi­um WIFI Router Ent Pack: 19 Chan­nels, Pre­mi­um TV and HDTV Receiv­er
1Gbps24 monthsAED 1005Ulti­mate WIFI Router Ent Pack: 19 Chan­nels, Pre­mi­um TV, Essen­tial TV, and 2 HDTV Receivers

These pack­ages are avail­able on 24-month con­tracts, and prices include 5% VAT. Those cus­tomers who don’t want TV chan­nels and want only inter­net deals can acti­vate Du’s month­ly 199 AED plan.

This plan pro­vides unlim­it­ed inter­net data with no lim­its or peak hours. The pack­ages above include a WiFi router or unlim­it­ed month­ly land­line calls of up to 2000 min­utes.

Du Cheap Unlimited Home Internet packages

If you need the cheap­est data offers for your home, then you can buy these offers. These pack­ages do not have free TV chan­nels or extra add-ons; cus­tomers can get them with or with­out a con­tract. If new cus­tomers want to get these plans with a 12-month con­tract, they can get amaz­ing dis­counts from the com­pa­ny.

Home Light StarterAED 29910Mbps
Home Light BasicAED 34920Mbps
Home Light AdvanceAED 39930Mbps
Home Light ulti­mateAED 699100Mbps

The Basic, Advanced, and Ulti­mate pack­ages include 12 months of Ama­zon Prime. With the Home Light Ulti­mate plan, cus­tomers will get an advanced 5G WiFi router and a 10% dis­count on a 12-month con­tract.

Landline Calling Rates

Land­line calls have three time peri­ods.

  • Peak: Sat­ur­day to Thurs­day, 9 a.m.–9 p.m.
  • Low rate: Fri­day, 9 a.m.–9 p.m.
  • Off-peak: Sat­ur­day to Fri­day, 9 p.m.–9 a.m.

Here are the details of Du’s call­ing rates:

  • Local Calls: Free
  • Nation­al Calls: 0.25 fils/sec
  • Nation­al Lines: 0.5 fils/sec

What do you need to get a new connection to Du Home WiFi?

Users can apply for a new WiFi con­nec­tion through the app or web­site. New cus­tomers need some doc­u­ments before apply­ing for a new con­nec­tion.

  • Emi­rates ID (Front and Back)
  • Proof of res­i­den­cy (ten­an­cy con­tract or util­i­ty bill)

Prices after Ending Contract

Users can avail them­selves of up to a 10% dis­count on acti­vat­ing any Du pack­age. After the con­tract is com­plet­ed, when the user renews the inter­net again, he has to pay 20 dirhams more.

Let’s say you acti­vat­ed the 389 dirham pack­age, and after it expires, you have to pay 20 dirhams extra to reac­ti­vate it, which is 409 dirhams. To con­tin­ue with the same pack­age at the same price, you must renew before the com­ment ends.

Which are the Best Dubai Internet Packages for home?

It depends on your needs and bud­get. If you want a non-con­tract plan, you can con­tin­ue using the Du 299 AED plan, which pro­vides unlim­it­ed month­ly data. We have added all the best Dubai inter­net pack­ages for home, which you can select after com­par­i­son.

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